Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Read these:

Kajun Vs Kajun
Low Budget Soap Opera
Exit the Firefly
The Summoning
Selling Out
Stripcreator: Refreshed
Kajun and Boorite's Road to...

Tobor Animation

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by KajunFirefly
damn that bastard Javier, I'll get him back, somehow, someway, I'll be big, THIS IS NOT THE END!!
listen Harry, I really want to get some revenge on that bastard Javier for ruining my credibility!
*sigh* This isn't "Rent-a-Wizard" you know, I don't just go around granting wishes for no reason! I can't really be arsed messing with Javier anymore.
uh....he called you a homosexual!
since he killed my wife, I've been getting more hot ass than I can handle, but, I'll get one of my associates to help you, if you'll just go away!
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