Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Peace for the world
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by Hom
The following preview has been approved for all audiences in and out of the closet (viewer discretion adviced: contains occasional scenes of partial nudity, drugs, shark-faced dudes and dyed hair)
Curious of gay people's lives or how being out of the closet affects the so-called straight people? Please look! AccentuateNegative will show us what he does with his mouse in the privacy of his room!
Huh?? Don't look at me! Hom is talking about the author's computer mouse. I am straight! Honest! Go ask Minnie!
Please look for the Please Look for the Please Look for the Please Look thread by Accentuate Negative and click on it. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Satisfaction! Hah! So handsome and he's gay. What a waste!
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