Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Dad, who was Hitler?
I'm glad you asked me that, son. I fought in World War Two, you know. Pull a chair and sit down.
In 1941, Hitler enslaved Germany with his mind control helmet and forced them to take over the world. They developed awful weapons like the V1, which was like a big grenade that could blow up a city.
England was the first to try to stop Hitler, but they couldn't do it alone, so they formed an alliance with Scotland and Ireland and called it the United Kingdom.
I worked for the United Kingdom as a ninja at first, but ninjas became obsolete when they invented machine guns, so I was forced to steal one of the V1 grenades and smuggle it to Hiroshima.
Unfortunately, Hitler found me and intercepted the V1, blowing up Hiroshima and himself when he spiked it into the ground. And that, son, is why we have football.
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