Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi there. I live in South Africa. I'm a playwright, writer and journalist. Hopefully some of the perspectives in the strips will communicate and provide some useful info. :)
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by Ian_Fraser
One day, outside the Pretoria headquarters of the Ministry of Doublespeak..
Stupid bloody kaffirs-
'Kaffirs'? My dear misguided friend - you shouldn't SAY that in the new South Africa-
Why not? We're a democracy - which is all about 'tolerating other peoples stupid views'- so everyone can hate and say what they like, no matter how racist or hateful-
Nope. Not acceptable.'Hate speech' and 'racism' is illegal in South Africa.(Which oddly enough, is 'trying to legislate Morality' - the same logic as the Nazi's and the previous Apartheid regime had.)
-But I thought we ARE a democracy? Surely that allows for totally diverse or stupid or racist views like mine, to exist? I mean in America the Klu Klux Klan and others routinely say worse?
Yes, but we're not like the USA. Here we just like to PRETEND we're a democracy, while actually being as fascist as the previous Regime in controlling people's thinking - and calling it 'freedom'.
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