Bacon-Man And Goth-Boy meet at the watercooler of their homogonous strip-lighted office to indulge in some light flirting...
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| Hey Bacon, how is it down in Marketing? | |
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| Of yeah! It's sweet, Alan, real sweet... Say, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a drink some time? | |
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| Wait! Are you still decievingly tasty yet deviously fattening? | |
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| I try my best! I go gym! You can put me in salad! Salad i tells yer! Erm, Leaves and shit. Ermmm, Saaaalaaaaad! | |
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| Jeez- Dave from Sales warned me about you. Scum. | |
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| Oh Bumrashers! I'm gonna have to call Lettuce and Tomato again... Wish I didn't have to Three-Way with those guys every weekend.... | |
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