Jirachi_Prime's Comics 04/22/07 - Another random thing by Leblanc
04/22/07 - Psy's twisted tales #1
04/17/07 - I can't belive it's not heroin!
04/03/07 - If Shakespear was reserected 3
04/03/07 - If Shakespear were reserected 2
04/03/07 - If shakespear Was Reserected.... 1
04/03/07 - Jirachi Random more
04/03/07 - jirachi makes another Random thing!
04/03/07 - Jirachi's third Random thingy
04/03/07 - Jirachi's second random strip
04/03/07 - Jirachi's first random Strip!
04/01/07 - Sorry All
04/01/07 - 123
04/01/07 - I am your father
04/01/07 - The Death Star rebuilt
04/01/07 - Lord Vader....
03/11/07 - Starbores: I sense a presence
03/11/07 - The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi!
03/11/07 - Star Bores: Messa choose Pod rasseres!
03/04/07 - Apotheosis After Dark #2
03/04/07 - Apotheosis after dark #1
11/08/05 - Myth busters: The baby dragon conclusion
11/08/05 - Myth Busters: The baby dragon part 1
11/08/05 - Myth Busters: Smoking is bad for your health
11/08/05 - Myth Busters: Webcomics for fame and fortune
11/03/05 - Star Bores #6
11/01/05 - Star Bores #4
11/01/05 - Star Bores #5
11/01/05 - Star Bores #3
11/01/05 - Star Bores #2
10/31/05 - Star Bores #1
10/31/05 - And Now For Somthing Completely Different #6
10/31/05 - M.A.S.R. In: Hi Mum
10/30/05 - And Now For Somthing Completely Different #5
10/30/05 - And Now For Somthing Completely Different #4
10/30/05 - The Stupid Ho's #1
10/30/05 - The Stupid Ho's #1
10/30/05 - M.A.S.R. in: Cheesy Puns
10/30/05 - And Now For Somthing Completely Different #3
10/30/05 - And Now Form Somthing Compleatly Different #2
10/30/05 - And Now For Somthing Compleatly Different #1
10/27/05 - The X Fools. in: The begining.
10/27/05 - The X Fools.
10/27/05 - M.A.S.R. in: MOHH!
10/27/05 - I'm Sorry.
10/27/05 - M.A.S.R. in pair o' nerd
10/27/05 - M.A.S.R. in A terrible Joke.
10/26/05 - Rab and Man Get Revenge
10/26/05 - M.A.S.R. in: The Thermos.
10/26/05 - Dont't Fuck with Jirachi_Prime
10/25/05 - M.A.S.R in: Rab makes hippies choke on penis
10/25/05 - M.A.S.R. in: Stupid Science.
10/25/05 - M.A.S.R. in: Give till it Hurts
10/25/05 - M.A.S.R. in: The millionaire
10/25/05 - M.A.S.R. in: Put up your dukes.
10/25/05 - Not an episode of M.A.S.R.
10/25/05 - M.A.S.R. in: AIDS
10/25/05 - M.A.S.R. . in: Tulips on your organ
10/25/05 - A Man, an Alien and a Stupid Robot. in: Girl Trouble
10/24/05 - A man, An alien and a stupid Robot. in: Mantarok's calling
10/24/05 - A deamon, an alien and a stupid robot. in: Aliens exist.
10/24/05 - A deamon, an alien and a stupid robot. in: The GUM
10/24/05 - A Deamon, An alien and a Stupid Robot. in: Changes
10/24/05 - A man, An Alien and a stupid Robot. in: Chickens
10/24/05 - A man, an Alien and a stupid Robot