Russ the puppet appears to have escaped from MBB's planned cock puppetry. Strangely, he also finds he has his strings once more...perhaps this is not a good thing..'in THE HOUSE OF BANJO'...
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| Phew...that was close. Oh poo, Nurse Banjo has found me... | |
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| Oh Russ the puppet..there you are...time to play a new game: either 1) Death or 2) The Boudoir of Nurse Banjo... | |
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One of Nurse Banjo's truly evil traits is in believing s/he is an undiscovered comedian. Northern comedians have been known to cry at the thought of MBB doing his 'set'...
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| Death...there is no choice... | |
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| HA! Death by the boudoir of Nurse Banjo! | |
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sadly for Russ the Puppet it seems Nurse Banjo shall be playing to a packed house once more...
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| Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | |
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| that's wide, dear boy, open wide.... | |
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