Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Based on a true story
Right I'm going the gym again now
Just one question; why do you go all the time?
It's a good way to get excersise, and stay in shape
But you're still really fat
Juanwalez's Comics
08/16/04 - How modern art is created
08/12/04 - Xenophobia man meets Brit Man Pt 2
08/12/04 - Xenophobia Man meets Brit Man Pt 1
04/03/04 - The Woody Saga: IV
04/03/04 - The Woody Saga: III
04/03/04 - The Woody Saga: II
04/03/04 - The Woody Saga: I
04/03/04 - The Woody Saga: Trailer
12/17/03 - It'd be better than that French guy
07/14/03 - Proofreading gone too far
07/13/03 - Your face is up where?
07/05/03 - 100th comic
06/25/03 - The crystal maze, full of retards
06/25/03 - The crystal maze. A show full of morons.
06/14/03 - Bonjour
05/22/03 - Writer's block
04/30/03 - Busted
04/30/03 - Peer pressure
04/30/03 - When a man loves a woman
04/23/03 - If only you could make a new handle in real life
04/20/03 - Retraction
04/20/03 - Say hello 2 heaven
04/13/03 - Explaining football to your girlfriend
03/22/03 - Darkest Days
03/21/03 - Like I didn't see it coming
03/20/03 - From a conversation I just had
03/20/03 - I got more friends like you, whatda I do?
03/20/03 - Bad Endings #3 - Foundation's Edge
03/20/03 - Bad Endings #2 - Labyrinth
03/20/03 - Bad Endings #1 - Bladerunner
03/19/03 - It's a comic y' know
03/19/03 - I can't write grunge lyrics
03/19/03 - Hanbidge is a perv
03/19/03 - You don't learn if you don't ask
02/28/03 - Yes, I'm a nerd
02/28/03 - Pushing up the ante, I know you've got to see me
01/30/03 - What next, Battle Royal?
01/30/03 - So they're remaking Ring
01/25/03 - Hanbidge plots a clever..... plot
01/25/03 - Very clever, but wrong
01/24/03 - Cooking with Marc
01/24/03 - I can never remember that line.......
01/24/03 - What did you pay? About 18 perhaps?
01/24/03 - There are cooler non-real characters than Tyler Durden
01/23/03 - I dunno... it's getting old
01/23/03 - Yeah I've been drinking
01/22/03 - Stop it
01/21/03 - This happens every day in Seattle College
01/21/03 - This happens everyday at San Fransisco college
01/21/03 - There used to be four guys in Creed
01/21/03 - Some party
01/21/03 - Every mad scientist's worst nightmare
01/21/03 - Corey Taylor - Surprisingly good
01/18/03 - Dinner of the Dead
01/18/03 - Another Twilight Zone comic
01/18/03 - Swingers
01/18/03 - Tribute
01/15/03 - Rod Sterling - Master of stealth
01/14/03 - Its like the cycle of life
01/13/03 - Would you want to be like that?
01/13/03 - I've never actually done this..... yet
01/13/03 - Work is work I guess
01/13/03 - Roleplay
01/13/03 - It can never happen... sorry
01/13/03 - Cartoon Pimp
01/11/03 - Based on a true story
01/09/03 - Modern Parenting
01/08/03 - Reviews
01/08/03 - Arty comic 2 (best pretend its funny so you dont look thick)
01/08/03 - Arty comic (You aren't too stupid to understand it are you?)
01/08/03 - Probably better management than a real director
01/08/03 - Getting lazy
01/08/03 - 10 second comic
01/08/03 - Writing a song aint as easy as it looks
01/04/03 - And this is one of my friends
01/04/03 - Sadly, this is just like me
01/03/03 - Trent on the street 2
01/03/03 - Trent on the street
01/01/03 - John Woo's Citizen Kane
01/01/03 - John Woo's King Lear
01/01/03 - John Woo's Way of the World
01/01/03 - John Woo's Great Expectations
01/01/03 - John Woo's Wuthering Heights
12/31/02 - Sting is watching YOU
12/30/02 - Gary Numan has a lot of enemies
12/30/02 - Transformers the movie - deleated scene
12/30/02 - Everyone likes this song
12/30/02 - This doesnt make much sence
12/30/02 - The Unusual Suspects 2
12/30/02 - The Unusual Suspects
12/22/02 - Transformers - The Movie
12/22/02 - The birth of Audioslave
12/22/02 - If you dont like Chris Cornell you wont get this
12/22/02 - People who don't appreciate good cinema piss me off
12/22/02 - The reason to become a mad scientist
12/19/02 - See how I used the same joke twice? Clever eh?
12/19/02 - Heaven and Hell
12/19/02 - Awkward conversation
12/19/02 - Student Life Part 4
12/19/02 - Student Life - Part 3
12/19/02 - Student Life Part 2
12/19/02 - Student Life Part 1
12/19/02 - Yeah its the same guy on the left in all 3 pannels
12/19/02 - Shane, alternate ending
12/19/02 - The Blue Towers - Part 3
12/19/02 - The Blue Towers - Part 2
12/18/02 - Marvel makes a new character
12/18/02 - The Blue Towers
12/18/02 - Cowboy tough talking
12/18/02 - Reflections
12/18/02 - Plagerism
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