Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


pm : info "nothing much happened this year." "YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY!!!" "yeah , well that was only one time."
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by Hell_Bent_Cheez
Hi, I'm Joe. I'm here to talk to you about racism. When you hear the word racism, you probably think of wetbacks, beaners, chinks, gooks, pollocks, niggers, niggas, negroes, jews, camel jockeys.....
cracker, cracka, japs, yooks, faggots, fags, ass bandits, redneck, whitey, hick, porch monkey, money bag, spic,jungle bunny, kike, jewbag, or mulatto.
sand nigger,towel head,dune coon, aussie, or kangaroo fucker. Well, thats totally normal if from now on, whenever you hear the word racism, all those words come to mind.
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