This is based on a true story about a stripclub that opened in Macquarie St, Hobart. The (now) stripclub was previously a classy little cigar lounge. The land it was on was leased from the church itself, they sold to new owners, who turned it into a stripclub. The previous owner agreed to a long term lease (which is why the church agreed to have a bar on their land in the first place). The church took it to court, and the judge ruled in favour of the stripclub, as there's no legal reason they couldn't operate that sort of club there.
posted Dec 18th, 2006 ( permalink )
The church might of added to the parish if they held a "Last Call Mass" on Friday and Saturday nights. And when the plate was passed, there might be more big bills because everyone would be out of singles.
posted Dec 18th, 2006 ( permalink )