A Very Important Meeting For The Sake Of The Goodness of AvP
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| FearItself says, 'Prism, I want you to stop the players of AvP from saying words that would offend homosexuals.' | |
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| Prism says, 'Yes Yes God! I mean Fear. Anything you say!' | |
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After a month, Prism returns to speak with FearItself.
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| FearItself asks, 'What do you want now, Prism?' | |
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| Prism asks, 'Well God, I mean Fear, I've been enforcing the no homosexual innuendo rule, and was wondering, what must I do to get admin?' | |
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Surprisingly, FearItself transforms into his true form and changes Prism into a Small Asian Girl!
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| FearItself exclaims, 'On your knees, my little chop stick!' | |
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| Prism exclaims, 'Oh yes, anything you say, my Prince of Darkness!' | |
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