Another Staff Meeting Between FearItself and Prism.
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| FearItself says, "What is it that you want now, Prism?' | |
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| Prism says, 'I'm tired of not being treated with respect, how am I supposted to be respected when you've turned me into a little Asian girl? I demand to be changed to my original form!' | |
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In Anger, Fear Let's His Wrath Free On Prism!
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| FearItself exclaims, 'What?! How dare you defy me! If I want you to be a little Asian girl, you will be a little Asian girl, I'm in control! Do you understand!?! Now, you will be punished!' | |
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| Prism exclaims, 'Oh wait God, I mean Fear, stop, I'm sorry! AHH!' | |
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| FearItself exclaims, 'Now your love for nuts will seem natural! HAHAHAHA! | |
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| Prism asks, "Uh, could I go back to being a little Asian girl?' | |
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