Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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The Working Years
Hey Lily. I heard about your meeting
with principal Freak. You ok?
Lily? Hellloooo. You in there? What are you thinking about?
Oh nothing.
Hatrix's Comics
01/25/09 - Pharmaco-logic
12/19/08 - Sympathy
11/25/08 - That Would Explain A Lot
11/09/08 - Professor Know It All
11/09/08 - Grandma Got Run Over
11/09/08 - Fair Is Fair
11/08/08 - Xmas Traditions - Hallmark Conspiracy 2
11/08/08 - Xmas Traditions - The Hallmark Conspiracy
11/08/08 - Xmas Traditions and Presents!
11/08/08 - Xmas Traditions - Childhood Memories
11/08/08 - Xmas Traditions
11/08/08 - Back Seat Stripping
11/08/08 - Jebus and Pals
11/08/08 - With Friends Like These
11/08/08 - Cosmic Cut Up
11/07/08 - Occupation or Hobby?
11/07/08 - Secret Santa Is Cancelled
11/07/08 - The Theory of M
11/07/08 - Makes Sense
11/06/08 - Net Gain
11/04/08 - Wishlist
11/03/08 - Precious Xmas Memories
11/02/08 - Potato PoTAAAAAAAAAHHHto!
10/31/08 - Scary
10/31/08 - Arrrgh!
10/10/08 - Unrequited
10/07/08 - Bummer
10/07/08 - Author Unknown
10/04/08 - Fifty First Dates
09/29/08 - WW#61: Seventh Layer of Sublet
09/29/08 - WW#61 - Sublet from Heck
09/29/08 - WW#61 - Summer of Sublet
09/01/08 - Sarcastomatic
08/30/08 - Confessions of an Indoor Cat
08/30/08 - Polit-tainment
08/30/08 - VP Eating Habits
08/29/08 - mcstunned
08/16/08 - Vic and Tim
07/24/08 - Small Mercies
07/24/08 - Cat Lady Construction Set
07/16/08 - By Jove I Think He's Got It
07/16/08 - Hume-erous
07/12/08 - Similaritude [Inspired by C7M]
07/03/08 - Sydney Prepares For Papal Visit
07/01/08 - Happy Canada Day!
06/23/08 - Teeny Tiny Tribute
06/17/08 - Fowl Language
06/17/08 - Pedia-phile
06/04/08 - Life In Three Panels
06/02/08 - Strip Creator Goes Offline
05/25/08 - Pixxxar's A Porn Story
05/25/08 - Don't Let This Happen To You!
05/24/08 - Bday Pun-ishment [Consider This Your Spanking!]
05/24/08 - Old Family Recipe
05/22/08 - Machinations 3
05/22/08 - Machinations 2
05/22/08 - Machinations
05/22/08 - Deductive Reasoning
05/22/08 - Misogyny 101
05/22/08 - Library Limbo
05/20/08 - WW56: Worst Time To Get The Hiccups
05/20/08 - RCD 23: Live At The Server Room
05/20/08 - WW56: Worst Time For The Drugs To Kick In
05/20/08 - WW56: Unfortunately Timed Flatulence
05/20/08 - Super Happy Fun Time Park
05/17/08 - Easy Access!
05/17/08 - You Are So Totally Freaking Fired
05/17/08 - A Tool For Every Job
05/17/08 - Fun Da Mental!
05/17/08 - My Cat: Super Wimp
05/17/08 - Why LOL Catz R Only 1un PanL
05/17/08 - Existential Bonus Round
05/17/08 - Birthday Logic
05/17/08 - Stop Me If You've Heard This.. .Oh You Have?
05/16/08 - With Friends Like These...2
05/16/08 - With Friends Like These...
05/15/08 - Works Well... Not With Others
05/15/08 - Every Session Of Sims 2 Ever Played In 3 Panels
05/15/08 - Bend Dover Co.
05/15/08 - FTC 136: And What's With Strawberry Banana?
05/14/08 - Out Of A Job
05/14/08 - Hill Arious
05/13/08 - Watch Your Fingers
05/13/08 - Not A Team Player
05/09/08 - Temper Tempaaaahhhh!
05/09/08 - Temper Temper 5
05/09/08 - Temper Temper 4
05/09/08 - Temper Temper 3
05/09/08 - Temper Temper 2
05/09/08 - Temper Temper
04/30/08 - Out Of Body Experience
04/30/08 - Not Exactly In Memorium
04/29/08 - Scythe Envy
04/29/08 - Like Flypaper!
04/29/08 - The Answer To Everything
04/29/08 - Ingmar Bergman's 'Stripcreator'
04/19/08 - Hazardous Working Conditions
04/18/08 - Love What You've Done With The Place
04/15/08 - A Meeting Of Top Advisors
04/15/08 - Head Of The Class
04/14/08 - Need A Wipe?
04/13/08 - *Twitch* *Twitch*
04/13/08 - It Follows Logically That...
04/10/08 - Ur-ine Trouble Now
03/22/08 - You Should See The Chicken
03/10/08 - Whatever You Do... Keep Shopping!
03/07/08 - You Gotta Have Priorities
02/27/08 - Technowhere - Is It Deductible?
02/27/08 - Technowhere - Backwoods Tech Hell
02/27/08 - Technowhere
02/21/08 - Dude Where's My Halo?
02/21/08 - Natural Selection
02/14/08 - V Day - Post Modern Yuppie Social Climbing Suck
02/14/08 - V Day - Sounds A Lot Like VD
02/14/08 - V Day - Love Is War [And Suck]
02/14/08 - V Day - Early Suck
02/14/08 - Slow Burn
12/24/07 - To Everybody... From Me
11/25/07 - No Lines No Waiting
11/22/07 - Inlaws & Outlaws: Turkey Day
10/23/07 - Agoraphobia
10/13/07 - RCD #9: Family Reunion
10/12/07 - Officer Oblivious
10/10/07 - 10-10-07
10/04/07 - RCD #8: How Does That Make You Feel?
10/04/07 - RCD #8: Manga
10/04/07 - Happy Place [edit]
10/04/07 - Lucky
09/30/07 - Last Laugh
09/30/07 - Those Who Can't...
09/30/07 - Things You Learn
09/27/07 - Polishing The Turd
09/26/07 - No Sudden Moves
09/26/07 - Cause And Effect
09/25/07 - Cat: Love/Hate 2
09/25/07 - Cat: Love/Hate
09/25/07 - Toilet Humor
09/19/07 - Cat: Stealth Mode Needs Work
09/19/07 - Batten Down The Hatches!
09/17/07 - FTC: 117 Permanently Banned From The Arcade
09/16/07 - Bleedin' Wanker
09/16/07 - RE: Your Promotion
09/16/07 - Anger Management Inc.
09/16/07 - CC: 368 Is That IT?
09/16/07 - CC: 368 Taa Daaaaa!
09/16/07 - CC: 368 The Quarterback Is Toast
09/15/07 - Penis!
09/15/07 - RCD #6: Sicko
09/15/07 - Sacrilicious
09/15/07 - FTC #117: Next Is Show And Tell
09/13/07 - From The Rubber Band Happiness Institute
09/09/07 - Short Horror
09/08/07 - You Need A Better Agent
09/07/07 - Summa Cum Laude Too
09/07/07 - Accidentally Discovered Intermittent Specialized Super Power
09/06/07 - Times Are Tough
09/06/07 - Pop Quiz: Driver's Ed
09/06/07 - Send 'Em In
09/06/07 - Death 'n' Points 3 [with nod to Injokester]
09/06/07 - Death 'n' Points 2
09/06/07 - Death 'n' Points
09/01/07 - And It's High Speed!
09/01/07 - I'm Just Saying...
08/29/07 - Motel SixSixSix
08/29/07 - No No... After You
08/29/07 - CC366: Ask A Silly Question...
08/29/07 - CC366: Dear Diary... My Boss Sucks
08/29/07 - Death 'n' The Details
08/29/07 - Death 'n' The Eye of a Needle
08/29/07 - Death 'n' Humor
08/29/07 - Death 'n' Semantics
08/29/07 - Death 'n' The Door Man
08/29/07 - Death 'n' Denial
08/27/07 - Not As Advertised
08/22/07 - Happy Endings
08/21/07 - Testify Sistah
08/21/07 - Returning To The Fold
08/19/07 - Quittin' Time
08/18/07 - This Is Where I Came In...
08/18/07 - ART!
08/17/07 - Semi Autobiographical
08/16/07 - 2019 Time To Quit
08/16/07 - Say Goodbye To Your Xmas Bonus
08/16/07 - Positive Outlook
08/16/07 - Cancelled After The Pilot
08/16/07 - Life Is Funny
06/06/07 - Visual
06/06/07 - Discount Singles Vacation
06/06/07 - RDC #4: Randomly Generated... Honestly.
05/30/07 - High School Reunion
05/30/07 - Reap What You Sow
05/30/07 - Insanity - Compassion + [10*Cruelty] = School
05/30/07 - And Smile While You Do It
05/30/07 - Elementary School of The Damned
05/29/07 - Can We Move On To Meds Now?
05/29/07 - It's Not Ridiculous
05/28/07 - Psychiatric Help 5 Cents
05/28/07 - I Told You So
05/28/07 - You're Really No Fun Any More
05/26/07 - Can't Have One Without The Other
05/22/07 - Oh I Get It
05/17/07 - Welcoming Committee
03/23/07 - No One Will Notice
03/13/07 - You're No Fun Any More
02/27/07 - Penguin Lust
02/27/07 - Single Pink Female
02/27/07 - Oh Tad
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 9
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 8
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 7
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 6
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 5
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 4
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 3
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 2
02/26/07 - Day to Day: Coffee Shop 1
02/06/07 - PacMan Fever
02/04/07 - Between The Panels
02/02/07 - Ground Hog - The Musical
02/01/07 - It's Time To Decaffinate
02/01/07 - Happy Childhood
02/01/07 - Quotas
01/31/07 - Road Rage
01/31/07 - Prelude To A Scream
01/31/07 - OPC 30: Get The Ointment
01/31/07 - Creative Process
01/31/07 - For Personal Assistance Press Zero
01/31/07 - That's Not An Official Rule
01/31/07 - Thinking Positive
01/31/07 - Dr. Do Little
01/31/07 - Don't Forget The Bill
01/31/07 - Have You Tried Macrame?
01/31/07 - The Answer To Everything
01/31/07 - There, There, Dear.
01/30/07 - How Was Your Day?
01/30/07 - The Feline Song Book
01/30/07 - But I'm Feeling Much Better Now
01/30/07 - CC346: The Law of Duck and Cover
01/30/07 - CC346: It's The Law
01/30/07 - CC 346: Laws of Satisfaction
01/29/07 - Eww.
01/29/07 - Try Covering The Windows In Tinfoil
01/29/07 - The Reaper's Cat
01/29/07 - Legal Nightmare
01/29/07 - And What's Up With the Suit?
01/25/07 - Service Is Another Word For Bend Over
01/25/07 - MMORPGee You Leveled Awfully Fast!
01/25/07 - It's Hard To Ignore The Garbage
01/02/07 - Xmas Jeer
12/27/06 - Another One Bites The Dust
12/25/06 - Xmas '06
12/09/06 - Random Sacrilege
11/30/06 - FTC 100: Template
11/16/06 - In Defiance Of Defiance
11/16/06 - Well That's Ok Then
11/16/06 - Anger Management
11/16/06 - Nog-i-tude
11/15/06 - Working Where The Sun Don't Shine
11/15/06 - Surfing the Apocalypse
11/15/06 - 100% Effective
11/14/06 - Would It Help If I Wrote It In Blood?
11/14/06 - Quick Thinking
11/14/06 - Cat-tastic
11/14/06 - REALLY Sucks To Be You
11/14/06 - Sucks To Be You Too
11/14/06 - Sucks To Be You
11/14/06 - Mental Health Humor
11/11/06 - Tribute
11/10/06 - OPC 23: Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Class of 2007
11/10/06 - OPC 23: Drugs R Bad M'kay.
11/10/06 - OPC 23: Preparation H
11/10/06 - CC 337:Rumsfeld's New Job
11/10/06 - Fin
11/10/06 - Afterglow
11/10/06 - Banana Phone
11/10/06 - Totally Worth It
11/10/06 - Thanks For The Memories
11/10/06 - Making Improvements
11/10/06 - It's Only Going To Get Worse
11/10/06 - Decisions Decisions
11/10/06 - The Fit Hits the Shan
11/10/06 - I Said Nice Day If It Doesn't Rain
11/10/06 - The War Zone
11/09/06 - FTC 99: Final Try Comic
11/09/06 - FTC 99: Tell Me I'm Adopted
11/09/06 - FTC 99: Self Improvement
11/09/06 - FTC 99: I'm Here All Week
11/09/06 - Special Sauce
11/09/06 - Limerick News Network
11/08/06 - Making Merry
11/08/06 - Cynics R Us
11/08/06 - Got A Cigarette?
11/08/06 - Political PUNditry
11/08/06 - I Believe.... I'll Have Another Drink
11/07/06 - Hooker Brain Surgeon?
11/07/06 - Somewhere In Hell
11/07/06 - But She's Not Bitter
11/07/06 - Further Thoughts On Voting Machines [In Two Part Harmony]
11/06/06 - Thanks!!
11/06/06 - Regrets
11/06/06 - Is This The Right Room For An Argument?
11/06/06 - Yeah But He's Right You Know
11/06/06 - Colloquial Humor
11/06/06 - He's Also the Reason for Tooth Decay and Bad Test Scores
11/06/06 - Bend Over
11/06/06 - He's Really That Stupid
11/06/06 - It Doesn't Wash Off Either
11/06/06 - It's For Health Reasons
11/05/06 - Pilgrimage
11/05/06 - Dirty Little Secret
11/05/06 - If Only...
11/05/06 - So Then What Happened?
11/04/06 - This Isn't Going To End Well
11/04/06 - Kiss Hand, Shake Baby
11/04/06 - Losing Your Religion
11/04/06 - Can You Say It With A Straight Face?
11/03/06 - What A Full Beard You Have...
11/03/06 - See A Doctor
11/03/06 - Geek Alert
11/03/06 - A Guy Walks Into A Conference Room...
11/03/06 - Dude You've Lost Your Edge
11/03/06 - News for the Easily Manipulated
11/03/06 - Non-Fiction
10/31/06 - Tomorrow's Comic
10/31/06 - Halloweenie
10/30/06 - Not the Good Hands People 2
10/30/06 - Not the Good Hands People 1
10/30/06 - Boobees!
10/28/06 - It's Going To Freeze That Way
10/28/06 - Lost Highway
10/20/06 - Don't Forget The Great Discounts
10/20/06 - Fuzzy Little Foul Mouthed B******
10/20/06 - Gonna Be A Long Night
10/20/06 - Law & Order - Expurgated Version
10/20/06 - First Day... New Reality
10/19/06 - Like A Bug On The Windshield
10/18/06 - It's All About Perspective
10/18/06 - Cause You Gotta Have Priorities
10/18/06 - And It's Not Even Sweeps Week....
10/18/06 - Bi-partisan Talks
10/17/06 - The Land of Happy
10/16/06 - Who'd You P*ss Off?
10/16/06 - Cognitive Dissonance
10/16/06 - Overheard In The Department Store
10/16/06 - Takes After His Father
10/16/06 - I Wasn't Going To Say It
10/16/06 - You Could Always Claim Immaculate Conception
10/16/06 - Did You Find A Scapegoat Yet?
10/16/06 - Are You Sure It's Yours?
10/15/06 - And You Should See What They Did To Your Mom...
10/15/06 - Laws Of Robotics
10/15/06 - You're So Last Week
10/13/06 - The X-Philes Get It
10/13/06 - Swept Up In The Moment
10/13/06 - Not Subtle
10/13/06 - Licensed Bacon
10/13/06 - Officially Licensed What?
10/11/06 - We're Happy For You... Honest.
10/11/06 - What Is This Pandering You Speak Of?
10/10/06 - Screamin' at the Content Warnings...
10/10/06 - They're Coming To Take Me Away
10/10/06 - Score!
10/10/06 - Good Enough For Some...
10/08/06 - Consumer Ho Down
10/07/06 - He Didn't Fit In At Work Anyway...
10/07/06 - With Friends Like These...
10/05/06 - Repeat After Them...
10/05/06 - It's Like Vaudeville Now
10/04/06 - Spin 'Til You're Dizzy
10/04/06 - Afterthoughts - If I Had It To Do Over Again...
10/04/06 - Not Something You Put In A Memo...
10/04/06 - I'm New Here... Can You Show Me The Exit?
10/04/06 - Scary People
10/04/06 - The Boss's Secretary
03/08/06 - After Thoughts - Continued Confusion
03/08/06 - After Thoughts - Confusion
02/03/06 - After Thoughts - Getting Acquainted
01/28/06 - After thoughts -- First Day
01/17/06 - Cowboy Birds and Bees
01/17/06 - Stand not included
01/17/06 - The Elementary Years
01/17/06 - The Working Years
01/17/06 - The Working Years
01/17/06 - The Working Years
01/14/06 - Some Cheese with that Whine?
01/14/06 - Emo Follies
01/13/06 - Trippin'
01/13/06 - Some Cheese with that Whine?
01/13/06 - Cat-mas 2005
01/13/06 - The Working Years
01/13/06 - The Working Years
01/13/06 - The Elementary Years
01/13/06 - Friday the 13th - Part 2
01/13/06 - Friday the 13th - Part 1
01/13/06 - Friends in low places
01/12/06 - Cat-mas 2005
01/12/06 - Painfully Obvious Politics -- Take 1
01/12/06 - PC Politics
01/12/06 - Birdflu - the shakedown.
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Overdue And Under Paid
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