FenirWolf's Comics 07/20/05 - More Conversations that suck
07/20/05 - Conversations in the key of stupid!
02/27/05 - I have this problem with vending machines too :p
02/27/05 - Sarcasm, or the end of a charater...you decide.
02/27/05 - Melodrama at it's finest.
12/06/04 - Sometimes I can be a sick bastard!
12/06/04 - Why oh why didn't they take the blue pill
12/06/04 - That's the spirit!
10/09/04 - 2 down one to go!
10/09/04 - Jealous Much?
10/09/04 - Watashi Ga iseebie porko
10/09/04 - Why I shouldn't be allowed near a con!
10/09/04 - Well he does.
10/05/04 - Sending our ships to port!
10/05/04 - Men are from...well you know
10/05/04 - When Jokes Go To Far
10/05/04 - Scientific Research
10/04/04 - reality or fantasy?
10/04/04 - should these things be combined?
08/24/04 - My crazy dreams pt 2
08/24/04 - My crazy dreams!
08/24/04 - um...Bang?
08/23/04 - Eat them up yum!
08/23/04 - All my friends are creepy I swear.
08/23/04 - Side Car
06/05/04 - infant sex!!!
06/05/04 - Gotcha
06/05/04 - Untitled
03/16/04 - Nutzo Alert
03/16/04 - So We Tell them!
03/16/04 - Who we are...
03/15/04 - Point Given!!!
03/15/04 - I so shouldn't be proud of this.
03/15/04 - Poop!
03/15/04 - Not the best timed plan in the world
03/15/04 - Don't Quote me on this
02/06/04 - Ampichino...cute but what is it!
02/06/04 - Sometimes yes means no, and no mean oh God the pain.
02/06/04 - Someday something will go right
02/05/04 - Sport
02/04/04 - De clunibus magnis amandis oratio Mixaloti equitis
02/04/04 - I bounce back fast...or love is in the air.
02/04/04 - I can't tell...can you?
02/04/04 - Coolest guy my ass
02/04/04 - My Timing is horrible
01/17/04 - It puts the lotion in the basket
01/17/04 - Love is in the timing!
01/17/04 - Unrequited Pain
01/17/04 - New Candy made by Hershey
01/17/04 - She must
01/16/04 - Meet Hair's friends
01/16/04 - Enter Neese
12/21/03 - Pep Talk
12/05/03 - ...and still masterbating at work
12/05/03 - Pal's triumphant return...
12/05/03 - annoying
11/22/03 - Carefull who you pray to
11/22/03 - Rap Lyrics explained: Volume 1
11/17/03 - Ashes to Ashes
11/17/03 - Where Logic fears to tread PT. 3
11/17/03 - Where logic fears to tread!
11/17/03 - Where logic fears to tread pt. 1
11/17/03 - If it ever comes to this please kill me
11/17/03 - Well at least I know they care
11/17/03 - Pal vs Hair!
11/17/03 - Don't you hate it when other people see your body as garbage
11/17/03 - Let me try that again
11/17/03 - Remember to use puns safely
11/17/03 - Don't ask, Don't tell!!!
11/17/03 - Funeral Arangements
11/17/03 - And so Pal is dead!
11/17/03 - Save me Hair!
11/16/03 - Everyone Knows Bill Gates is Evil and not Stupid!
11/16/03 - Here comes Bill Gates.
11/16/03 - Yeah...where is Satan???
11/16/03 - Jesus vs. Pal
11/16/03 - On second thought Hell wouldn't even take me.
11/16/03 - I am going to hell I know it!
11/16/03 - The Sacreligiousness continues
11/16/03 - As Sacreligious as they come!
11/16/03 - Pal's damn side comics or I'll get the hang of this someday.
11/16/03 - Glad to see my friends have their priorities straight.
11/16/03 - Only in my life...pt 2
11/16/03 - Only in my life, only in mine...
11/16/03 - This explains that random speaking in my last strip.
11/16/03 - I'm sorry, I'll try to be nicer next time.
11/16/03 - I'm not jaded, just too observant for my own good.
11/16/03 - Women are crazy...duh!
11/15/03 - I love my coworkers...really
11/15/03 - Work suck, with receptionists.
11/15/03 - Work Sucks...Here is Why Pt. 2
11/15/03 - Work Sucks...Here is Why
11/15/03 - What My Coworkers Do At Work Is None Of My Business