Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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My right side is definitely more photogenic.
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One Born Every Minute
So Ruth finally kicked the bucket, eh Mr. Ginsgurg?
Her last wish was to not be replaced on the Court until after the election.
If you truly believe that was her last wish, I got some beach front property in Arizona you can buy!
You DO?
$1,000,000,000.00 later, in Arizona....
Hmmm? Oy Vey! Must be "Low Tide"!
JoeBlough's Comics
05/07/21 - Thanks For The Memories
05/06/21 - Door to Door
05/06/21 - Before Ya Know It
05/05/21 - A Walk in the Woods
05/04/21 - The Break Up
05/03/21 - Homage: To 4LT
05/03/21 - Making the Grade
05/02/21 - served cold!
05/01/21 - Picture This
04/30/21 - Way Back When
04/29/21 - One For the Road!
04/29/21 - When "Old Timers" Hits...
04/28/21 - Stereo Typed
04/28/21 - Sounds About Right
04/27/21 - Unfased
04/26/21 - Thoroughly Good
04/26/21 - Idle Thoughts
04/25/21 - Shore Leave
04/25/21 - Campaign Ender
04/24/21 - Times...They Are a Changin'
04/23/21 - Only a Prediction
04/22/21 - Cut & Dried
04/22/21 - Seize the Day
04/21/21 - A Chance Meeting
04/21/21 - Never Satisfied
04/21/21 - Making Amends
04/21/21 - Derek Goes Down
04/20/21 - Judicial vs. Legislative
04/20/21 - Rags & Friends
04/19/21 - Pimpin': 101
04/18/21 - South of the Border
04/18/21 - "You Want Some of Me?"
04/17/21 - Workpool = Cesspool
04/17/21 - Following Orders
04/16/21 - Back-Pedaling
04/16/21 - How Far We've Come
04/15/21 - Bit by Bit Coin
04/14/21 - Alaska On the Move
04/13/21 - Guaging Risk
04/13/21 - Testing the Waters
04/12/21 - The Quick Thinker
04/12/21 - Hard To Get
04/11/21 - Getting the "OK"
04/11/21 - Service Restoration
04/10/21 - Does a "Barris" Shit in the Woods?
04/09/21 - Switching Things Up
04/09/21 - Fact is Stranger Than Truth
04/08/21 - Conjecture!
04/07/21 - Don't Be Too Picky
04/07/21 - Batter Up
04/07/21 - Slip of the Tongue
04/07/21 - Backstage Pass
04/06/21 - Precognition!
04/06/21 - Uses For Govt. Stimulus $
04/05/21 - Special Delivery
04/05/21 - Niche Bars
04/04/21 - All Pain-NO Gain
04/03/21 - The Greater Good
04/03/21 - The Agitator
04/03/21 - The Triple Play
04/02/21 - It's All in the Wording
04/02/21 - Memories
04/01/21 - He Ain't Nuttin' But a Hound "Doc"
04/01/21 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
04/01/21 - Entry "CC: 739"
03/31/21 - What's Your "Major" Malfunction?
03/30/21 - Taking the "Curare"
03/29/21 - Anti "Old School"
03/28/21 - Distraction
03/28/21 - Deflecting
03/27/21 - Going Down?
03/27/21 - Sweetening the Slot
03/26/21 - Relatively Good Sex
03/25/21 - Examine THIS!
03/25/21 - Cries & Lispers
03/24/21 - Only One Option
03/24/21 - Planning Ahead
03/24/21 - The Demotion
03/23/21 - Boys in Blue
03/22/21 - Sensitive Data
03/22/21 - Fright Response
03/22/21 - On Second Thought....
03/22/21 - Good Guess
03/21/21 - Three Step Fail
03/21/21 - Cool Contest
03/21/21 - Dogma
03/21/21 - Feelings
03/21/21 - Issues of the Day
03/20/21 - Upset
03/20/21 - Guess Again!
03/19/21 - A Chilling Thought
03/18/21 - LGBTQ Lifestyle
03/18/21 - Alternatives
03/17/21 - Gotcha
03/17/21 - This Just In...
03/16/21 - A Breed Apart
03/16/21 - Come-uppence!
03/16/21 - Covid Knowledge
03/15/21 - Got It Done
03/15/21 - Interchangable Parts
03/15/21 - Dazed
03/15/21 - Anticipation
03/15/21 - The "Tony" Award
03/15/21 - Just Say "YES"
03/15/21 - Likely Story
03/14/21 - Snapped
03/14/21 - Sit On It!
03/14/21 - Almost Royalty
03/14/21 - Unintended Consequences
03/13/21 - Holding Out
03/13/21 - The New Regime
03/12/21 - The Fatalist
03/12/21 - Chatting on Mt. of Olives
03/12/21 - Checking IN
03/12/21 - Gone to the Dogs
03/11/21 - Who's the Boss
03/11/21 - Once a Wanker...
03/11/21 - Killing the Messenger
03/10/21 - No Way
03/10/21 - Asked & Answered
03/09/21 - Foiled Again!
03/09/21 - Good Sports
03/09/21 - NOTICE!
03/09/21 - Peace in the Valley
03/09/21 - Oops! We Did it Again!
03/06/21 - Sad, eh?
03/06/21 - Door to Door....
03/06/21 - Why They Watch
03/05/21 - What You Weren't Told...
03/05/21 - Regrets? I've Had a Few!
03/04/21 - CC: 738 Entry
03/04/21 - New to the NFL
03/03/21 - The Creative Process
03/03/21 - The "Minnow" in Space
03/02/21 - Writer's Block
03/02/21 - Caller I.D.
03/01/21 - OFF the Reading List
03/01/21 - Call a Shovel a "Shovel"
02/28/21 - Routine Check-Up
02/28/21 - Auditions For "MAGA"
02/27/21 - School Daze
02/27/21 - The "Perfect" Gift
02/27/21 - The Rocker's Lament
02/26/21 - Stray Rescue
02/26/21 - Keeping the Image Alive
02/25/21 - Someday...but not yet!
02/25/21 - Sad, But (Kinda) True
02/24/21 - The Dilema
02/23/21 - The Truant Officer
02/22/21 - There ARE Limits
02/22/21 - The Trap is Set
02/22/21 - Fantasy
02/21/21 - Eye of the Beholder...
02/21/21 - Avoid Panic
02/21/21 - New Tech
02/20/21 - Like Blood From a Stone
02/20/21 - Apathy
02/19/21 - The Buddy System
02/19/21 - Nowhere to Hide
02/18/21 - Reflecting on Walt Dizzy
02/18/21 - Up & Comer
02/18/21 - E.I.B./R.I.P.
02/17/21 - Granny Almost Gets Taken
02/16/21 - How Cool is THAT?
02/15/21 - Early Warning
02/15/21 - He Lives...
02/14/21 - Progress
02/13/21 - Rough Day
02/13/21 - The Perfect Secretary
02/12/21 - A New E.D. Treatment
02/11/21 - Lame try, Dad!
02/11/21 - He'll Be Missed
02/11/21 - Deflection
02/10/21 - Moving On
02/09/21 - A Simple Plan
02/09/21 - Only the Beginning...
02/08/21 - Guaranteed Success
02/08/21 - Another Waste of Time
02/08/21 - Hating the Lime-Light
02/07/21 - R.I.P. Leon Spinks
02/07/21 - Doin' Time
02/07/21 - The Post-Election "Don"
02/06/21 - Super Bowl Update
02/06/21 - Bail Out
02/05/21 - Another Stimulus Package
02/05/21 - The Hasty Retreat
02/05/21 - Tracker Training
02/04/21 - Role Model
02/03/21 - Ain't THAT the Truth?
02/02/21 - Surprise!
02/02/21 - All Drugs Are Now Legal
02/01/21 - Life After Politics
02/01/21 - Same Old Story
01/31/21 - Daddy's Lil Girl
01/31/21 - Sent To a Lower Court Fin.
01/31/21 - Sent To a Lower Court Pt.2
01/31/21 - Sent to a Lower Court
01/31/21 - Takin' Out the Trash
01/30/21 - Think Twice!
01/30/21 - Face the Facts
01/29/21 - And so it goes...
01/29/21 - Disturber of the Poop
01/28/21 - A Teaching Moment
01/28/21 - Slipping On the Slope
01/27/21 - Does It Matter?
01/26/21 - Pipe Dreams
01/26/21 - No Vacancy
01/25/21 - The Rivals
01/24/21 - The "Trump"-eters
01/24/21 - Don't They Come in 3's?
01/23/21 - To Each His Own
01/23/21 - "Greed is Good"
01/23/21 - Fam Slam
01/22/21 - Never Say "Die"
01/22/21 - Here He Goes Again
01/21/21 - In Poor Taste
01/21/21 - The New Norm
01/20/21 - Not Quite Mar-A-Lago
01/19/21 - Horny In Space
01/19/21 - Ya Think So, huh?
01/18/21 - Glutton For Punishment!
01/17/21 - Trust Nobody!
01/17/21 - Robin's Arrow Error
01/16/21 - Good Old Uncle Rags
01/16/21 - Bad News
01/15/21 - Rube Gets Covid Vaccine...
01/14/21 - Plotting for the 20th
01/14/21 - "Signs, Signs..."
01/13/21 - With friends like THIS....
01/12/21 - Lock n' Load
01/11/21 - Daddy's Lil Girl
01/11/21 - Ghost Town
01/10/21 - Even back then....
01/09/21 - On Strike!
01/08/21 - Mover & Shaker
01/07/21 - A Man With a Plan
01/07/21 - Binge Worthy?
01/06/21 - Fanaticism
01/06/21 - Gettin' Outta Dodge
01/05/21 - 1st Things 1st
01/05/21 - Money, Money, Everywhere!
01/04/21 - Tipping the Scales
01/04/21 - A View From the Top
01/03/21 - "Hair today..."
01/03/21 - It's Lonely At the Bottom!
01/03/21 - Don't Bother
01/02/21 - It Adds Up
01/01/21 - Jan. 21st, 2021
01/01/21 - A Scene You'll Never See
12/31/20 - All Aboard!
12/31/20 - The "Navel" Destroyer
12/30/20 - Gone Fishin'
12/29/20 - Beefing Down the Military
12/29/20 - Growth Spurt
12/28/20 - Looking Into the Future
12/28/20 - As the Countdown Continues...
12/27/20 - High Finance vs. Low Intellect
12/27/20 - The "No Class" Ass
12/27/20 - A Change at the Top
12/26/20 - Bring Back Walter Cronkite
12/26/20 - We've Grown Accustomed To It!
12/25/20 - Glad Tidings
12/25/20 - The Temple of Wisdom
12/24/20 - The Old Switcheroo
12/24/20 - Oral Vaccine
12/23/20 - Easy Money
12/22/20 - Behind Closed Doors
12/22/20 - More Sour Grapes
12/21/20 - The "House" Wins
12/20/20 - Bottoms Up!
12/20/20 - Farewell!
12/19/20 - Walking the Poop Deck
12/19/20 - Diminshing Wealth
12/19/20 - WW: 125 "Carrot Or Stick?"
12/18/20 - X-Rated Content
12/18/20 - Genetic Waste
12/17/20 - Ask and Ye Shall...
12/16/20 - Valuable Intel
12/16/20 - Downsized
12/15/20 - Magic Groupie
12/15/20 - Confused
12/15/20 - Cause n Effect
12/14/20 - Complain, Complain!
12/14/20 - Make An Entrance
12/13/20 - Not THAT Kinda Girl
12/13/20 - Space Oddity
12/13/20 - A Legend Lost
12/12/20 - "Express" Shipping
12/12/20 - VP?
12/12/20 - The Singin' Cowboy
12/11/20 - Why? Why NOT?
12/11/20 - "Lawyering Up"
12/10/20 - Impending Doom
12/09/20 - Livin' the Dream
12/09/20 - You're HIRED!
12/09/20 - Well Known
12/08/20 - The New Boss
12/08/20 - I Can See It Now...
12/07/20 - Ulterior Motive
12/07/20 - Rebounding
12/06/20 - Shaken But Not Stirred
12/06/20 - Plan 2 From Outer Space
12/06/20 - The "Creep"
12/05/20 - Seeing Things
12/05/20 - The Final Solution
12/05/20 - Mr. Crafty
12/05/20 - A Perfect Come-Back
12/05/20 - On the Lam
12/04/20 - The Cold "Covid" Statistics
12/03/20 - Partners in Crime
12/03/20 - Hurry Up & Wait
12/03/20 - Never Satisfied
12/03/20 - Best Laid Plans...
12/02/20 - Get Ready! It's Coming!
12/01/20 - Poor Pranning
12/01/20 - He Who Hesitates...
11/30/20 - Moving Forward
11/30/20 - Necromantic
11/30/20 - Does History Repeat Itself?
11/30/20 - Inside Job
11/30/20 - So long, big guy!
11/29/20 - War Games
11/29/20 - Having 2nd Thoughts
11/29/20 - Culture Shock
11/28/20 - An Unwanted Arrival
11/28/20 - Growing Up
11/27/20 - Buyer Beware
11/26/20 - On the Run
11/25/20 - Candy Man
11/24/20 - Beats "Rat"!
11/23/20 - Dodging a Bullit
11/22/20 - Our Future
11/21/20 - Stressed
11/21/20 - The "Fix" is In
11/20/20 - Time Will Tell
11/19/20 - Alrighty Then...
11/18/20 - No Good Deed...
11/18/20 - News: When Covid is Beat
11/17/20 - More Help Wanted
11/16/20 - The "NEW" New York
11/15/20 - Patience
11/15/20 - Tooting One's Own Horn
11/14/20 - First Impressions
11/14/20 - The Last Hurrah!
11/14/20 - Our Guard is Down
11/13/20 - Happy Holidays
11/12/20 - Prophecy
11/12/20 - Damage Control
11/11/20 - The "Backfire"
11/10/20 - Bait n Switch
11/09/20 - What goes up....
11/09/20 - Exit Plan
11/08/20 - A Difficult Transition
11/07/20 - The Pro
11/07/20 - On With the Show!
11/06/20 - Not Exactly
11/06/20 - Neighbors
11/06/20 - The Scavenger
11/05/20 - The Talking Heads
11/05/20 - Loose Ends
11/04/20 - The "Back-Up"
11/04/20 - Tradition
11/04/20 - Bottom Line
11/04/20 - The Big Reveal
11/03/20 - Demographics
11/03/20 - A Little On The Side....
11/03/20 - Here's Your Chance to Enter NOW
11/02/20 - Another Possible Outcome
11/02/20 - One Possible Outcome
11/01/20 - The 1st Time Voter
11/01/20 - The Kids These Days
10/31/20 - Flexability
10/31/20 - End of an Icon
10/30/20 - Following the Trend
10/30/20 - Training Day
10/30/20 - Decisions, Decisions
10/28/20 - Narrow Escape
10/27/20 - Almost Factual
10/26/20 - Pranksters
10/26/20 - Sally & Harry
10/25/20 - Plight of the "Working Girl"
10/25/20 - COSTner & Effect
10/25/20 - Old English
10/24/20 - "No Speaky Good Engrish"
10/24/20 - Wasted Effort
10/23/20 - Here's Lookin' At You....
10/23/20 - Moral is Ebbing
10/23/20 - That "Sinking" Feeling
10/22/20 - Looks Are Deceiving
10/22/20 - It's Good To Have Goals
10/21/20 - A New Hot "ROD"
10/20/20 - "Let me rephrase that".
10/19/20 - What Goes Around...
10/19/20 - Reading is FUN-damental
10/18/20 - Getting a Pass
10/18/20 - Gob-Smacked
10/17/20 - "Get Thee Behind Me..."
10/17/20 - The 2020 Choice?
10/16/20 - The Town Hall Meeting
10/16/20 - The "Worm" Has Re-Turned
10/15/20 - Dis-Order in the Court
10/15/20 - Covid-19 in Mississippi
10/14/20 - The Void II
10/14/20 - The Void
10/13/20 - Fan-Mail?
10/13/20 - On the Lam
10/12/20 - Father/Son Chat
10/12/20 - The "Mash-Up" of...
10/11/20 - Who's on First?
10/11/20 - The "Wrong" Stuff
10/11/20 - WW: 124 (Example)
10/10/20 - ...from the mouth of babes...
10/09/20 - Man's vs.Woman's Priorities
10/09/20 - Bad Moon on the Rise
10/08/20 - 1 Forward/2 Backward
10/08/20 - Strategy
10/07/20 - It's Not That Easy
10/07/20 - Van WHO?
10/06/20 - Clothes Make the Man
10/06/20 - Memory Lane
10/05/20 - Buyer Be Wary
10/05/20 - One Good Turn...
10/05/20 - "Oh, the humanity!"
10/04/20 - When the "Plot" Clots
10/04/20 - "Monkeying Around"
10/03/20 - Another Possible Outcome
10/03/20 - One Possible Outcome
10/03/20 - Follow the $$$
10/02/20 - Trouble at the Top
10/01/20 - The Last Resort
09/30/20 - A Circle-Jerk Twosome
09/29/20 - "To AIR is Human"
09/29/20 - JACK-ing Around
09/28/20 - The "Rocky" Road
09/28/20 - The Big Day
09/27/20 - The Non-Binary Method
09/27/20 - Holding a Grudge?
09/27/20 - The Impossible Dream
09/26/20 - "Buyer Beware"
09/26/20 - Solitary: Blah, Blah, Blah
09/26/20 - The Full Court Press
09/25/20 - Ka-Ching
09/25/20 - Vote Early & Often
09/25/20 - Chris Cuomo: Hired Gun
09/24/20 - The "FALL"
09/23/20 - "Native" in Name Only
09/23/20 - The Usual Suspect
09/22/20 - Life Changing Event
09/21/20 - Open Mouth/Insert Foot
09/21/20 - It Is Finished!
09/20/20 - A Mystery
09/20/20 - Stick-To-It-Tivness
09/19/20 - The Here-After
09/19/20 - One Born Every Minute
09/18/20 - Teacher's Pet
09/18/20 - TV Ads
09/17/20 - New Morals of 2020 Commercials
09/16/20 - Instructional TV
09/15/20 - The "No Tell" Motel...
09/15/20 - Man's B-F
09/14/20 - Speed Kills
09/14/20 - The "MCC" Lounge...
09/13/20 - Involve Your Kids
09/12/20 - Riot Control
09/12/20 - The "Wise" Guy
09/11/20 - Bad Advice
09/10/20 - The Skid-Row Saint
09/10/20 - Boy Doing a Man's Job
09/09/20 - Too Soon?
09/08/20 - 1-2-3 Strikes! Yer OUT!
09/07/20 - Fighting Back
09/07/20 - Deception
09/06/20 - The Call Went Out...
09/06/20 - Vote Early & Often
09/06/20 - "Sacrifice"
09/06/20 - Be Careful What You...
09/05/20 - The Hand Off
09/05/20 - Another Day; Another Gaff
09/04/20 - Cultured Butch
09/03/20 - "CUT! Stick to the Script!"
09/03/20 - Open Mouth/Insert Foot
09/02/20 - Middle Ground
09/02/20 - "Bring Out Your Dead"!
09/02/20 - One Track Minds
09/01/20 - "WE Decide, THEN Report"
09/01/20 - Community Activists
08/31/20 - Billed to the "GAO"
08/31/20 - Jealousy
08/30/20 - Another One Bites the Dust
08/30/20 - Rockin' the Vote
08/30/20 - On Edge
08/29/20 - Remember Monica's Blue Dress?
08/28/20 - The Easy Way Out
08/28/20 - Excuses, Excuses
08/27/20 - Nothing Phases Millenials
08/26/20 - Isn't It Obvious?
08/26/20 - Misguidance
08/25/20 - More Covid-19 Changes
08/25/20 - A Pair o' Pervs
08/24/20 - Lighting the Fuse
08/24/20 - View From Under the Bus
08/23/20 - Hire a Vet!
08/23/20 - Gotta Love Those Jewish Girls
08/22/20 - Good Call!
08/21/20 - Going "DOWN"?
08/20/20 - Creepy John
08/20/20 - Getting a Bargain
08/20/20 - Location, Location...
08/19/20 - Ezrah: Workin' the Working Girl
08/19/20 - Too Obvious?
08/18/20 - On the OUTS
08/18/20 - Just Askin' For It
08/17/20 - All You Can Eat
08/17/20 - Consequences
08/16/20 - Teach Your Children Well
08/16/20 - Highs & Lows
08/15/20 - Workin' Out the Bugs
08/15/20 - Media Lefties
08/14/20 - The TRUTH Will Out...
08/14/20 - The Gangs All Here
08/13/20 - Virtual Schooling
08/12/20 - Re-Evaluating
08/12/20 - Fighting Back
08/11/20 - Deliver De Letter...
08/10/20 - Impossible Dream (Finale)
08/10/20 - Impossible Dream II
08/10/20 - The Impossible Dream
08/09/20 - Invitation Only
08/09/20 - Just For Fun
08/09/20 - It's Not So Simple, Simon!
08/08/20 - Eyes in the Sky
08/08/20 - Occupying the Kids
08/07/20 - Here we go...
08/07/20 - Stuffin' the BB
08/06/20 - Just Checking!
08/06/20 - Mr. X-Ray Vision
08/05/20 - Rent-a-Cops
08/05/20 - Who's the Racist?
08/04/20 - Alpha Male
08/04/20 - Rotten From the Start
08/03/20 - Slow & Steady
08/02/20 - Game ON
08/02/20 - On the Carpet
08/01/20 - The Devil Made em' Do It
07/31/20 - The "Newbie"
07/31/20 - The Big "IF"
07/28/20 - The Demotion
07/28/20 - Wordy Gurdy
07/27/20 - Here's the Deal.....
07/26/20 - Mr. Innocent
07/26/20 - Checkout Time
07/25/20 - Off the Bench
07/25/20 - Uncharacteristic
07/24/20 - The Deals of Schlemiels
07/24/20 - Is the 5th Time a Charm?
07/23/20 - Backfire
07/23/20 - Talk Ain't Cheap
07/22/20 - Best Case Scenario
07/21/20 - The Odd Couple
07/20/20 - Not On the Same Page
07/20/20 - A Trump-ish Omen
07/20/20 - He Said/She Said
07/19/20 - True Colors
07/19/20 - Daddy Issues
07/19/20 - Good News / Bad News
07/19/20 - Pumping Up the Numbers
07/19/20 - Gender Bender
07/18/20 - Nostalgia
07/18/20 - Do the Russians Lie?
07/18/20 - What's AFTER Covid-19?
07/17/20 - LIVE News
07/17/20 - "Just Another_?_in the Wall"
07/16/20 - What if...NC Pays Reparations?
07/16/20 - One Bad Apple
07/15/20 - Who Is HE Kiddin"?
07/15/20 - Mything the Point
07/14/20 - Fiscal Responsibility
07/13/20 - Inclusive Diversity
07/13/20 - The $$ Advisor
07/13/20 - Fan-Boy
07/12/20 - Squashing the Worm
07/12/20 - A "WIN/LOSS" Situation
07/12/20 - The Covid "Kiss Off"!
07/11/20 - Breaking Writer's Block
07/11/20 - 善有善报æ¶æœ‰æ¶æŠ¥
07/10/20 - Not Again?
07/10/20 - What We're Comin' To...
07/09/20 - Times: They Be's a Changin'
07/08/20 - Georgia On My Mind
07/08/20 - The Company Line
07/07/20 - Greedy St. Patrick
07/06/20 - The Plot Clots
07/05/20 - Orgy Central
07/04/20 - "Deep South Diner"
07/04/20 - Trumped by Cooper
07/03/20 - Cause & Effect
07/02/20 - Initial Ignorance
07/02/20 - Naming Rights
07/01/20 - The Shot Caller
07/01/20 - Banned in Boston
06/30/20 - The Honeymoon Is Over...
06/30/20 - Welcome to the "LOU"
06/29/20 - Clueless
06/29/20 - Team Spirit
06/28/20 - Define "Embellish"
06/28/20 - More VP Intrigue
06/28/20 - Chen at the Eye Doctor
06/27/20 - Going From the Top, Down!
06/27/20 - The VP Spot
06/26/20 - Fiscal Policy
06/26/20 - GPS Trivia
06/25/20 - The Master
06/25/20 - Public Access Channel
06/24/20 - New Finance Chairman
06/24/20 - Oldie But a Goodie
06/23/20 - Picking a V.P.
06/23/20 - Protecting POTUS
06/22/20 - The Bottom Line
06/22/20 - Live Ammo
06/21/20 - JRE MMA Show
06/21/20 - The Base
06/20/20 - Date Night
06/20/20 - Perception is Everything
06/20/20 - The "Universal" Language
06/19/20 - Dad vs. Parental Unit
06/19/20 - Updated Cinema
06/18/20 - The Button Man
06/18/20 - Progress Report
06/18/20 - Kitchen "Stand-Up"
06/17/20 - For My Austrian Friends
06/16/20 - On the Mean Streets
06/16/20 - Moving on...
06/16/20 - Ready? Set? Go!
06/15/20 - Being "Up Front"
06/14/20 - Put Out To Pastor!
06/14/20 - Quality Time
06/14/20 - Paper Jam
06/14/20 - Mr. "T" to Address the Nation
06/14/20 - Calming the Masses...
06/13/20 - Moving On
06/13/20 - Hair Today...
06/13/20 - Door to Door
06/12/20 - Hitch-Hikers
06/12/20 - Nancy the Intolerent
06/11/20 - Gender Bender
06/11/20 - Why Can't We Get Along?
06/10/20 - "Slicing Hazard"
06/10/20 - The Stroll
06/10/20 - A Revelation!
06/09/20 - The Back Door Man
06/09/20 - Killin' For Sport
06/08/20 - The Fickled Troubadour
06/08/20 - Safe Sex
06/08/20 - Gone Begging
06/07/20 - The "Smoking" Myth
06/07/20 - Spelling It Out...
06/06/20 - Me Too: In Buffalo
06/06/20 - Left Behind: End
06/06/20 - Left Behind: Pt. 3
06/06/20 - Left Behind: Pt. 2
06/06/20 - Left Behind: Pt. 1
06/06/20 - Sainthood
06/05/20 - 1971: The Seed is Planted...
06/05/20 - NYC: Changing of the Guard
06/05/20 - Shocking!
06/04/20 - Over Doing It!
06/04/20 - The Whistle-Blower
06/03/20 - On a Dark Desert Highway...
06/03/20 - It's Coming!
06/03/20 - Incoming Virus?
06/02/20 - Call it Camouflage!
06/02/20 - What goes around...
06/02/20 - Dead or Alive?
06/01/20 - "State your name!"
06/01/20 - Birds of a Feather....
05/31/20 - The Usual Suspect
05/31/20 - Union Firefighters
05/31/20 - Poor Planning
05/30/20 - Baby Steps...
05/30/20 - Cutting it Close
05/29/20 - Chef-Boy-Oh-Boy
05/29/20 - To Be Expected
05/29/20 - Sore Loser
05/28/20 - No Breath of Fresh Air
05/28/20 - Smart Ass
05/27/20 - The Playboy
05/27/20 - Cause & Effect
05/26/20 - The Tell-Tale Sign
05/26/20 - Hey Big Spender...
05/25/20 - Speaking Ill of the Dead
05/25/20 - Hiding in Plain Sight
05/24/20 - Daughter Goes Into the Vortex
05/24/20 - Inside Info
05/23/20 - Yeller Gives NO "F's"
05/23/20 - The Visiting Preacher
05/22/20 - Ain't Science Great?
05/22/20 - In Cahoots....
05/22/20 - Do YOU know....
05/22/20 - Questionable Hobbies
05/22/20 - Keep em' Guessing
05/21/20 - See It?
05/21/20 - No Coleen Coyle
05/20/20 - Pandemic's End
05/20/20 - Penny Smart/Pound Foolish
05/20/20 - It Started With...
05/19/20 - Bits & Bites
05/19/20 - Take a Dump, Take a Dump...
05/19/20 - Unloading Zone
05/18/20 - Moms Will Be Moms
05/18/20 - On the Run
05/16/20 - Let Me Rephrase That...
05/16/20 - Oh Canada...
05/16/20 - The Boss Lady
05/15/20 - Kids!
05/14/20 - Going to the Dogs
05/13/20 - Made Marion
05/13/20 - The Affluence of Incohol
05/13/20 - One Never Knows
05/12/20 - Vox Populi
05/12/20 - The Constant Complainer
05/11/20 - Making "Do"
05/11/20 - Picky, Picky
05/11/20 - "I Ain't Got Nobody..."
05/11/20 - + vs. -
05/10/20 - R-E-S-P-E-C-T
05/09/20 - Crop Failure
05/09/20 - One Fell Swoop
05/08/20 - Just a Warning
05/08/20 - Over-Qualified
05/07/20 - The Weighting Game
05/07/20 - Getting Back to Normal
05/06/20 - New Blood II
05/06/20 - New Blood
05/06/20 - re: Alien Social Distancing
05/05/20 - New Normal
05/05/20 - Different Strokes...
05/04/20 - "Spoonerism"
05/04/20 - Back Peddaling
05/04/20 - In the beginning...
05/03/20 - A Way With Words
05/03/20 - Who's the Funny Man?
05/02/20 - "Sign" of the Times
05/02/20 - Being Judge-MENTAL
05/02/20 - Trace Evidence
05/01/20 - The Seer
05/01/20 - Stress Relief
05/01/20 - He Said/She Said
04/30/20 - Burst Bubble
04/30/20 - Tech Trouble
04/29/20 - Standards
04/29/20 - Man on the Street
04/28/20 - A Fate Worse Than Death
04/28/20 - Big-Shot Buddies
04/28/20 - Ink-a-Dink-a-Doo
04/27/20 - Rigged
04/27/20 - The J.B. Family
04/27/20 - Siege Mentality
04/26/20 - A Growing Audience
04/26/20 - Don't Open That Door!
04/26/20 - Sweet Revenge on RCLG
04/25/20 - Keep Your Distance
04/24/20 - Quit Buggin' Us!
04/24/20 - Patient Transfer
04/24/20 - Following the Science
04/22/20 - New Fund Raiser
04/22/20 - Sing it, Neil!
04/21/20 - Relaxing: At Home
04/21/20 - "Well, oil be damned!"
04/20/20 - Addiction
04/20/20 - Air Pollution
04/20/20 - Gas Pains
04/19/20 - Good vs Evil
04/19/20 - The "Headliner"
04/19/20 - Scent of a Woman
04/18/20 - His Cup Overfloweth
04/18/20 - "Come & Get It"
04/17/20 - Too Much To Take
04/16/20 - Weak After Week
04/16/20 - Caught in the Act
04/15/20 - Undersea Trashmen
04/15/20 - 35mm Phlegm
04/14/20 - Check & Double Check
04/14/20 - End of an Era
04/14/20 - The Daily "Shit Show"
04/14/20 - Smart Kid
04/13/20 - Doctor's Orders
04/13/20 - Fencing
04/13/20 - re: Deep Shit
04/12/20 - The Dating Game: 2050
04/12/20 - Mind Games
04/11/20 - Results of "Cabin Fever"
04/11/20 - If the U.S.A. Was Run....
04/10/20 - The Price
04/10/20 - Whiz-Dumb
04/09/20 - We Sell EVERYTHING
04/09/20 - Keep On Truckin'
04/08/20 - Masked Intentions
04/08/20 - Covid-19: Crowd Control
04/07/20 - Can Ya Dig It?
04/07/20 - Special Ed
04/07/20 - An Idle Threat
04/06/20 - re: A New Game Plan
04/06/20 - A New Game Plan
04/05/20 - Making Lemonade
04/05/20 - Silence the Opposition
04/05/20 - Calling a Spade....
04/04/20 - The Disposal Site
04/03/20 - The New Normal
04/03/20 - Lost Control
04/03/20 - Home-Made Masks
04/03/20 - Supply & Demand
04/02/20 - Wise Wisdom
04/01/20 - Good Question!
04/01/20 - From One Extreme...
03/31/20 - Wheelin' & Dealin'
03/31/20 - Hair today...
03/31/20 - Show Chen the $$
03/30/20 - Gotcha!
03/30/20 - Job #1
03/29/20 - Tell-Tale Signs
03/29/20 - The World Gets "Double Teamed"
03/28/20 - Picky, Picky!
03/28/20 - What Goes Around....
03/28/20 - Jill of All Trades
03/27/20 - "Border Line" Personality
03/27/20 - Tell It Like It "T-I-Z"!
03/26/20 - Taking a Load Off
03/25/20 - Check-Out Time
03/24/20 - That's HIS boy!
03/24/20 - PPE Gouging
03/24/20 - PPE's
03/24/20 - Eased Out
03/23/20 - What "Gouging"?
03/23/20 - PSA
03/22/20 - Problem SOLVED
03/22/20 - Jumping the Gun
03/22/20 - Group Therapy
03/22/20 - What Drastic Times Call For
03/21/20 - No Great Loss
03/21/20 - Think "Chink"
03/21/20 - Shock Jocks
03/20/20 - Sad But True
03/20/20 - Crying On Deaf Ears
03/20/20 - Millenials to the Rescue!
03/19/20 - The Specialist
03/19/20 - The House of Pain
03/19/20 - Re: "Counting (Actual) Counts"
03/18/20 - Now I Get It!
03/18/20 - Just In Case
03/17/20 - How Judgemental?
03/17/20 - Familial Sensitivity
03/17/20 - Wheelin' & Dealin'
03/16/20 - Outbreak Masterminds
03/16/20 - The Same "Old Story"
03/16/20 - Expanding Services
03/15/20 - At It Again!
03/15/20 - Guilty!
03/15/20 - Mad At Ads?
03/14/20 - Fixin' the Fight
03/14/20 - One Track Mind
03/13/20 - Who's the Boss?
03/13/20 - "I Am Woman"
03/13/20 - Home Schooled
03/13/20 - No Do-Overs
03/12/20 - The 23 Year "Cake-Walk"
03/12/20 - On the "Chain Gang"
03/12/20 - Mr. Spotless? Nah!
03/11/20 - The "Let Down"
03/11/20 - A Non-Denial, Denial
03/11/20 - A Non-Denial, Denial
03/10/20 - Chooser Or Loser?
03/10/20 - Italy: Locked Down
03/09/20 - An Honest Mistake
03/09/20 - The Ulterior Motive
03/08/20 - Wanna Bet?
03/08/20 - "Pink Velvet Meets Eraser-head"
03/07/20 - Getting To Know You
03/07/20 - UnknownEric Will Get It
03/06/20 - Who's Counting?
03/06/20 - Cash n Carry
03/06/20 - "Floyd's Masonary Co."
03/05/20 - Hard Shoes To Fill
03/05/20 - The Dwindling Field
03/04/20 - Fair Trade
03/04/20 - Who Votes?
03/02/20 - The "Pitch" On the Way...
03/02/20 - Thinking Out Loud
03/02/20 - Double Deuce
03/01/20 - "On the Shores of Nietzsche Gumy"
03/01/20 - When Uranus Attacks
03/01/20 - Juvey "Death Row"
03/01/20 - Easy Prey
03/01/20 - Psuedo Entry
02/29/20 - Great Minds...(end)
02/29/20 - Great Minds...cont.
02/29/20 - Great Minds....
02/29/20 - James Dean Quote
02/28/20 - Domination
02/28/20 - Epstein Manor
02/28/20 - Ooops!
02/28/20 - Under Age
02/28/20 - 1st Impressions
02/28/20 - Surprise!
02/28/20 - Old Prank, New Prankster
02/28/20 - And THIS was a SLOW day!
02/28/20 - Can't Beat Experience
02/28/20 - That'll show em!
02/28/20 - Same Old, Same Old...
02/28/20 - The Cold Shoulder
02/27/20 - Too Much Like Work
02/27/20 - The "Get-Away"
02/26/20 - The "Back Door" Man
02/26/20 - 2020 Census
02/26/20 - Norah O'Donnell...
02/25/20 - Duh uh!
02/25/20 - Take It OFF!
02/24/20 - Now THAT'S Entertainment
02/24/20 - Special Ed
02/24/20 - Leaving Your Mark
02/24/20 - Earthbound
02/23/20 - "Pot-Hole" Begone!
02/23/20 - Across the Pond
02/23/20 - That's What "THEY" Said!
02/23/20 - "I Got Your, "Relations" Right Here!
02/23/20 - Just "Think" It!
02/23/20 - Sin City
02/22/20 - Runs in the Family
02/22/20 - Well Deserved
02/22/20 - Inspiration
02/21/20 - Back Pedaling
02/21/20 - One Way or the Other
02/21/20 - Friendly Advice
02/21/20 - 2nd Income
02/20/20 - Buggin' Out
02/19/20 - No Badge for THAT!
02/19/20 - Rationalizing
02/19/20 - Cause & Effect
02/19/20 - OUT & About
02/18/20 - Dire Straights
02/18/20 - Depressing
02/18/20 - Political Ad Man
02/18/20 - Delusions of Grandure
02/18/20 - Scouts on the Outs!
02/17/20 - Stuff Happens
02/17/20 - Quid Quo Pro
02/17/20 - One Man's Meat....
02/16/20 - Hire a Vet!
02/16/20 - Jealous Much?
02/16/20 - A Star is Born
02/16/20 - Water Sports
02/16/20 - Shower Power
02/15/20 - Think!
02/15/20 - Changing the Subject...
02/15/20 - Live-In Millenials
02/15/20 - The Lesson
02/15/20 - Justice Served
02/14/20 - Cold. Cold Heart
02/14/20 - Anthropology: 101
02/13/20 - Predator
02/13/20 - Seven & 1/2
02/13/20 - Not THAT "Gabe"!
02/13/20 - That Old Black Magic
02/13/20 - Understatement
02/13/20 - "Bye Bye Birdie"
02/13/20 - Obviously!
02/12/20 - You're FIRED!
02/12/20 - How it Began
02/11/20 - Rough Neighborhood
02/11/20 - Stress Relief
02/11/20 - Helping in the Kitchen
02/11/20 - Raising the Bar
02/10/20 - Wrong Place; Wrong Time
02/10/20 - What the...?
02/09/20 - Choosing Fast Food
02/09/20 - Sage Advice
02/09/20 - The "2-FER"
02/09/20 - True Colors
02/09/20 - Just Another Sunday
02/09/20 - Just Checking!
02/08/20 - Invaluable?
02/08/20 - A Stormy Gayle
02/07/20 - Crossing Boundries
02/07/20 - What "Bad Blood"?
02/07/20 - A "Stand Up" Guy
02/06/20 - To Make Matters Worse...
02/06/20 - Is It Safe?
02/06/20 - Can't Touch This
02/06/20 - What's the "Rush"?
02/06/20 - Melania Speaks Out
02/05/20 - Partners in Crimea
02/05/20 - "In Kind" Response
02/04/20 - Know the Signs
02/04/20 - The Disfunctional System Pt.2
02/04/20 - The Disfuntional System
02/04/20 - A Dead Give-Away
02/03/20 - Greed is Good
02/03/20 - What Game?
02/02/20 - Busted!
02/02/20 - Pastor-ized
02/02/20 - It's Everywhere! It's EVERYWHERE!
02/02/20 - Game Day
02/01/20 - Johnny On the Spot
02/01/20 - Rudy, Rudy, Rudy
02/01/20 - A "Respectable" Joint
02/01/20 - Mr. Gullable
01/31/20 - Public Enemy #1
01/31/20 - Insincerity
01/31/20 - Burying the Truth
01/30/20 - Evaluation
01/30/20 - Mr. Red & Mr. Blue
01/29/20 - Butch Improvises
01/29/20 - Hot Off the Press
01/27/20 - "Book em', Dano"
01/27/20 - Job Hunting
01/27/20 - Looking Back
01/27/20 - Untitled
01/26/20 - Trouble in Paradise?
01/26/20 - Who's the Boss?
01/26/20 - Gathering the Flock
01/26/20 - Bending the Koran
01/26/20 - My Radio Faves
01/26/20 - A Nice Gesture?
01/25/20 - More Headlines...(sorta)
01/25/20 - Plucked From the Headlines...(kinda)
01/24/20 - Wrong Impression
01/24/20 - Extra Income
01/24/20 - Two Greats
01/24/20 - How Do YOU "Identify"?
01/23/20 - Take Your Pick
01/23/20 - Plan "B"
01/23/20 - No Butts About it...
01/22/20 - Global Cooling
01/21/20 - Viva La Differance
01/21/20 - Money Talks
01/21/20 - And so it goes...
01/20/20 - It's Always SOMETHING!
01/20/20 - "Mums" the Word!
01/20/20 - Truth Be Told
01/19/20 - Enunciate
01/19/20 - Clippy's Auto Repair
01/19/20 - It's Only Fitting
01/19/20 - It's SHOW TIME!
01/19/20 - Cool It!
01/18/20 - Clueless at the Costume Contest
01/18/20 - Look For the Union Label
01/18/20 - Where There's a Will...
01/18/20 - Proverb
01/17/20 - Greener Pastures
01/17/20 - Strategy
01/17/20 - To Each, His/Her Own
01/16/20 - House of Cards
01/16/20 - Variety
01/16/20 - Mixed Message
01/15/20 - While the Iron is Hot
01/15/20 - Revisionist History
01/14/20 - Fan Mail
01/14/20 - Mutiny
01/13/20 - Rough Rider
01/13/20 - Money Well Spent
01/13/20 - The Name Game
01/12/20 - Sad, by Comparison
01/12/20 - 2 Birds-1 Stone
01/11/20 - Too Much of a Good Thing
01/11/20 - Masters of Disasters
01/11/20 - Our Gang
01/10/20 - Mixed Messages
01/10/20 - Body Disposal
01/09/20 - All That Glitters.....
01/09/20 - Kids are Parrots
01/08/20 - Entitlement
01/08/20 - Just when you thought....
01/07/20 - How the DRAFT works for...
01/07/20 - "A Bed Bug's Life"
01/07/20 - New Blood
01/06/20 - Trust but Verify!
01/06/20 - THAT'S Show Biz?
01/06/20 - "Memories"
01/05/20 - The Greener Grass...
01/05/20 - They Hide in Plain Sight
01/05/20 - False Security
01/05/20 - No "Butts" About It
01/05/20 - Iranian Response
01/04/20 - The Gift Arrived, but...
01/04/20 - The Welcome Wagon II
01/04/20 - The Welcome Wagon
01/04/20 - The "Proper" Copper
01/03/20 - The Threat III (Ended)
01/03/20 - The Threat II
01/03/20 - The Threat
01/02/20 - Boots on the Ground Pt. 2
01/02/20 - Boots on the Ground
01/02/20 - Your "Hopes" Dashed
01/02/20 - Aaannnd, their OFF!
01/01/20 - The Deal Breaker
01/01/20 - It's "Cobb vs. DBoba"
12/31/19 - The Visitor
12/31/19 - The REAL Winners
12/30/19 - Age Old Remedy
12/30/19 - Satisfaction Guaranteed
12/30/19 - L-O-L-A = Lola
12/29/19 - The Day After
12/29/19 - Lonely at
12/28/19 - A Look is All it Took!
12/28/19 - How's Your Mailman?
12/28/19 - R.I.P. Don Imus
12/27/19 - Almost, but NO Cigar!
12/26/19 - 16 Tons
12/26/19 - Deep Diver
12/26/19 - The "Coup d'etat"
12/26/19 - A View From the Top
12/26/19 - A Plea From JoeBlough & Co.
12/26/19 - re: Make Merry
12/25/19 - "the Jesus" baby...
12/24/19 - Overstated
12/24/19 - The Pep Talk
12/24/19 - Same Old, Same Old
12/24/19 - Giving "Props"
12/23/19 - Target Practice
12/23/19 - Door to Door
12/23/19 - Just B-Coz
12/23/19 - Just B-Coz
12/22/19 - Eyes of Lil Spies
12/22/19 - When They First Came Out...
12/22/19 - Marked Improvement
12/21/19 - Fond of Being Arrested?
12/21/19 - Things That Go Bump....
12/20/19 - Knowledge is Power
12/20/19 - Name THAT Movie!
12/20/19 - The Early Daze
12/20/19 - Always Check the Date
12/20/19 - That Was Quick!
12/19/19 - False Pretenses
12/19/19 - Behind the Scenes
12/19/19 - You Know the One
12/18/19 - Miscommunication
12/18/19 - Gram: The Go Getter
12/18/19 - Try, Try Again
12/17/19 - Hey, Somebody Had To Do It
12/17/19 - The Happy Couple
12/17/19 - Curiosity
12/17/19 - From SitCom to Porn
12/16/19 - Un Vollo der Leader
12/15/19 - In One Possible Future....
12/15/19 - Hierarchy
12/15/19 - Action & Reaction
12/14/19 - Old Dogs/New Tricks
12/14/19 - Last Minute Details
12/14/19 - "I'll Pass"
12/13/19 - Cold-"HARD"-Cash
12/13/19 - It's the Thought That Counts.
12/13/19 - Curb Service
12/12/19 - Say Wha?
12/12/19 - Robin Hood...Finito
12/12/19 - Robin Hood...Pt. 3
12/12/19 - Robin Hood...Pt.2
12/12/19 - Robin Hood...Pt.1
12/11/19 - Choose Appropriate Ammo
12/11/19 - The Shy Guy
12/11/19 - Ka-Ching
12/10/19 - It Could Happen
12/09/19 - Too "TOO"!
12/09/19 - Friendly Relations
12/09/19 - The In-Depth Interview
12/09/19 - Sour Grapes
12/08/19 - He Oughta Know
12/08/19 - Oh! THAT'S Why?
12/08/19 - Hard to Digest
12/07/19 - Back-Up
12/07/19 - The Last Request
12/07/19 - The Party Crasher
12/07/19 - Burn Out
12/06/19 - The Singin' Cowpoke
12/06/19 - Tough Love....
12/05/19 - Breaking the News
12/05/19 - Froggy's Magic Twanger
12/04/19 - Investigating Woes
12/04/19 - "The Fink"
12/04/19 - Fresh Off the Bus
12/03/19 - Too Much, Too Soon
12/03/19 - Loose College Girls...
12/03/19 - Downsizing?
12/03/19 - Game "ON"
12/02/19 - What is Confusing?
12/02/19 - Perils of Eavesdropping
12/02/19 - The Nemisis
12/02/19 - School Daze
12/01/19 - Street Lingo
12/01/19 - Never Alienate the Waiter
12/01/19 - Bettering One's Self
11/30/19 - Never Satisfied
11/30/19 - Problem Reduction
11/30/19 - Menu Change
11/30/19 - Feed the Xmas Tree
11/30/19 - Holiday Cheer
11/27/19 - Bottoms Up
11/27/19 - Point of View
11/26/19 - More Mistaken Identity
11/26/19 - Poor Pancho
11/25/19 - Image Building
11/25/19 - Checkin' His List
11/25/19 - A Star is Born
11/24/19 - You're HIRED!
11/23/19 - The Company "Suck-Ass"
11/23/19 - An "Expert's" Opinion
11/22/19 - And the Walls...
11/22/19 - Control Access
11/21/19 - The Plot Clots
11/21/19 - It Just Ain't Worth It!
11/20/19 - Rebonding
11/20/19 - Think "William Tell"
11/19/19 - Get a Job!
11/19/19 - Wishful Thinking
11/19/19 - Home Coming
11/19/19 - Chill Out!
11/16/19 - On "3"...
11/16/19 - Quid Quo Pro
11/16/19 - Blind Date
11/15/19 - Public Opinion
11/15/19 - Gobble, Gobble!
11/14/19 - A Look From Above
11/14/19 - Wisdom of Uncle Louie
11/13/19 - Genetic Flaw
11/13/19 - Just Chillin'
11/12/19 - Rear Ended
11/12/19 - All Shook Up
11/11/19 - News Flash!
11/10/19 - RE: Fred Mystery...(FINAL SCENE)?
11/10/19 - Game "On"
11/10/19 - Disappointment
11/10/19 - Another One...
11/09/19 - Road Apples
11/09/19 - Nom de Plume
11/08/19 - The Rendevous
11/08/19 - The Angry Masses
11/07/19 - Pain Relief: Pt. 2
11/07/19 - Pain Relief: Pt. 1
11/07/19 - Grope THIS!
11/06/19 - What A Way To Go
11/06/19 - Nose, Nose, Anything Goes...
11/05/19 - A "Fallen" Icon
11/04/19 - You said a mouthful!
11/04/19 - Let Me Make Myself Clear
11/03/19 - Urban Improvements
11/03/19 - The St. Louis "Boos"
11/03/19 - Back to the Drawing Board
11/03/19 - Her Biggest Supporter
11/02/19 - Civil Unrest
11/01/19 - The Smoke Screen
11/01/19 - Wall St. to Green Acres
11/01/19 - Take My Wife...Please!
10/31/19 - Culture Shock
10/31/19 - Zero Hour *Tic Toc*
10/30/19 - Rules is Rules
10/29/19 - Keeping Tabs
10/29/19 - The Romantic
10/28/19 - Mail Order Bride
10/28/19 - Old Habits...
10/28/19 - My 1st Impression
10/28/19 - Prom Night
10/28/19 - Respect
10/27/19 - Massaging the Truth
10/27/19 - Lil Gabe to the Rescue
10/27/19 - Under the Influence
10/26/19 - Not Tonight Dear!
10/26/19 - Goin' Back to Cali, Cali...
10/25/19 - Raise em' Up
10/25/19 - The Dragnet: Finale
10/25/19 - The Dragnet Pt.3
10/25/19 - The Dragnet Pt.2
10/25/19 - The Dragnet Pt.1
10/25/19 - Sour Grapes
10/24/19 - The "NEW" South
10/24/19 - Brutally Honest
10/24/19 - Whiskey & the One Track Mind
10/23/19 - In Sickness & Health
10/23/19 - Aha!
10/23/19 - To Each His Own
10/22/19 - Nose News is Bad News
10/22/19 - All in Fun
10/22/19 - At Chez ragu/d_bacon + Deb
10/21/19 - Ask & Ye Shall Receive
10/20/19 - Microscopic Kids
10/20/19 - Party Time
10/20/19 - Party Time
10/20/19 - Hollow Ween-ish
10/19/19 - Could it be?
10/18/19 - Under a Bad "Spell"
10/18/19 - Change at the Top
10/18/19 - By Special Request...
10/17/19 - The Way We Were
10/17/19 - The Problem Solver
10/16/19 - Pattaya City, Thailand
10/16/19 - With a Friend Like THIS...
10/16/19 - Plucked From the Headlines
10/15/19 - Too Much Vino?
10/15/19 - Ethnic Ethos
10/15/19 - A Millenial
10/15/19 - You Suspected It!
10/15/19 - War is Hell
10/14/19 - Is He or Isn't He?
10/14/19 - Inside the "Power House"
10/13/19 - Small Talk
10/13/19 - History Buff
10/12/19 - Out of Work
10/11/19 - POTUS's Hit Squad
10/11/19 - Runs in the Family
10/11/19 - Know Your Clientel
10/11/19 - Innocent Until Proven...
10/10/19 - Veganicide
10/10/19 - Cali Under Fire
10/10/19 - "Working" the Media
10/09/19 - Disappointment
10/09/19 - Cantonese Cuisine
10/08/19 - Location, Location, Location!
10/08/19 - When you got "IT", flaunt it!
10/07/19 - Welcome Wagon
10/07/19 - Quest For Knowledge
10/06/19 - Priorities!
10/06/19 - Sulking
10/06/19 - I Digress
10/05/19 - Evolving Health Care
10/05/19 - Tain't the Season
10/04/19 - Shoulda Guessed
10/04/19 - The Voyeur
10/04/19 - The 2nd Income
10/03/19 - "Cruisin'"
10/03/19 - Gone is Gone
10/02/19 - Preventing GAY-ness
10/01/19 - The "Work Around"
10/01/19 - Backfired
10/01/19 - Always the "VICTIM"
09/30/19 - 3...2...1...
09/30/19 - Cheap Chink
09/29/19 - Playing "The Game"
09/29/19 - Silly Rules
09/29/19 - On the Road Again!
09/29/19 - Third World Medicine
09/29/19 - Oh You Sexy Thang!
09/28/19 - Shaping Up
09/28/19 - Poor Planning
09/28/19 - Pedo to Pedo
09/28/19 - The Shyster
09/27/19 - The One Star Hotel
09/27/19 - Home Alone
09/26/19 - Museum Day
09/26/19 - The Zealot
09/26/19 - A Likely Excuse
09/25/19 - He Said/She Said
09/25/19 - Green With Envy
09/24/19 - Professor Perv
09/24/19 - When the "Garmen" Breaks
09/24/19 - Lesson Learned
09/23/19 - The I.P. Man
09/23/19 - Peeping Tim
09/23/19 - Support Minority Business!
09/22/19 - Birds & Bees
09/22/19 - Man-Up!
09/21/19 - Blue Collar Wisdom
09/21/19 - The Broker....
09/21/19 - This Just In.....
09/20/19 - School Dazed
09/20/19 - New to the Biz
09/20/19 - Delta "Very Bad Hand""
09/19/19 - Deflecting
09/19/19 - Out at 43
09/18/19 - Try, Try, Again!
09/18/19 - Lazy Bones
09/18/19 - Foiled Again
09/17/19 - Take-Out
09/17/19 - A Day at the Dentist: Pt.2
09/17/19 - The Grass is Greener...
09/16/19 - A Day at the Dentist
09/16/19 - Dumb & Dumber
09/16/19 - "Rock On"
09/15/19 - Who's the Funny Man?
09/15/19 - Faded Glory
09/15/19 - No More "Handle Jiggling"
09/14/19 - Bullies: Take Note
09/14/19 - Well Deserved
09/14/19 - Chen Takes Charge
09/13/19 - Name That Tune!
09/13/19 - Playing it Safe!
09/12/19 - Take "NO" For An Answer!
09/12/19 - That's Our "POTUS"
09/12/19 - "It's Gettin' Hot In Here"
09/12/19 - Paired Off
09/11/19 - Never Forget
09/11/19 - Rube On a Bender
09/11/19 - The Bowl Game
09/10/19 - More Bad Luck
09/10/19 - There is a House in...
09/10/19 - It's THAT Easy!
09/10/19 - Re: RCL no. 6894
09/09/19 - Truism
09/09/19 - The News Fell on Deaf Ears
09/09/19 - How He Does It
09/08/19 - Gouged
09/08/19 - Martial Artist
09/08/19 - Going "APE"
09/07/19 - The Connoisseur
09/07/19 - Coach Clueless
09/06/19 - Little Miss Understanding
09/06/19 - Send in the Clown
09/06/19 - A Helping Hand
09/06/19 - Discount Sex
09/05/19 - Arkansas Love
09/05/19 - Low Mileage
09/04/19 - Decisions, Decisions
09/04/19 - On Vacation...
09/03/19 - Creativity
09/03/19 - CC: 722 No Biggy
09/02/19 - Match-Maker
09/02/19 - Accu-Weather
09/01/19 - Making the Sunday "Rounds"!
08/31/19 - Buyer Beware
08/31/19 - It's "Justice" I Thought!
08/31/19 - "Plucked" from the Headlines
08/30/19 - Loose Ends
08/30/19 - A Real Smart Alec
08/30/19 - Ms. Print
08/29/19 - "Hard Hat" Area
08/29/19 - The "Pick-Up" Line
08/29/19 - Just Looking
08/28/19 - Overworked Surgeons
08/28/19 - Just My Luck
08/27/19 - Know Your Limitations
08/26/19 - End of the Line
08/26/19 - Fools Rush In...
08/25/19 - Papa's Little Helper
08/25/19 - The Desert's a Lonely Place
08/25/19 - No "I" in TEAM
08/24/19 - Perpetual Victims
08/24/19 - Get a 2nd Opinion
08/23/19 - How "Mirages" Work
08/23/19 - Inka-hoots
08/23/19 - Dessert To Die For
08/23/19 - Just Like Home
08/22/19 - Inquiring Minds...
08/22/19 - The Buck Stops Where?
08/22/19 - Practice Makes Perfect
08/22/19 - Falsely Accused
08/22/19 - Stampede
08/21/19 - He Doesn't Get Out Much!
08/20/19 - Looking For Trouble
08/20/19 - Having a Friend Over?
08/19/19 - Compromise
08/19/19 - Wet n Wild
08/19/19 - Wait Till They Hatch!
08/18/19 - The Head Man
08/18/19 - Hungry Eyes
08/18/19 - D.E.A. K-9 Division
08/17/19 - Their Hobby
08/17/19 - Death of an "Easy Rider"
08/16/19 - Working in Alabama
08/16/19 - Different Strokes
08/16/19 - How Accidents Happen
08/16/19 - Culture Clash
08/16/19 - A.I. Misfire!
08/15/19 - The P.I.
08/15/19 - A Blended Family
08/15/19 - Pub Talk
08/14/19 - That Sucks!
08/14/19 - Co-Pay or No-Pay?
08/13/19 - Anything But THAT!
08/13/19 - "Where MANY Men Have Gone Before"
08/13/19 - Anchor Away!
08/13/19 - CC: 721 "Pay No Attention...."
08/12/19 - Making the Grade
08/12/19 - 1% of the 1%
08/11/19 - Like "Bad Pennies"
08/11/19 - Sacrificial Lamb
08/11/19 - Good Thinkin'
08/10/19 - Breaking News
08/10/19 - Far Out, Dude!
08/09/19 - The "EYES" Have It
08/09/19 - Polar Opposites
08/08/19 - Shrewd Operator
08/08/19 - RE: RCL no. 6864
08/07/19 - Pedo in the Making
08/07/19 - "Daytime Cowpoke"
08/06/19 - Soothing the Savage Breast...
08/06/19 - Counting His Chickens (Cont.)
08/06/19 - Counting His Chickens
08/04/19 - Coming of Age
08/03/19 - "Weed" = Misdemeanor
08/03/19 - Small Wonder
08/02/19 - Social Graces
08/02/19 - Attacking the Rear
08/02/19 - Take "NO" For An Answer
08/02/19 - Schlomoe Goes to Lunch
08/02/19 - WW: 122 "Maura Would Know"
08/01/19 - The Last Resort
08/01/19 - How Low Can We Go?
08/01/19 - Birds of a Feather...
08/01/19 - Who's Counting?
07/31/19 - Classless Clown
07/31/19 - Culture Clash
07/30/19 - Future Tech/Old Problem
07/29/19 - Most Deadly
07/29/19 - Mentally Yelling "FORE"!
07/29/19 - CC:720 "Hard-Wood"
07/29/19 - CC: 720 Ghi Whiz
07/28/19 - That's a Mouthful
07/28/19 - It's THAT Simple
07/27/19 - It's a Man's World
07/27/19 - Cease & Desist
07/27/19 - Scammer's Robo-Call Center
07/27/19 - Robo-Calls
07/26/19 - Hollywood "Insiders"
07/26/19 - Aha!
07/26/19 - Sherwood Forrest
07/25/19 - A Game's Unfortunate Name
07/25/19 - Something Died in Here!
07/25/19 - Without "Planned Parenthood"
07/24/19 - Pervs Are Everywhere
07/24/19 - Mowing Wars
07/24/19 - The Waiting Game
07/23/19 - A Church For "Working Girls"
07/23/19 - Know Your Limitations
07/22/19 - An All Girl School...
07/22/19 - "Full Body Massage"
07/22/19 - 1st There Was "Foxy Brown"
07/22/19 - A Walk in the Woods
07/21/19 - He's Got a Ticket to Ride...
07/21/19 - The Jewish Entrepeneurial Spirit
07/21/19 -'s a job!
07/21/19 - Replacing 007!
07/20/19 - High Hopes
07/19/19 - That's Putting It Mildly!
07/19/19 - Ambushed
07/19/19 - Pro Soccer in "The Lou"?
07/19/19 - Hidden in Plain Sight
07/18/19 - Anchors Away!
07/18/19 - Younger Than Springtime
07/17/19 - Health Care U.S.A.
07/17/19 - Dire Straights
07/17/19 - What Racist?
07/17/19 - Desolation
07/16/19 - Scent of a Woman
07/16/19 - Just too "too"!
07/15/19 - Life Goals
07/15/19 - The "Muscle"
07/15/19 - Art Lover
07/15/19 - Supply & Demand
07/14/19 - Dashed Hopes
07/14/19 - The Opiod Crisis
07/14/19 - Our Favorite Passtime
07/14/19 - Movin' On Up
07/13/19 - New Neighbor
07/13/19 - Get With the Program
07/13/19 - Family Feud
07/12/19 - Maura "Drops" By
07/12/19 - Think Before You Speak!
07/12/19 - Adaptable
07/11/19 - Fire in the Holes!
07/11/19 - Inside "The Joint"
07/11/19 - Jeff Glor Signs Off
07/11/19 - Making Adjustments
07/11/19 - To Each His Own
07/10/19 - Chores II
07/10/19 - Chores
07/10/19 - A Shot of Adrenaline
07/09/19 - The Rich, Neighborhood Pedo
07/09/19 - What Could Have Been!
07/08/19 - Trust Your Gut
07/08/19 - Helping Out a Pal
07/08/19 - The Rumor Mill
07/07/19 - Author! Author!
07/07/19 - Unintended Consequences
07/05/19 - Chen: The Librarian
07/05/19 - Rah-Rah-Raw
07/05/19 - It Happened So Fast...
07/05/19 - Remember This Show?
07/04/19 - Her "Rep" Precedes Her
07/04/19 - US vs. THEM
07/04/19 - End of An Era
07/03/19 - Contest Rules Apply
07/02/19 - Got Any References?
07/02/19 - Losing to a Woman
07/02/19 - Equal Opportunity
07/01/19 - The Hide-Away
06/30/19 - Shoulda Wrote it Down
06/30/19 - We don't give a crap-athy!
06/30/19 - Gathering the Flock
06/30/19 - Scent of a Woman
06/30/19 - Alpha & Omega
06/30/19 - Terrorist Beaners
06/30/19 - Abigale Beecher...
06/30/19 - Another Odd Chinese Celebration
06/29/19 - Buyer Beware
06/29/19 - Why Women Refs?
06/29/19 - Fighting Words
06/29/19 - Shit + Heat = ...?
06/28/19 - Sir Richard: The Lady Poacher
06/27/19 - He's Ba-ack!
06/27/19 - Tunnel of Love
06/27/19 - Plucked From the Headlines
06/26/19 - The Audition
06/26/19 - The Crybaby
06/25/19 - Starsky & Hutch...
06/25/19 - Caddy Shacking Up
06/25/19 - Pleading For WW: 121
06/24/19 - Progressing Backwards
06/24/19 - Are you SURE?
06/23/19 - Jewish Ragu-ish
06/23/19 - A New Leaf
06/23/19 - Still Living at Home!
06/23/19 - Spare some change?
06/23/19 - Rico Suave'
06/22/19 - Now Hear THIS!
06/22/19 - Winner, Winner...
06/21/19 - The Fall
06/21/19 - "It's Showtime"
06/20/19 - Ooops!
06/20/19 - Good Advice!
06/19/19 - Kids Say the Darndest Things
06/19/19 - The School Next Door
06/18/19 - Take Only As Directed
06/18/19 - Unidentified Remains
06/18/19 - Newbie
06/17/19 - As Luck Would Have It...
06/17/19 - Office Art
06/17/19 - Break Time
06/16/19 - Another Sunday
06/16/19 - In the Pink
06/15/19 - Price Increase
06/15/19 - Movin' On Up: Pt.2
06/15/19 - Movin' On Up...
06/14/19 - The World's Foremost Authority
06/14/19 - True Dat
06/14/19 - Holly GoLightly
06/13/19 - On Edge
06/13/19 - Game Night
06/12/19 - Las Vegas: 2022
06/12/19 - Ya Never Know
06/12/19 - Recalling His Roots
06/11/19 - Honestly, Abe!
06/11/19 - Nuthin' But a Hound Dog
06/10/19 - Origins
06/10/19 - Know Your Acronyms II
06/10/19 - Know Your Acronyms
06/10/19 - MV in the W
06/09/19 - Inquiring Minds....
06/08/19 - Sticks n' Stones...
06/08/19 - Spike is Pissed!
06/07/19 - The Let Down
06/07/19 - Old Dog, Old Tricks
06/06/19 - Senors & Senoritas...
06/06/19 - It's "Nike's" Fault
06/06/19 - Summer Jobs Can Suck!
06/05/19 - He Just Couldn't Say No
06/05/19 - The Tense Interview
06/04/19 - Pink Slipped
06/04/19 - Fickled
06/04/19 - Lousy Postal Service
06/04/19 - Show Some Respect
06/03/19 - That's Show Biz
06/03/19 - "West(wing)Side Story"
06/03/19 - The Going Rate
06/03/19 - Dickering
06/03/19 - Living the Dream
06/02/19 - Same Old Song & Dance
06/02/19 - Ezrah: Fund Raiser...
06/02/19 - "Aim for the heart, Ramone!"
06/02/19 - Idle Chatter
06/02/19 - "Come On Down"
06/02/19 - Faith...
06/01/19 - Prepping For the Arrival
06/01/19 - Maura Strikes Again
06/01/19 - A Scenario
06/01/19 - No Going Back
05/31/19 - Two Peas in a Pod
05/31/19 - Jew, Doh!
05/31/19 - Innocence Lost
05/31/19 - Lack of Manners
05/30/19 - Hiromi to the Rescue
05/30/19 - Taking Advantage
05/29/19 - Sounds Like a Plan!
05/29/19 - Long Range Forecast
05/29/19 - Consider the Source
05/29/19 - Happy Days
05/29/19 - Chore Day
05/29/19 - States Rights...& Wrongs!
05/28/19 - How Dan Brown Saw It
05/28/19 - Know Thy Enemy
05/28/19 - Meditative Prayer
05/28/19 - Parental Misguidance
05/27/19 - Truth Be Told
05/27/19 - Drop Everything
05/27/19 - Office Chat
05/27/19 - Next Template
05/27/19 - My attempt at CC: 717
05/26/19 - Kidzl Be Kidz
05/26/19 - Marital Bliss?
05/26/19 - Creature of Habit
05/26/19 - Don't Believe a Word of It!
05/25/19 - A Simple, Final Solution
05/25/19 - Oh You Sexy Thang!
05/24/19 - Don'r Be Confused
05/24/19 - Just MY Bad Luck
05/24/19 - Teacher Dedication
05/24/19 - All Talk
05/23/19 - When Insects Rule...
05/23/19 - It's in the genes...
05/23/19 - Alarming
05/22/19 - A Southie in The Lou
05/22/19 - Divine Retribution
05/22/19 - One Size Fits SMALL
05/21/19 - Thinking Out Loud
05/21/19 - The Stand-Off
05/21/19 - Truth in Advertising
05/21/19 - Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
05/20/19 - Right in the Kisser!
05/20/19 - Culture Clash
05/19/19 - Unholy Union
05/19/19 - Brain Strain
05/18/19 - Watch & Learn
05/18/19 - Survey SAID....
05/18/19 - The "R" Word
05/18/19 - Good Intentions
05/17/19 - No Relief
05/17/19 - What a Prankster
05/17/19 - Nearing the Finish-line!
05/16/19 - Good Advice
05/16/19 - Blown Cover
05/15/19 - Idle Hands...
05/15/19 - Drastic Times...
05/15/19 - Touchy, isn't he? Pt. 2
05/15/19 - Touchy, isn't he?
05/14/19 - Who is a REAL Alien?
05/14/19 - Hint-Hint
05/14/19 - The Wheels Go Into Motion!
05/14/19 - Face-Off
05/14/19 - Brown Eyed Girl
05/14/19 - The Game is Afoot
05/13/19 - Dead Doris Day
05/13/19 - Hopes Dashed
05/13/19 - Spoil Her Alert
05/12/19 - Greetings From the Guys
05/12/19 - R.I.P. Peggy Lipton
05/11/19 - Cut to the Quick
05/11/19 - The Urge
05/11/19 - What Do Kids Know?
05/10/19 - The Bluff
05/10/19 - Wisdom of Diablo
05/10/19 - Type Casting
05/10/19 - The Soft Touch
05/10/19 - The Longest Week
05/10/19 - Close Quarters
05/09/19 - Misprints Matter
05/08/19 - The Sting
05/08/19 - Home Security
05/08/19 - Change of Heart
05/08/19 - Money For Nuthin'
05/08/19 - Name This Movie!
05/07/19 - Uniform of the Day
05/07/19 - FYI
05/06/19 - A Star is Born
05/06/19 - Best Foot Forward
05/06/19 - A Win is a Win!
05/05/19 - The Heir
05/05/19 - Mississippi Neil....
05/05/19 - Airborn
05/05/19 - The Day After
05/04/19 - Raising "Kane"
05/04/19 - The Forensic Experts...
05/04/19 - You "GO" Girl!
05/03/19 - Bitter End
05/03/19 - Ivan-Hoed
05/03/19 - Heat of the Moment
05/03/19 - Owning a Hound Dog
05/02/19 - Don't Even Think It!
05/02/19 - Casual Day
05/01/19 - Road Trip
05/01/19 - Paying For Peace
05/01/19 - Save That Receipt
05/01/19 - Meeting Needs
04/30/19 - T.M.I.
04/30/19 - Only in Arkansas
04/29/19 - Rah, Rah, Raw
04/29/19 - Old Stars Never Die...
04/28/19 - When they said... "Peace Corps"...
04/28/19 - Love: Arabian Style
04/28/19 - Not Impressed
04/28/19 - Altenatives
04/28/19 - 2nd Time Around
04/27/19 - Daddy's Little Girl
04/27/19 - The Tightwad
04/26/19 - Confusing Even THEN
04/26/19 - Cause & Effect
04/26/19 - Humility
04/26/19 - 1 Born Every Minute
04/26/19 - Tight Squeeze
04/26/19 - On the Lam: III
04/26/19 - On the Lam: II
04/26/19 - On the Lam
04/25/19 - The Name Game
04/25/19 - The Millenial Pirate Poser
04/25/19 - Cause of Death.....
04/25/19 - Watch Your Step
04/25/19 - Hard To Get!
04/24/19 - The Usual Suspects
04/24/19 - Low-life Friends
04/24/19 - Which one is NOT....
04/23/19 - In a Land Called Honahlee!
04/23/19 - Thank Goodness for Plan B
04/23/19 - Try, Try Again...
04/23/19 - Gabe Logic
04/23/19 - Be Afraid...
04/22/19 - "Hooker" Healthcare (1970's)
04/22/19 - Taking Care of "Business"
04/21/19 - Infectious Laughter
04/21/19 - Makes Perfect Sense
04/20/19 - A Tisket, A Tasket...
04/20/19 - Never send a boy.....
04/20/19 - Saving the Planet
04/19/19 - Oops!
04/18/19 - Bilingual
04/18/19 - Game Over, Man!
04/18/19 - Imagine THAT
04/18/19 - Dandy: The Handy Man
04/18/19 - Night & Day
04/17/19 - Carried Away
04/17/19 - Sibling Quibbling
04/17/19 - The Hand Out
04/17/19 - Universal Sanitation
04/16/19 - Job Security
04/16/19 - Hair of the Dog
04/16/19 - It's just a hunch....
04/15/19 - Easy Money
04/15/19 - Patience
04/15/19 - Going Solo
04/15/19 - One More Time
04/15/19 - No Way!
04/14/19 - Being Depressed is Sad
04/14/19 - Badda Ging-Badda Gulp
04/14/19 - What's WORSE than a Shotgun Wedding?
04/14/19 - Men of the Cloth!
04/14/19 - Reaching New Heights
04/14/19 - Coming of Age Tale
04/13/19 - Mississippi Fire & Rescue
04/13/19 - NOW yer talkin'!
04/12/19 - Having "The Right Stuff"
04/12/19 - Congrats to YOU!
04/12/19 - More Lies
04/12/19 - Don't believe a word of it!
04/12/19 - Cost Conscious
04/12/19 - Name Calling
04/11/19 - Buy American
04/11/19 - Never Satisfied
04/11/19 - The Head Man!
04/11/19 - Uh....No Comment!
04/10/19 - Iconic Art
04/10/19 - On the Road
04/10/19 - We're just sayin'...
04/09/19 - "Best Dog-gone Dog In the Land"
04/09/19 - Keeping Up Appearances
04/08/19 - Relativity
04/08/19 - Religion-$$-Politics
04/08/19 - The Waiting Game
04/07/19 - Coming Out, Sorta!
04/07/19 - Flocking Around
04/07/19 - This Is a Test
04/06/19 - It's Only Right
04/06/19 - A "Hands On" Guy
04/06/19 - Don't make me laugh!
04/05/19 - What Happens in the Lou...
04/05/19 - 3rd time this week!
04/04/19 - Just the V.P.'s "Type"
04/03/19 - One Possible Beginning....
04/03/19 - Success
04/02/19 - One Possible Outcome...
04/02/19 - "He's Ba-ack"
04/01/19 - On Second Thought...
04/01/19 - Massaging the Truth
04/01/19 - All in the Family
03/31/19 - A Day of Rest
03/31/19 - The Best Laid Plans....
03/31/19 - Fair Warning
03/31/19 - Don't Kill the Messenger
03/30/19 - Falling Star
03/30/19 - Back in the Day
03/29/19 - Oh Deer
03/29/19 - Life On the "Outside"
03/29/19 - Acronymous
03/28/19 - The Appointment
03/28/19 - Foiled Again!
03/28/19 - Award Day
03/27/19 - Girlie-Man
03/27/19 - CC: 713 Bending the Rules
03/26/19 - A Chance Encounter
03/26/19 - Coming Soon
03/25/19 - Wonders Nevere Cease
03/25/19 - The Coach
03/25/19 - And the winner is...
03/24/19 - Illegal Contact
03/24/19 - Who dat?
03/24/19 - Bad Hair Day
03/24/19 - Date Night: Update 2
03/24/19 - Date Night: Update
03/23/19 - Date Night
03/23/19 - The Librarian
03/23/19 - No Tony Robbins
03/22/19 - A Bird in the Hand...!
03/22/19 - Last Stop
03/22/19 - Red Flagged
03/21/19 - Commitment
03/21/19 - Let Me Rephrase That...
03/20/19 - Customs
03/20/19 - Leave it to "The Dynamic Uno"
03/20/19 - On the Road Again!
03/20/19 - Salary Inequalities
03/19/19 - Problem Solved
03/19/19 - Coping
03/19/19 - Experimenting
03/19/19 - Insecurities
03/18/19 - You Just Can't Win
03/18/19 - Understated
03/18/19 - It's a Start
03/17/19 - Not So Happy St. Patty's Day
03/17/19 - Hire the Handicapped
03/17/19 - Similar To Rabbit Ears?
03/17/19 - Oh Happy Day!
03/17/19 - Emotional
03/16/19 - SUCCESS!
03/16/19 - Direct From Las Vegas....
03/16/19 - Personal Quirks
03/15/19 - "Oh, CANADA..."
03/15/19 - More Complexer
03/14/19 - The Carrot & the Stick
03/14/19 - Leaving Your Mark
03/14/19 - CC: 712 "The Check is in the Mail"
03/14/19 - HELP WANTED
03/14/19 - California Dreamin'
03/13/19 - Early Retirement
03/13/19 - Waitin Patiently (sorta)
03/13/19 - Waitin Patiently (sorta)
03/13/19 - The Visit
03/12/19 - Gettin' the Word Out
03/12/19 - Oops!
03/12/19 - Maybe Yes-Maybe No
03/12/19 - The Excuse
03/11/19 - But he kept the lifts!
03/11/19 - It's better to give...
03/11/19 - The Give-Away
03/10/19 - Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down
03/10/19 - Old Commercials
03/09/19 - "Black Histrionic" Month
03/09/19 - In-1944...Out-2019
03/08/19 - More Bad Luck
03/07/19 - What's in a name?
03/07/19 - A Pig in the Poke
03/07/19 - A pronouncement or a question?
03/06/19 - Changes: Pt.3
03/06/19 - Changes: Pt.2
03/06/19 - Changes: Pt.1
03/06/19 - Don't winners NEVER quit?
03/05/19 - And so it begins...again!
03/05/19 - The Word Spread
03/05/19 - Back in the Saddle Again
03/04/19 - Guess Who?
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