Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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New Media student currently enrolled as a Junior at Texas A&M Commerce. Classes: Basic Photography I, Drawing I, Two-Dimensional Design, and the History of Modern Art.
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by FurySpawN
The next day, while walking home, our hero is confronted by a sniveling tweenie.
Dude, I need to get by. Move, please.
Hey, man, *sniffle*, can you give me $10? I need to buy some batteries for my NGage.
No. Shinde kudasai.
Hey! I asked nice! Gimme all your money now, or I...I'll hurt you. I'll hurt you bad!
Your mommy's gonna be mad when she has to wash your shirt.
I'll chop you up with my authentic Lich-mage death-scythe! Look it even has "real" blood on it!
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