Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by FlamingJesus
Now, for some Pa-pa-pa----POETRY.
Um, alright. Go for it
Skatta Skatta Ska! Bop boop beep ba boo! ...LIFE..batta bee bo ska ska see. ...IS.. cappo ma ma ma beat doo doo dwa! ...BUT... seep do wap wap wee zing pow pa pow we...A...
This sounds kinda familier. hmmmm
Wiggidy wiggidy wack wack wack. seeep do dot bet boo ba ding dwee ma coo coo slip asp kippa kip do dipp dipp mink min boo bop........ DREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM! thank you.
FINALLY! i can see the light!
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