Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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I has book. I is been published, cuz write good I does.

Search Amazon for "Unbalanced Scales" or "Steam and Steel: Thirteen Riveting Tales" if you want to check them out.

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by HCRoyall
Luke, you successfully disarm the trap and unlock the chest. There is nothing inside it, unfortunately.
Who goes through all the trouble to lock a chest with a masterwork lock and set a trap with black lotus poison if there isn't even anything in it?
The same type of person who fills his lair with evil mutated chipmunks and woodchucks like the ones you've been fighting for the past hour.
Besides, I've been looking for a place to hide your corpse when I kill you and take your stuff.
Sometimes I really hate this campaign.
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Game Night 2

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HCRoyall says:

Dungeon crawls are full of things that don't make sense. I mean, sure the place is filled with goblins. But what do they EAT?
posted Nov 14th, 2007 ( permalink )

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