Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I just got this. Let me work on some thing clever to put here.
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by GreatMonkeyGod
You ever get that painfull feeling when you bang your balls into something. That REALLY hurts, doesn't it. I did it earlier today and I still feel it. It's like I want to die.
I didn't really bang it on anything. You see what happened is I turned the heater on high and the room got really hot. I was by myself, so I took my clothes off. No, I wasn't touching myself, pervert.
I'm thinking about it.
It was really warm, and, you know, when it's warm the scrotum hangs down low. I was getting into my seat too fast and my scrotum was in the way and... squish... Well, it didn't really make that sound.
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