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| I want to make a groundbreaking comic with a nice, long set up and punchline from out of nowhere that delivers unparalelled laughs. Something like that one Sluggy strip... | |
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| The template is fairly simple. Start with some characters talking about something weird, then have some sort of conflict come in, then make some kind of link from the weird thing to the conflict. | |
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| Yes, yes, I think I follow you... But WHAT weird thing? WHAT conflict? These are questions that still need to be answered, otherwise it's all pointless. | |
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| I think I got yer inspiration... Walk outta here, turn right and go to the end of the block, turn right again and go staight two blocks, left one block, right two blocks, and left another. | |
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Having an inferiority complex and no opinion or will of my own, I decided to heed Skylure's advice. It couldn't hurt, I couldn't think of anything else to do, anyway.