Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Jirachi Pokedex Entry: 201 Name: Jirachi Type: Steel/Psychic Species: Wish Height: 1" Weight: 21 lbs. Evolution: None Jirachi is said to make wishes come true. While it sleeps a tough crystalline shell envelopes the body to protect it from enemies I'm the Australian Pokemon
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by Jirachi_Prime
Hey Robot some people the only puns they make are about dairy products, because the rest are just too cheesy.
Yeah. When they think of one, they tend to milk it for all it's worth.
Usually I don't think they're gouda enough, but we could find a whey to cream off the best ones.
I cheddar to think what they'll come out with next.
Hey it's a Letter From Strip Creator. We are now officialy the Stupidest Comic Strip.
I wonder what Tobor's Up too
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