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| Ch@ncel0r 0f +he Exxchequer, wh@t 1s +h1s urgent buzz1ness j00 w@nted t0 t@lk @b0ut? | |
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| Sire, the court has been left a hefty sum of money in the will of a dead multigazillionaire. | |
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| Exxcelent newz, Ch@ncel0r! Get +0 w0rk dr@w1ng up @ budget! I h@ve se\/er@l new 1n1t1@t1ves +0 1mplement. | |
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| Certainly, my leige. What were you thinking of? | |
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| F1rxxst & f0remoxxst, 1 w0uld l1ke t0 see m0re fund1ng pl@ced 1n educ@t1on! 1 w1ll n0t rest unt1l 1 r00l the 733+3st n@at1on ever! L1teracy & spell1ng less0nz f0r @ll!!! | |
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