A Newbie Makes the Mistake of Asking Fx for Help...
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| Suicidalnewbie says, 'Hey, Fx, I'm new, can you help me? Hey Fx, I'm new, can you help me? Hey Fx, I'm new, can you help me? Hey Fx, I'm new, can you help me?' | |
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| Fx says, 'Of course, follow me, and I will get you all the mp you will ever need.' | |
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Fx Leads the Unsuspecting Newbie out of the Safe Room...
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| Suicidalnewbie says, 'Uhh, where are we Fx, how am I supposted to get exp here?' | |
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| Fx says, 'Don't worry, I'll show you.' | |
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The Unsuspecting Newbie Has No Idea of Fx's Plan...
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| Suicidalnewbie says, 'What's happening to me?!' | |
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