Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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New Media student currently enrolled as a Junior at Texas A&M Commerce. Classes: Basic Photography I, Drawing I, Two-Dimensional Design, and the History of Modern Art.
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by FurySpawN
Yarr, this be how it's done, lads and lassies. FUEGO!
The next faculty meeting I'm giving them bloody hell.
Yarr, so besides being super-cool and über-powerful, I'm extremely suave.
Everybody is always trying to hack my style.
Yeah, so I'm thinking you're good for Anakin Solo in Episode 13. I'm having trouble with your take on the character though. You can't run around massacring Jawas. Tusken maybe. More whining, too.
Dude, don't even mess with me, Lucas. I am not your average fanboy.
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