Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Jim is a 75 year old IT person with over 50 years of experience. Growing up with Doonesbury and then Dilbert, he followed xkcd, User Friendly, The Joy of Tech, Glasbergen and Bug Bash a decade ago. He began creating this strip in 2014 and started it up again in 2025. He welcomes interactions.

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by JimBT200
Core temperature too hot. Internal operations will cease. Power down and move this computer to a cold room immediately.
Did you shut everything down like I asked you to while we get the air conditioning repaired?
Naw, the computer tried to pretend it was too hot but all it needs is a reboot. You should go do that.
I think we're past the point where rebooting will help.
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Murica says:

Sounds like something my girlfriend would do!
posted Aug 26th, 2014 ( permalink )

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