I cannot believe girls will not just shut up. UNTILL YOUR FAMILY STARVES TO DEATH JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
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| Well today I will be talking about why girls need to just shut the fuck up. | |
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| Today on Discussions With Bob: Why girls need to shut up. | |
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First of all I am not sexist I just hate bitches that don't know how to just shut up. I wanted to walk over there and give her a beating.
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| First of all drama queens are on the top of the list. Just the other day I'm sitting peacefully while some dumb bitch won't shut up. | |
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| OMG!~ im so sad today was suppost to be special and "he" forgot, i woke up all eirly and....bitch, bitch, bitch.. | |
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Another type of girl that won't just shut up are the one's that think their gangster? aka. "the shit?". I say they act that way because of lack of disipline which we shall be discussing next time.
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| Well anyways this stupid bitch, that has what looks like paint for eyebrows, couldnt shut up. Talking about what? What they were going to do after school? try planning for college. | |
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| *This is the rest of the story* This girl was talking untill she was slaped in the face to shut up by the teacher. Wow, that is one teacher that has gained my respect kudos to you. | |
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