Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Jangomuffin
Greg is working with his new co worker Jesus...
Dude Freaking Melvin is a complete jerk off.He made me clean the bath room....while i was nailed to a cross
Tell me about it man.You should call your dad up and have him talk him
Jesus took Gregs advice and called his father...
Hey dad I have this Jerk Boss and i was wondering could you say a few words to him.I just want him to back off
Sure son Put him on the phone
Jesus calls Melvin in the room.Melvin has and God are now talking....
Well maybe if your son wasnt a spoiled lazy punk then maybe i would lay off.why dont you Bring your punk ass on down here and we can talk face to face.
Nobody talks to me like that!Im coming down and when i do im going to kick some ass all over that place.You here me?!.....Melvin!!!
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