This comic is getting weird.
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| So, were off...and i have no idea where we are going! | |
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| Me either, So let's go wherever the heck we want! | |
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So this mean's Stick Man would be 27 by now, Bacon Man is 23 and the other guy is 19.
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| So, is this an Indian Land? There Guests in America aren't they? They've been around since 2055? It is 2056 hear you know that right? | |
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| Yeah....Oh Crap! I Just remembered this is where Indian Chefs plan to bake bacon! They've been after me since 2037! | |
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Bacon Man Fires Bacon at The Indian Chef but The Chef Holds Him down, To Be Continued...This Comic is still Getting Really Weird
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| Ahhh! i must kill Him Before he kills me! Super Fist of the Bacon! | |
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| Hey! It's that Bacon i wanted to try out, He's huge! Let's Cook'em! Super Fist of the Kitchen! Heating the Stove! | |
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