Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm bad at making comics. Cheese.
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omne day jim went to his mai7boX0r to find a lettar thaT said the wH0le world ahd run out of cheease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ haX0r tthe plannat come 2 my tfp becAuse YOU ARE LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOSH~~ WE MUS TSA\/E IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
yo, homei, wuzza ch1lin"???????????????????
jim explsained to teh foo-foof ighter teh problem,A nd t3h tw0 ent offt eh the local heeqas3 f4ctroy
i dont EVen lieK chedeaes,
Uh-oh// ,,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ I forgot to weaf undeRwear this mrpning~~~~
wehn teh wto got to teh cheease factory, a nmaN sAid teh lett3r had been sent by rteh nayti0nal enquirAr and tH4T it \\\\////\\\\////as nto real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ but sincde tehy wate dt0
~~~~~~ although i still dont know who t3h green guy ws. loloolololololoolol!!!!!!!!1~~~~ lololololololol~~~~ LLOLOLOOLOLOLO!!!!!111
Interesting day, huh?
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