Greg is working with his new co worker Jesus...
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| Dude Freaking Melvin is a complete jerk off.He made me clean the bath room....while i was nailed to a cross | |
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| Tell me about it man.You should call your dad up and have him talk him | |
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Jesus took Gregs advice and called his father...
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| Hey dad I have this Jerk Boss and i was wondering could you say a few words to him.I just want him to back off | |
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| Sure son Put him on the phone | |
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Jesus calls Melvin in the room.Melvin has and God are now talking....
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| Well maybe if your son wasnt a spoiled lazy punk then maybe i would lay off.why dont you Bring your punk ass on down here and we can talk face to face. | |
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| Nobody talks to me like that!Im coming down and when i do im going to kick some ass all over that place.You here me?!.....Melvin!!! | |
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