KajunFirefly's Comics 05/17/19 - Red fight for money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/16/19 - Jail Fight
10/02/18 - An Unearthly Child
06/23/16 - BREXIT
02/25/15 - One part the Führer, one part the Pope.
10/10/12 - Moonbeams
01/27/11 - Giving and Taking
01/27/11 - The conversation I have every single day.
10/10/09 - CC435: Drouth
04/18/07 - Say It With Knives.
10/26/06 - CC335: Lothario
10/13/06 - Love Hurts
03/18/06 - Kajun Firefly's Adventures in Prague
03/18/06 - Kajun Firefly's Adventures in Prague
03/18/06 - Kajun Firefly's Adventures in Prague
03/18/06 - Kajun Firefly's Adventures in Prague
03/18/06 - Kajun Firefly's Adventures in Prague
01/16/06 - KajunFirefly presents: Things Boorite Didn't Want To Know
11/29/05 - Rowdy Robbin' Peeper
11/07/05 - Dante: Define Comedy
10/30/05 - How it should have been.
10/23/05 - New Girl Next Door
10/20/05 - Moh
10/13/05 - ICC2 - contetht entry
09/14/05 - The Telepathetic Security Guard
09/14/05 - Communication Breakdown
09/14/05 - No Class
09/14/05 - Second Class
09/14/05 - First Class
08/18/05 - the-best-of-Celine-Dion.mp3
08/18/05 - upgrade.zip
08/17/05 - klan.org
07/05/05 - My ignorance to the plight of womanhood.
06/09/05 - Each day is a struggle to maintain my dignity.
05/09/05 - CC 281: Burma Shave
05/07/05 - Manifesto
05/02/05 - CC281: Punhibition
05/02/05 - CC281: Slot Machine - JACKPOT!
05/02/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Sobriety
05/02/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Iraq
05/02/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Singapore
05/02/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Belgium
05/02/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Europe
03/13/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Australia - Part Five
03/13/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Australia - Part Four
03/13/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Australia - Part Three
03/13/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Australia - Part Two
03/13/05 - Kajun and Boorite's Road to Australia - Part One
02/14/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part ten
02/14/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part nine
02/14/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part eight
02/14/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part seven
02/14/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part six
02/13/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part five
02/13/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part four
02/13/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part three
02/13/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part two
02/13/05 - The Trials of St. Valentine - part one
12/28/04 - I Remember Clearly
08/03/04 - SC Battle Royale: Gabe vs Redfish - part six
08/03/04 - SC Battle Royale: Gabe vs Redfish - part five
07/05/04 - SC Battle Royale: Gabe vs Redfish - part four
07/05/04 - SC Battle Royale: Gabe vs Redfish - part three
07/05/04 - SC Battle Royale: Gabe vs Redfish - part two
07/05/04 - SC Battle Royale: Gabe vs Redfish - part one
06/21/04 - frosty knickers
06/21/04 - in the vestry
06/21/04 - together forever
06/21/04 - like jobby
06/21/04 - cunty flaps
06/07/04 - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
06/07/04 - Play for the other team?
06/07/04 - allergies
06/07/04 - International Laws
06/07/04 - My boss
05/24/04 - Happy Birthday to Me!
05/20/04 - The Viagra Bodyspray
05/20/04 - My job
04/27/04 - substitutes
04/24/04 - SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 4
04/24/04 - SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 3
04/24/04 - SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 2
04/24/04 - SC Battle Royale: Roger Vs Triceratops - part 1
04/23/04 - church party
04/23/04 - dare
04/23/04 - spiked
04/19/04 - Like an eclipse
04/05/04 - Comic Cup XII: FTC
03/24/04 - Good Samaritan
02/11/04 - Confessions of a Sheep Shearer
02/05/04 - One for Obi
01/25/04 - SC Battle Royale: Elf Vs Tyler
01/25/04 - SC Battle Royale: Brunette vs Stickman
01/13/04 - Hangover Backlash
12/25/03 - Merry Christmas
12/07/03 - Comic Cup XI: Epilogue
12/07/03 - Comic Cup XI: The Final
12/01/03 - CCXI: High Octave
11/25/03 - CCXI: Aint nuthin' but tha music
11/05/03 - Comic Cup XI: A Casa Solamente
11/03/03 - SC Death Stories: Duck Vs Zombie
09/10/03 - Comic Cup X: wfo!
09/07/03 - The menu is nailed to the wall, sir.
09/06/03 - cc209
08/30/03 - bradrocks
08/26/03 - CC 206
08/24/03 - CC 206
08/24/03 - CC 206
08/22/03 - SC Death Stories: Default Default Default
08/22/03 - SC Death Stories: Default Default Default
08/22/03 - SC Death Stories: Default Default Default
08/22/03 - SC Death Stories: Default Default Default
08/17/03 - Untitled
08/11/03 - SC Death Stories: Skagg and Scientist - part seven
08/11/03 - SC Death Stories: Skagg and Scientist - part six
08/11/03 - SC Death Stories: Skagg and Scientist - part five
08/11/03 - SC Death Stories: Skagg and Scientist - part four
08/11/03 - SC Death Stories: Skagg and Scientist - part three
08/11/03 - SC Death Stories: Skagg and Scientist - part two
08/11/03 - SC Death Stories: Skagg and Scientist - part one
08/01/03 - CC 202: What happens when God's interrupted.
07/25/03 - CC 199: Tubifex
07/24/03 - CC 199: Waiting for the Right Girl.
07/24/03 - CC 199: Rainbows and Mittens and Fluffy Puppies
07/03/03 - A plug in my exhaust pipe.
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Fourteen
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Thirteen
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Twelve
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Eleven
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Ten
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Nine
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Eight
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Seven
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Six
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Five
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Four
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Three
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part Two
06/08/03 - StripCreator: Refreshed - Part One
05/06/03 - Catholic Physics -1
05/06/03 - Catholic Physics -2
05/06/03 - Catholic Physics -3
05/06/03 - Catholic Physics -4
04/29/03 - Catholic Physics
04/25/03 - CC 183(e) Cruise
04/15/03 - The Stripcreator Board Game
04/15/03 - The Stripcreator Board Game
03/29/03 - Serial Comic 8 part 666 - The Elephant Man
03/16/03 - Monopoly
03/14/03 - Rock, Paper, Scissors.
03/02/03 - The Polyphonic Spree
02/26/03 - Hugh Grant...
02/22/03 - The Immortal TTC: My contest will go on.
02/13/03 - Stationery Wars, Ep 6: Return of the Weird-Guy
02/13/03 - Stationery Wars, Ep 5: The Bad-Guys Strike Back
02/13/03 - Stationery Wars, EP 4: A New Background
02/13/03 - Stationery Wars, ep3: Whatever the next one is called.
02/13/03 - Stationary Wars, Ep 2: Attack of the Clip
02/13/03 - Stationary Wars, Ep 1: The Phantom Bent Wire
02/10/03 - Upgrade
02/03/03 - Stripcreator Museum - 2025
02/03/03 - Stripcreator Museum - 2025
02/03/03 - Stripcreator Museum - 2025
02/03/03 - Stripcreator Museum - 2025
02/02/03 - Kajun and Boorite: 2025 part two
02/02/03 - Kajun and Boorite: 2025 part five
02/02/03 - Kajun and Boorite: 2025 part four
02/02/03 - Kajun and Boorite: 2025 part three
02/02/03 - Kajun and Boorite: 2025 part one
01/29/03 - Auditions.
01/26/03 - Sometimes, true love is right in front of you.
01/01/03 - Slut
12/31/02 - Blimp
12/26/02 - Moustache
12/22/02 - TTCC 3: Darling, is this your nose?
11/24/02 - The Adventures of REFORMED MAN!
11/18/02 - Yablonksi: Journey to Success.
11/06/02 - For My Dead Homies:
10/28/02 - Wake Up, Neal.
10/28/02 - Looney Toons Physics
10/23/02 - TTCC3: Yablonski ate my poodle!
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part Eight
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part Seven
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part Six
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part Five
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part Four
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part Three
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part Two
10/21/02 - Selling Out - Part One
10/17/02 - Honey, I'm ho-ome!
10/03/02 - Kajun: On Vacation
09/26/02 - Public Service Announcement
09/15/02 - Mental Anguish
09/10/02 - The long and winding cup
09/02/02 - cc 141: The Life of Kajun
09/02/02 - cc 141: The Life of Kajun
09/02/02 - cc 141: The Life of Kajun
09/01/02 - The Summoning - Part Seven
09/01/02 - The Summoning - Part Six
09/01/02 - The Summoning - Part Five
09/01/02 - The Summoning - Part Four
09/01/02 - The Summoning - Part Three
09/01/02 - The Summoning - Part Two
09/01/02 - The Summoning - Part One
09/01/02 - It's a mimefield out there!
08/29/02 - Famous Writer's School #whatever
08/29/02 - Famous Writer's School 4
08/28/02 - Drunken IRC Conversations - Brad
08/28/02 - Drunken IM Conversations - Scyess
08/24/02 - The Price of Love - Part Five
08/24/02 - The Price of Love - Part Four
08/24/02 - The Price of Love - Part Three
08/24/02 - The Price of Love - Part Two
08/24/02 - The Price of Love - Part One
08/24/02 - CC 139: Dr Boorite, Paging Dr Boorite!
08/20/02 - Was that a pig that just went past the window?
08/19/02 - The continuing adventures of Boorite and God.
08/19/02 - Where's your God now?
08/17/02 - Serial Comic 7.12: Human Remains
08/08/02 - Blue Loser
08/08/02 - #stripcreator
08/07/02 - Hatch a plan.
08/07/02 - Pun Doctor Spock
08/07/02 - ...
08/07/02 - Chiropractice!
08/06/02 - Blood Sports
08/05/02 - Surgery
08/05/02 - The NBA Eastern Conference Finals
08/04/02 - I'm pregnant.
08/04/02 - Is this what a smile feels like?
08/03/02 - CC135: Hearing Aids?
08/02/02 - Liv Tyler's Nipples
07/23/02 - Loser (the one in the kilt)
07/21/02 - The Weekend Is Over. : (
07/16/02 - Warning: Incest, Paedophilia, Rape, Sodomy and Fellatio!
07/11/02 - Zombie Physics
07/11/02 - A couple of swells.
07/06/02 - Stoned and Alone
07/03/02 - Bigger, Faster, Stronger.
06/28/02 - CC 127: The Circle of Life
06/26/02 - CC 127: Pillow Talk
06/26/02 - CC 127: Pillow Talk
06/26/02 - CC 127: Pillow Talk
06/25/02 - CC 127: A Little Man Love - Part Three
06/25/02 - CC 127: A Little Man Love - Part Two
06/25/02 - CC 127: A Little Man Love - Part One
06/25/02 - Love and Death - Part Three
06/25/02 - Love and Death - Part Two
06/25/02 - Love and Death - Part One
06/23/02 - Denied
06/23/02 - Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
06/18/02 - Reality? Is that you? Part 7
06/18/02 - Reality? Is that you? Part 6
06/18/02 - Reality? Is that you? Part 5
06/18/02 - Reality? Is that you? Part 4
06/18/02 - Reality? Is that you? Part 3
06/18/02 - Reality? Is that you? Part 2
06/18/02 - Reality? Is that you? Part 1
06/16/02 - The End.
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 9
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 8
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 7
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 6
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 5
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 4
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 3
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 2
06/16/02 - Meh - Part 1
06/14/02 - Comic Cup 9: Worst. Duet. Ever.
06/13/02 - SCROE!
06/07/02 - Happy Happy, Joy Joy
06/04/02 - Great debates: Kajun vs. boorite
06/04/02 - Great debates: boorite vs. Kajun
06/04/02 - Lewis Vs Tyson
06/01/02 - Ned Physics
05/30/02 - The Ex-Existentialists...
05/30/02 - The Futility of Man
05/28/02 - hoofar
05/28/02 - mmmuuurrr
05/28/02 - I like peanut butter
05/27/02 - My SC Anniversary.
05/26/02 - Family Ties - Part Five
05/26/02 - Family Ties - Part Four
05/26/02 - Family Ties - Part Three
05/26/02 - Family Ties - Part Two
05/26/02 - Family Ties - Part One
05/08/02 - Writer's Block
05/03/02 - CC118: A Crisis of Faith
05/02/02 - Panic Room (Part 3 of 3)
05/02/02 - Panic Room (Part 2 of 3)
05/02/02 - Panic Room (Part 1 of 3)
05/02/02 - CC118: Are you serious?
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Part Seven
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Part Six
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Part Five
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Part Four
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Part Three
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Part Two
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Part One
05/01/02 - Kajun Vs Kajun - Introduction
05/01/02 - CC117: Indecent Proposal
05/01/02 - Comic 300: The New Guy
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/14/02 - Kajun - the animated series.
04/12/02 - Fuzzyman 3:16
04/09/02 - Must. Control. Fist. Of Death.
04/09/02 - ...Are Belong To Us!
04/09/02 - All Your Base...
04/02/02 - A Tribute to MST3K
03/27/02 - CC109: April Fool!
03/25/02 - Wehn a robot, loves raype
03/25/02 - Wehn a robot, loves raype
03/20/02 - TTC: Entry 1 (of 1)
03/18/02 - CC107: Could this BE any worse
03/10/02 - CC105: Bradography, Part Five
03/10/02 - CC105: Bradography, Part Four
03/10/02 - CC105: Bradography, Part Three
03/10/02 - CC105: Bradography, Part Two
03/10/02 - CC105: Bradography
03/08/02 - Bastards of the Universe: Alternate Ending
03/08/02 - CC104: Bedtime Fun 2
03/07/02 - The Elephant Man
03/07/02 - Die, paperclip, Die
03/07/02 - CC104: Bedtime fun
03/07/02 - CC104: Fight Club
03/06/02 - why don't I just go fuck myself, eh?
03/05/02 - CC103: Survive *hick* This
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn!
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn!
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn!
03/04/02 - The Mothman Prophecies - In 3 panels
03/03/02 - CC103: Survive? How?
03/02/02 - CC103: Survive This, Mate!
03/01/02 - CC103: DexX's Midnight Drowners
03/01/02 - CC103: Kajun was drownable
03/01/02 - CC103: Island Love
03/01/02 - morning wood - redux
03/01/02 - Spring, when love is in the air.
02/26/02 - Stoner Shopping
02/26/02 - Kajun Firefly and the Super Hero Justice League! - Part 7
02/26/02 - Kajun Firefly and the Super Hero Justice League! - Part 6
02/21/02 - Bot Meets World
02/19/02 - Attitudechicka's SC Dream
02/18/02 - Kajun Firefly: Love Doctor
02/18/02 - CC 100: Stripcreator - 2022
02/18/02 - Die Clappy, Die!
02/18/02 - CC100: Yer Maw
02/13/02 - Comic Cup 8: Crim and Punishment
02/10/02 - H.E.B.S. - The "RIGHT" Choice
02/10/02 - H.E.B.S. - The "Wrong" Choice
02/10/02 - H.E.B.S. - Think About It
02/09/02 - CC99: Easter Treats!
02/09/02 - Kajun Firefly and the Super Hero Justice League! - Part 5
02/09/02 - Half Mast
02/09/02 - Skaggy Osbourne - "Dreamer"
02/04/02 - The Fast and the Furious - In 3 Panels
02/03/02 - Darius Strikes Back - Part 7
02/03/02 - Darius Strikes Back - Part 6
02/03/02 - Darius Strikes Back - Part 5
02/03/02 - Darius Strikes Back - Part 4
02/03/02 - Darius Strikes Back - Part 3
02/03/02 - Darius Strikes Back - Part 2
02/03/02 - Darius Strikes Back - Part 1
02/03/02 - Kajun Firefly and the Super Hero Justice League! - Part 4
02/03/02 - Kajun Firefly and the Super Hero Justice League! - Part 3
02/03/02 - Bagpuss
02/02/02 - Kajun Firefly and the Super Hero Justice League! - Part 2
02/02/02 - Kajun Firefly and the Super Hero Justice League!
01/28/02 - New Balls Please
01/27/02 - What are the rules to this contest? VI
01/25/02 - Serial Comic VI: Infectious Human Waste
01/24/02 - CC95: The Shining
01/24/02 - CC95: Obi Wan Kejunkie
01/22/02 - Domestic Violence: 3
01/22/02 - Domestic Violence: 2
01/22/02 - Domestic Violence: 1
01/18/02 - The Adventures of Prince Harry
01/08/02 - CC91: No Title Necessary
01/07/02 - CC91: Sloth
01/07/02 - Wider than Andy's maw after a StripCreator party!
01/06/02 - Happy Birthday: Part Two - "Strip Creator"
01/06/02 - Happy Birthday: Part One - "Me"
01/05/02 - CC90: too many rules make my head explode
01/03/02 - I am not worthy, I am not worthy
01/03/02 - Am I a colossal geek? (a comic 50,000 story)
01/03/02 - Asian has-beens (still a comic 50,000 story)
01/03/02 - Asian fame (a comic 50,000 story)
01/03/02 - poised and ready, like a lion, stalking comic 50,000
01/01/02 - CC89: Captain Palindrome - Part 6
01/01/02 - CC89: Captain Palindrome - Part 5
01/01/02 - CC89: Captain Palindrome - Part 4
01/01/02 - CC89: Captain Palindrome - Part 3
01/01/02 - CC89: Captain Palindrome - Part 2
01/01/02 - CC89: Captain Palindrome - Part 1
12/31/01 - Comic 200, the last one of the year!
12/28/01 - Michael Jackson: The Official Biography
12/25/01 - CC88: Why must the good die young?
12/25/01 - Festive Cheer!
12/21/01 - CC87: Imagine I wrote something witty here...
12/21/01 - CC87: Too loud?
12/18/01 - CC87: Gareth said to Oliver....
12/15/01 - Stuart Campbell shaved my eyebrows!
12/14/01 - 555-SANTAC
12/09/01 - Weakest Strip - Squirrel Nazi's
12/07/01 - Max physics
12/07/01 - How 'bout THEM apples???
12/05/01 - Clowns to the left of me..........yadda yadda yadda
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - CC83: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - Yes, I know, I fucked up!
12/04/01 - CC82: Kelly's Rejection
12/04/01 - Kajun Strikes Back at Tinman Striking Back at Kevin Smith!
12/02/01 - Serial Comic V - Hasn't this already been done?
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 25
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 24
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 23
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 22
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 21
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 20
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 19
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 18
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 17
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 16
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 15
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 14
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 13
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 12
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 11
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 10
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 9
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 8
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 7
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 6
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 5
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 4
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 3
11/29/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 2
11/29/01 - The Day We Caught The Train!
11/28/01 - T'was a Very Merry Christmas Indeed, part 1
11/27/01 - If I didn't gloat now, I'd regret it later!
11/27/01 - Gifts from God are non-returnable
11/24/01 - Edd found this funny, so I posted it!
11/24/01 - Kajun - The Hypocrite!
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - CC81: Kelly's Labido
11/22/01 - wait a minute!
11/21/01 - Bram Tobor's Dracula!
11/20/01 - From Dusk Till Damn
11/20/01 - Lost Boys
11/19/01 - Maternal Clock
11/19/01 - Maternal Clock
11/19/01 - Maternal Clock
11/19/01 - Maternal Clock
11/18/01 - Fartrod the invincible!
11/17/01 - When our generation is on the History channel
11/16/01 - CC80: Snow White, mind you, Snow Black either!
11/16/01 - CC80: Humpty Dumpty - Ghetto Style!
11/15/01 - CC80: Vinegar and brown paper?
11/15/01 - Johnny Castaway meets Fred Durst
11/14/01 - Condemned to death in the name of Tinman
11/14/01 - Johnny Castaway meets Tobor
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway meets Tom Hanks
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway meets Jerry Seinfeld
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway Vs The Underwater Alliance
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway has a moral debate..............with a fish!
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway's conversation meltdown
11/13/01 - Disclaimer (with cameos)
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway and friends!
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway questions biology
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway reflects
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway's philosphical debate
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway meets Frasier
11/13/01 - Johnny Castaway - The Television Series
11/13/01 - lets never speak of this story again
11/12/01 - larger budget sequel 2
11/09/01 - larger budget sequel (less action)
11/09/01 - low budget adventure strip 6
11/06/01 - low budget adventure strip 5
11/05/01 - low budget adventure strip 4
11/05/01 - low budget adventure strip 3 (technically)
11/04/01 - industrial light and magic
11/04/01 - low budget adventure strip
11/04/01 - Stanley Kubrick never put up with this shit
10/15/01 - if you can't beat em....
10/13/01 - Tinman?
10/13/01 - Being Andy Dougan
10/02/01 - the day I became a man
10/02/01 - I buried that joke on a desert island, then sunk it!
09/25/01 - return of the space cowboy
08/15/01 - The last Kajun Firefly strip ever!
08/15/01 - epilogue 6
08/15/01 - epilogue 5
08/15/01 - epilogue 4
08/15/01 - epilogue 3
08/15/01 - epilogue 2
08/15/01 - epilogue 1
08/15/01 - this is the end.....
08/14/01 - The continuing adventures of Captain Editor!
08/14/01 - Chocolate Starfish, and the hot dogonaball flavoured water!
08/14/01 - it's cool to be underground
08/13/01 - hydroponics
08/13/01 - Tinman cameo!
08/13/01 - Satan rides again!
08/13/01 - Dick Shawn!
08/12/01 - ¡¡¡ Espera próximamente promociones para TI !!!
08/12/01 - FotNS - Tim Burton remake!
08/12/01 - Boba Fett
08/11/01 - ba-doom ching!
08/11/01 - how low can you go? how low can you go?
08/11/01 - ...no-one should get hurt!
08/11/01 - If we all just stay calm....
08/10/01 - Rob Harland
08/10/01 - little green sweaters
08/10/01 - even the Sword of Omens saw that punchline!
08/09/01 - Brookside!
08/09/01 - more obscure plot twists than the WWF!
08/09/01 - showtime
08/09/01 - this could be the start of something horrible
08/09/01 - it's not all just point and click you know
08/08/01 - the truth behind the t-shirts
08/08/01 - that great Hollywood magic!
08/08/01 - imagine it's the heat waves distorting the panels
08/08/01 - cross over sequels
08/08/01 - Mort
08/08/01 - I sense a disturbance in lowpass!
08/05/01 - Today, was certainly, a strange day!
07/31/01 - Joe Rogan
07/31/01 - meh
07/28/01 - it's only a gameshow, it's only a gameshow
07/28/01 - Rooney's first appearance
07/25/01 - greasy fingerprints on my fucking windscreen!
07/25/01 - I have actually had this conversation in a pub before!
07/24/01 - The crying game!
07/24/01 - Big Trouble in Little China
07/24/01 - 12 angry men!
07/24/01 - testament 2
07/24/01 - testament
07/24/01 - unlawfull use of other people's characters!
07/24/01 - rocker-shocker
07/24/01 - The Doors
07/24/01 - just like Summerslam '94!
07/24/01 - a tear jerking reunion!
07/24/01 - at this point, Murdoch's cigar would be at a 75° angle!
07/24/01 - ooh, the irony is delicious!
07/23/01 - trapdoor part 6
07/23/01 - trapdoor part 5
07/23/01 - trapdoor part 4
07/23/01 - trapdoor part 3
07/23/01 - Trapdoor part 2
07/23/01 - Trapdoor part 1
07/21/01 - I got 4 numbers on the lottery!!
07/21/01 - alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.one-man-orgy
07/21/01 - the room with 17 corners
07/21/01 - morning wood
07/20/01 - a guy like me
07/20/01 - The man with the silver toungue part 2!
07/20/01 - the man with the silver toungue!
06/30/01 - 2nite the part of Shannon Tweed will be played by a penguin!
06/30/01 - Calico
06/30/01 - Divine Intervention! II
06/30/01 - Divine Intervention!
06/30/01 - Face it kid, your gonna die alone!
06/30/01 - the most fickle, idiotic, naive and shallow species on earth
05/26/01 - Anal Reflections
05/24/01 - Benny and Milloy, a love story: The ballad of Andy Dougan
05/24/01 - Benny and Milloy, a love story: Repressed Love 2
05/24/01 - Benny and Milloy, a love story: Repressed love
05/24/01 - Benny gives Jesus advice
05/23/01 - Benny and Milloy, a love story: The Beginning
05/23/01 - Benny ruins Monday mornings