So my friends have changed over the summer. By changed, I mean, I have a lot more incredibly hot female friends. Like Brittany and Sara.
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| Hey! I'm really addicted to Harry Potter, and I'm dressed like a nun, because that was my role in the musical Blake and I were in. | |
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| Hi, I have some of the best taste in music, but I'm away so often that I hardly ever talk. Also, I'm about two feet shorter than Blake. | |
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And then Brooke and Steph.
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| OMGHAI. Blakersfieldtonvillewafflehouseblues. | |
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| Hey, let's go out and do something. Uh.. The only problem is, we have nothing to do in this town. | |
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And I've been speaking to Kate and Stephanie again. (Both are ex-girlfriends)
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| Yeah, so I don't hate you anymore, Loser! | |
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