We find Retardo boy at the police precinct trying to read a letter...
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| Aww...I...what...?...can't figure...it out... | |
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| 'ey! 'EY YOU! Yeah you, the retarded one! What the 'ell do ye think yer doin'?! | |
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| I'm...um...what was I doing? Oh...yeah...I was trying to read a letter I found... | |
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| Well, boy, lemme see it, I might be able ter read it for ye... | |
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Sigh, Retardo boy, will you ever learn?
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| Ummm...okay...here ya go...what were we talking about? | |
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| Don' be daft boy...lemme see...DEAR LORD BOY, THIS IS AND FOR AD FOR A 'OOKER! A 'OOKER! Alrigh', yer ter come with me... | |
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