One day, in the shadow of the Brixton Tower..
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| I was the first in my area to get MyWireless. Anything rather than staying with the dialup method- | |
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| I guess you thought you were real clever, technologically-sophisticated and cool, didn't you? | |
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| Hell yeah! 24/7 perm connection. Fixed rate every month. Decent enough speeds that I could actually download things for the first time. For a brief moment I was the envy of the entire neighborhood. | |
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| The supermonkeys employed at the CallCentre got to you, didn't they? Despite your expertise with IT, their lies about 'it's just the contention ratio' made you almost accept the slow speeds, right? | |
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A breakthrough in understanding..
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| Yeah.. They almost made me believe that speeds slower than a 56k modem, were supposedly what I'd signed a 2 year contract for. | |
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| Look on the bright side: They don't realize that we have rifles, their address, a deep burning anger - AND - the ability to spread the word about their service to the public and the Media. | |
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