Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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After taking life a bit more seriously, I realized one thing, my humor from the year 2003 sucks. Hopefully its better now. Well, I'm just going to make comics to express my opinion. I have been obsessed with the Paranormal and Conspiracy field lately, unlike 2003. I'm also anti-Bush Administration. 2003 are usually comics are about the dkvine ( ) forums.
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A creature shoots a drunk in the Mental Institution
Yeah! How you feel now bitch?
Suddenly, the creature explodes.
Hours later, police get to the scene of the crime.
Well, this is a very odd. There is this dead drunk guy and these peices of some body after it exploded.
I found this body right here. It was pretty fucking scary! Now if you mind, I'm going to attempt to kill myself and fail miserably.
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