Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Jim is a 75 year old IT person with over 50 years of experience. Growing up with Doonesbury and then Dilbert, he followed xkcd, User Friendly, The Joy of Tech, Glasbergen and Bug Bash a decade ago. He began creating this strip in 2014 and started it up again in 2025. He welcomes interactions.

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by JimBT200
I've been voting since women got the vote. It's not only our right, it's our duty.
And it's a privilege as well. As citizens we are the example to the world that our vote counts, that democracy works.
Even though we are a Constitutional Republic, we have the democratic right to vote. We elect those we feel are most fit to represent us.
And when we are not able to go to the polls, we can cast our ballots in advance with early voting.
I can't vote yet, but I pay attention to the example my family sets for me. And I listen to their opinions and how they are formed so I can vote when I'm old enough.
So vote. No excuses, no explanations. Just vote.
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