MBB and his various personalities are out for a drink. Sadly, he/she/they find him/her/themselves alone (this PC grammar stuff is nonsense. Ed)
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| Where are all my friends? | |
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| We've abused, scared or killed most of them | |
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The Banjo personalities decide to entertain themselves...
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| She was only the fishmonger's daughter..but she lay on the slab and said fillet....boom boom | |
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| I don't like this 'me' at all...My Nurse Banjo has no nose...because I cut it off...hahahaha | |
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As the two main personalities duke it out for dominance, a new and more disturbing persona emerges from the fractured psyche of Madam Banjo Banjo...
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| mmm...mmm....smear you with fish I will...my little fishy wishy... | |
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