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| You know, I think that Kevin Smith should just really relax on Jay and Silent Bob. Seriously, Chasing Amy did well without them for an hour and 40 minutes. | |
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| Dude, you should quit speaking such blasphemy. Jay and Silent Bob are the epitome of everything that is stoner and goofy. They've been my idols for years, and I'm not just about to let that all go. | |
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| Dammit, can't you listen to reason? Jersey Girl is going to be a successful comedy drama without those two whether you like it or not. Face it, they're not the only guys Smith knows how to manage. | |
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| Unless you can fill that movie with farts, drugs, Jay talking about his ass and Silent Bob saying at least one hilarious one-liner per movie, there is no way in Hell I will see it. | |
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| I think, without a doubt, you are the most one-minded immortal being I've ever had the displeasure to meet. | |
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| Just because I reap human souls like they were wheat doesn't mean I can't be a boner about movies. So shut up. | |
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