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| Yeah, I know its the three day holiday weekend and all but we're gonna need you to come in everyday of it for about 7-12 hours each time. | |
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| Well.... see its like this.... someone destroyed a wall and compromised the area so we have to fix it and revalidate the room. | |
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| And by we you mean me. OK fine, So I'll cancel some of my plans but just let me know ahead of time so I can enjoy some of my weekend. | |
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| Thats the thing, we don't know when we'll need you so you're on call and it has to be all done by wednesday so that we can go back to production and have you in to monitor our runs again... | |
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| So I have to be here third shift and then again during normal shifts... This place reminds me of a monkey fuckin a football!!!!!!!!! | |
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