Fie and Woe! We have created a monster...well, more of a monster. Fame and success has gone to MBB's head; not satisfied with us 'plebs' (topical!) any longer..La Banjo hunts more famous prey...
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| 'ere, Harry Potter...a Wizard's Staff has a nob at the end! | |
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| I'm Daniel legs, my legs..what have you done to my legs | |
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Drunk with power, no one can stop the rampage. No one is safe from the material! NO ONE. God help us all...
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| So, the wife says knock two rooms together, so I knocked down the ceiling..Anway, I do a great cockney accent! | |
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| (Alistair McGowan - for 'tis he!) I have money, please stop... | |
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Pehaps some good can come of combining MBB's talent for serial killing, comedy and celebrity stalking. Which famous person deserves to be Banjoed?
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| Ah! John Terry! we're all the same underneath the skin, matey, and your's will do nicely for a dress! | |
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| Boo Hoo! (Ed. trying to imagine JT saying Boo Hoo...) | |
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