Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Welcome, and good morrow! Burning Ricardo here, or as some may know me on GameFAQs, jonahadkins22187. Why I registered for this, I do not know. Just be forewarned: The views and opinions expressed by my comics do NOT reflect the opinions of anyone with a pulse. Thank you.
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by FlamingRicardo
Ma'am? Got a call sayin' you needed a tree cut down?
Beg your pardon? I know of no tree on my property that needs cutting down.
Exactly. You seem to not understand the premise, here. Check out my color scheme and disposition. Grey. Melancohly. SINISTER. Do you understand where I'm going with this?
I think so.....
Alright...I don't think you're getting this. You scream, I clasp my hand over your mouth, and THEN you take a shot at my groin. No running just yet.
Look, I'm kinda new at this "cloak and dagger" shit, alright?
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