Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Read these:

Kajun Vs Kajun
Low Budget Soap Opera
Exit the Firefly
The Summoning
Selling Out
Stripcreator: Refreshed
Kajun and Boorite's Road to...

Tobor Animation

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by KajunFirefly
.....tHeN, hE pRoGrAmMeD mE tO wAnT lOvE aNd AtTeNtIoN aNd SeNsItIvItY, bUt hE tUrNeD iNtO aN aNiMaL oNlY aFtEr OnE tHiNg, ThE bAsTaRd OnLy CrEaTeD mE tO fUlFiLl HiS hOrRiBlE pErVeRtEd FaNtAsIeS!
sometimes I feel like ALL men think that we women are just their sex toys, I thought Kajun was so sweet, but now I know he's just another asshole!
dOn'T yOu ThInK tHaT tHeRe'S a CeRtAiN cLoSeNeSs BeTwEeN uS? i FeEl LiKe, I'vE sOmEhOw FoUnD sOmEtHiNg In YoU tHaT i'Ve LoNgEd FoR iN a MaN!
yes, I feel it too, it's, like something I can't explain, you seem, beatifull to me.......
vvvrrroooommm scrreeeeecchh!!! I've created a lesbian!
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