Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I am just your average joe, who works as a telephone sales rep, for various drug companies. All the charaters in my strips are loosly based on several aspects of several of my friends, names have been changed to protect the innocent. One exceptinon...I am Snow, Snow is not an aspect of me Snow pretty much does what I would do...and says what I wish I could say.
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by FenirWolf
cue the banging music.
magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri!quis enim, consortes mei, non fateatur,
cum puella incedit minore medio corporesub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos!
virtute praestare ut velitis, notantes bracas eiusclunibus profunde fartas esse!
a! captus sum, nec desinere intueri possum.pingereque picturam tui.
Original madness will continue later.
To make sense of this comic, you have to speak latin, know your rap lyrics and be as weird as the person who posted this.
I can not take credit for this was taken from quislibet's live journal
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