Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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The Stick Man Series! The Stick Man to Stickman 9: The New Saga!
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by Gat
Suddenly, Stickman Punched Bacon Man Head, This enrages him, he goes to goes to his super grease form A.K.A Super Bacon Man!
Uh...Why the Heck, Did you just Blow up the city?
City Not Greasy Enough! Me Eat Weird Man's Flesh because you not Greasy!
Stickman Just Hit's Bacon Man with his Hammer, But there's no effect, Bacon Man Fires a Wave of Grease at Stick Man, But Stick Man Edvades it, and Hits off a Chunk of Bacon Man.
Did You Just Sweat so Hard you got Greasier and Stronger?
Uh...Me Kill You Now! You No Deserve to Live without Grease! I in Bacon Block! The Lair where every thing is greasy! Except Humans! Muwahahahaha!
Bacon Man Breaks the Fourth Wall!
How Ya Like Meh Now?
Why Would Bacon Want to be eaten by you? This fight is Making no sense! Why don't we just get to the Plot of the Comic?
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