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| dud3z0rz, ch3ck ou7 this l33t pr0n!! | |
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| Guys, please, stop the pr0n discussion now. | |
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Type 2: The Slightly Irate Op
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| th15 is teh m0st am4z1ngly l33t pr0n i 3v3r s33n! and i s33n a l0t 0f pr0n! | |
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| !k l33t5p34k1nFr34k Learn English and stop talking about pr0n. | |
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Type 3: The #naturalselection Op
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| dud3z0rs, g0 t0 www.pr0n.com and s33 f0r y0urs3lf! its l33t!! | |
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| I really didn't want it to come to this... Oh, wait, yes I did. | |
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