Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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FTC #14 - Goodwill to all aMen
Happy Birthday, Jesus! Santa sends his love...and this present.
That milk-swilling glory hound? Put it with the others.
...and I want a doggy, and another leg for Jimmy, and a seashell, and a Polly Perky Tits dolly, and...
For the last time, I'm not Santa!! Now go play in Saddam's bunker.
So for beating him over 18 holes of golf, your dad said you had to die for our sins?
Yeh. Thatll teach me to play god.
Kevin_Keegans_Perm's Comics
06/23/15 - WW104 - Worst Reason to Sign Up
06/13/15 - CC613 - Poetry in Motion
06/12/15 - CC613 - Life's a Beach
06/10/15 - CC613 - Genocide is Painless
06/09/15 - CC613 - Office Warfare
06/06/15 - Comic Cup XV - Its a Stretch (if you're 9 years old)
05/26/15 - WW 102 - Topical NFL Jokes
05/08/15 - WW102 - Under the Influence
05/08/15 - CC611 - Indivisible
05/04/15 - Coach/Class
04/28/15 - CC610 - A Fag, a Pint, and casually racist politics.
04/23/15 - CC610 : Exposure to the public
04/23/15 - CC610 : Because you're getting shafted anyway
04/21/15 - So I won a Comic Contest ... or did I?
04/18/15 - World War T
04/16/15 - Sauce
04/16/15 - Dating Failures
04/12/15 - Wirthling Sucks
04/02/15 - Stab Trek
04/02/15 - Electioneering 2015
03/19/15 - CC607 - St Puntricks Day
03/10/15 - Flint, Michigan
03/10/15 - CC606 - Recycling
03/08/15 - Modern Voting System
03/07/15 - CC606 - College Days
03/06/15 - CC606 - New Planet, Same Species
02/22/15 - Jael-bait
02/21/15 - Richard Fucking Gere
02/21/15 - Encyclopedic Knowledge
02/21/15 - Racism on in the Internet
02/21/15 - Graduation
02/19/15 - CC 604 - Blame Canada
02/05/15 - 2015 - Is this still funny?
02/05/15 - CC602 : Belee Dat
02/04/15 - CC602 : Loaves and Fishes
09/21/12 - 225 million views. And yeh, Its catchy.
07/31/12 - CC561 - Yes, its 59 years you Pedant!
07/31/12 - CC561 - This site has history.
07/23/12 - CC560 : I will neither confirm nor deny this really happened
07/15/12 - Banker Bob
07/14/12 - OPC 65 : Dowwwwwwwnsizing
07/14/12 - RDC 45
07/14/12 - 2001 - A Euthanasia Odyssey
02/24/11 - Who was the original "Magnificant Bastard" ?
03/01/09 - Low Production Values
03/01/09 - Oh Canadaaaaaaaaa
03/01/09 - I dont do Politics - 2
03/01/09 - I dont do politics 1
05/14/06 - CC321 : Its lotsa fun for fi dolla!
12/15/05 - CC307 - Always Coca Cola
12/15/05 - After they were Famous - Yazz
12/15/05 - After they Were Famous - Diana Ross
12/15/05 - After They Were Famous - Whitney Houston
12/15/05 - After They Were Famous - Tina Turner
12/07/05 - After They Were Famous - Lionel Richie
05/02/05 - James Brown - AOOWWWW!
05/02/05 - No , No , NO. Thou Shalt NOT Pun.
02/07/05 - I love my KKK Bitch
10/06/04 - CC ... that one about the election and shit.
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 4
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 3
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 2
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 1
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy - Intro
09/20/04 - CC 258 : Oops , shes did it again.
08/27/04 - Wayne Fucking Rooney
08/17/04 - CC 254 : No Publicity is Brad Publicity
08/17/04 - CC 254 : Wow, have i been away so long ....
07/01/04 - C.O.N. - Episode 2
07/01/04 - C.O.N. - Episode 1
05/28/04 - BTC 6 : Assplosion
05/28/04 - FTC 36 : Like A Rolling Stone
05/14/04 - CC244 : Mobyle , Alabama
05/14/04 - WW16 : What Would Gert Verhaeyen Do?
05/13/04 - FTC 34 : Reliving That First Endorsement Busting Date
05/10/04 - BTC 4 : Atkins Kills. ITS KILLS I TELL YOU!
04/24/04 - FTC 32 : KOBOR Will Kornhole You Now , Beeeeeatch
04/20/04 - Begin this Comic Contest #1
04/10/04 - Etienne De Crecy - Am I Wrong - (From the XBox Ads)
04/09/04 - CC 239 : Her-Pants-Are-Full-Of-Shit-ney Spears
04/09/04 - Worst Thing to Say on Vacation
04/09/04 - FTC 30 : Mount Olsenympus
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Part 5
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Part 4
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Pt3
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Pt2
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Pt1
04/05/04 - Comic Cup XII - Trying to Take Over the Comic Cup
04/03/04 - CC238 : Boinky, you really are shit.
04/01/04 - Kid Glock
04/01/04 - Kid Shock
04/01/04 - Kid Cock
04/01/04 - Kid Rock 2
04/01/04 - Kid Rock!
03/27/04 - FTC 28 : The Artist Formerly Known As Talented
03/21/04 - CC237 : The Mikey G guide to Internet Popularity
03/20/04 - Worst Thing to Say After a Little League match.
03/12/04 - Worst Thing to say When Selling a House
02/14/04 - Worst Thing to Say After Sex
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : This is not The greatest Injoke in the World.
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : Dwarf Tossing Contest
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : Irrelevance is Resistant.You will be Ass-humiliated
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : Where Can You See Lions? ... Only in Kenya!
02/06/04 - Worst Thing to Say to a Guy in A Kilt.
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : Stop Badgering me About that Report
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : Blatant Play for the Python Award
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : I Dean This Comic Over!
02/04/04 - CC 231 : The Kajun Years
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : *Womaaking Out*
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : The Krame-trix Reloaded
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : I found the Report, Justin time.
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : One Report to Rule them All
01/26/04 - Snickerdoodles 3
01/26/04 - Snickerdoodles 2
01/26/04 - Snickerdoodles 1
01/19/04 - FTC 19 : Dhrugg Dup 2 D I Bawls
01/19/04 - FTC:19 - Macys Gray Hair
01/19/04 - Wellington-Bor(ing)
01/18/04 - Serial Comic - Back on Track!
01/11/04 - The Return of the Precious
01/09/04 - Cult Status Beckons ....
01/03/04 - FTC 17 : Journey to the Centre of the Dearth (of comedy)
01/03/04 - FTC 17 : We Control the Horizontal, but our remote is busted
01/03/04 - FTC 17 : It Wasnt Me, It was the Unarmed Man.
01/03/04 - Hes reaching into my psyche now.
01/03/04 - Danger : High Donuts
01/03/04 - Can we call him "Tag Line Boy" ?
01/03/04 - This character really needs a name.
01/03/04 - No , Really , i do know someone who does this.
01/02/04 - The Rock Says "Know your Role and Shut Your Mouth"
01/02/04 - Christmas at Neverland.
01/02/04 - The future of Non Union Labor.
01/02/04 - And Now, Live from the Iraqi city of Bam
12/30/03 - FTC 16: All Around me Are Familiar Feces
12/25/03 - SCHTOP! - What are you Doingk!
12/25/03 - CC 226 : As the Crowe Flies
12/24/03 - Yet another 3AM Comic
12/24/03 - FTC 15 - Fruit of the Loon
12/18/03 - FTC #14 - In the Name of the Father Dowling Investigates.
12/18/03 - FTC #14 - Goodwill to all aMen
12/18/03 - FTC #14 - The Antibody of Christ
12/12/03 - The Boinking of Kaufman 26
12/11/03 - Congrats on Winning the Comic Contest Kajun
12/10/03 - FTC #13
12/10/03 - CC224 : O Brother Where Art Thy Moustache
12/09/03 - Peter Kay - The Search for a Catchphrase
12/05/03 - Some Comic Contest or Other.
12/05/03 - FTC #12 - Suck my Snowcone.
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 4
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 3
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 2
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 1
12/05/03 - The Return of AUTOMAN!
07/24/03 - CC199 : Perm , you can go to hell
05/26/03 - Kramers Krazy Komik Kontest - 2
05/26/03 - Kramers Krazy Komic Kontest
04/05/03 - Perm Dating #6
04/05/03 - Serial Comic 8 - And in Closing .....
04/03/03 - Perm Dating #5
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #4
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #3
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #2
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #1
03/07/03 - CC ..... i forget the number, its the one about conundrums.
03/03/03 - CC ... ah who gives a shit
02/19/03 - Based on a True Story (Or one of Eponines Comics)
02/19/03 - Ill have a Beer and a Semen Chaser please
02/19/03 - Bryan Adams - Career?
01/26/03 - When Punimals Attack
01/15/03 - Stars In Their Eyes
01/15/03 - More Socio-Political Commentary .....
01/15/03 - Bars in their Eyes
01/11/03 - CC Thing thats ... ah FUCK IT! - Part 3
01/09/03 - CC Something or Other - That One Fuck is Running.
01/09/03 - The CC Fuck is Running. - Pt1
12/31/02 - Iced-T
12/31/02 - Miami Viceroy
12/31/02 - Did Kaufman Make Puns in the 80's?
12/31/02 - Luka Round , Watt Do You C?
12/31/02 - Kissing With Confidence
12/28/02 - Kick the Baby
12/28/02 - Did you ever know that youre my Ego?
12/28/02 - Where Egos Dare - Perm & Crabby Team Up
11/26/02 - Kajun's Bloody Comic Contest - PT1
11/18/02 - Yablonskis Midnight Run
11/11/02 - CC Something or Other - That One Decomposed is Running.
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 4
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 3
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 2
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 1
10/11/02 - The Washington Sniper
09/24/02 - Tag Team Comic Contest - Death Takes A Permanent Vacation.
09/19/02 - CC 142 - Party On!
09/11/02 - Obijo - HURRY THE FUCK UP
08/24/02 - The Ballad of JBOY - Part 2
08/24/02 - The Ballad of JBOY - Part 1
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 7
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 6
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 5
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 4
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 3
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 2
08/19/02 - CC 136 : Gone Fishin'
08/18/02 - Right Here , Right Now (Props to Earthworm Jim)
08/18/02 - Comic Cup : Faster than a Speeding Bullet
08/17/02 - Serial Comic
08/14/02 - Comic Cup : The Path to Godhood Leads Through Uranus
08/10/02 - Javier Vs Kramer - Pt 2
08/10/02 - Javier Vs Kramer
08/10/02 - The Dragonslayer - Part 7
08/09/02 - I blame Kaufman. Always. Its Safer that way.
08/02/02 - Cc 135 - It Sucks to Be Dexx
07/27/02 - CCIX #15 - Wirthling Fucking Sucks
07/15/02 - Cheers Up Sleepy Dexx
07/14/02 - CC 131 : Remember folks , its just a comic.
07/13/02 - I blame society , and Rage Against the Machine
07/11/02 - Zero Entropy - The Birth
07/10/02 - The Adventures of Spinner and JammyJim - pt 12
07/04/02 - CC 128 - Birthday Dance Time
07/04/02 - CC 128 : Dino-Rod's Birthday Party
07/04/02 - THIS IS NOT AN ENTRY!
07/03/02 - Dinosaur Talks
07/03/02 - Worst Thing to Say At a Bachelor Party
07/03/02 - Comic Cup : Alien Love Triangle Minus One
06/30/02 - What if Tobor played American Football.
06/27/02 - The Adventures of Spinner and JammyJim - pt 6
06/18/02 - Captain Obvious Meets Cyril The Exploding Squirrel.
06/17/02 - CC 126 - Sins of the Father
06/13/02 - Fuck Doctor Who - Part 3
06/13/02 - Fuck Doctor Who - Part 2
06/13/02 - Fuck Doctor Who
06/13/02 - Unemployment Line ....
06/10/02 - Darius And Davros - The Odd Couple (again)
06/10/02 - CC 123 : Summer Fun
06/09/02 - Zeus' Big Day Out - Pt 14
06/08/02 - CC123 - Bad Taste In Boxing
06/02/02 - Manx Physics.
05/28/02 - SC.Com - Blatant Mockery 1
05/18/02 - Archibald - The Return
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 4
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 3
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 2
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 1
04/30/02 - New Characters
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 4
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 3
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 2
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 1
04/24/02 - CC 116 - Bryan Fucking Adams
04/24/02 - CC 115 - Its Late , but who cares.
04/18/02 - Alanis Morrisette. Natalie Imbruglia does it better.
04/18/02 - Billy Connolly - Lets Hope He Gets Better Soon.
04/18/02 - Celine Dion. Overpaid. Overrated. Over here.
04/18/02 - Sting - Newcastles Golden Boy.
04/18/02 - Parkinson (s Disease is more entertaining).
04/16/02 - Tag Team Comic Cup - Andys Maw.
04/16/02 - Tag Team Comic Cup - Andys Maw.
04/06/02 - CC 112 - Summertime Superhero's convention.
04/06/02 - CC 112 - It Guarantees my Agonising Death.
04/06/02 - CC 112 - Supermans Greatest Challenge
04/03/02 - 1:33 am - And i have a bad headcold.
04/03/02 - CC 111 , or 112. I think i stopped caring.
03/24/02 - Gabe Billings , Evil Hamster Eater
03/23/02 - Tag Team Comic Cup - Part 1
03/21/02 - CC 108 - Billy Crystal > *
03/19/02 - CC 107 - Says it All Really
03/19/02 - Late Night Adult Entertainment
03/14/02 - Owner of a Lonely Fart.
03/09/02 - Name that Spleen
03/08/02 - CC 104 - Maura Povich
03/06/02 - CC104 - I think this is the end.
03/06/02 - cc104 - GW Bush Disappears up own ass. Pretzels not involved
03/06/02 - cc 104 - Socio-Political commentary - for five dollah.
02/28/02 - another 4am comic
02/27/02 - CC 102 - What if ..
02/23/02 - Can we still be friends?
02/23/02 - 4Am comic.
02/19/02 - Comic Contest VIII - $1.2 Million an Episode?
02/15/02 - CC 100 - The President Of The United States Of America
02/15/02 - Inappropriate Greeting Man Strikes Again!
02/15/02 - CC 100 - 2022. The End of Stripcreator.
02/15/02 - CC 100 - 25 years To the Day.
02/14/02 - CC 100 - Gabe Billings : Minister for Donkey Sodomy
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts 4
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts 3
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts 2
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts!
02/10/02 - CC 99 - Chanukah
02/09/02 - Surly Dragon Meets Tobor
02/09/02 - Fried Penis
02/05/02 - Baby Love!
02/05/02 - Timmeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/04/02 - CC 98 - Lord of the WHAT?
02/04/02 - CC 98 - It Just Cant Be!
02/04/02 - The Most Memorable Characters EVER Seen in a Comic.
02/02/02 - CC 97 - Magnum Force
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 9
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 8
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 7
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 6
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 5
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 4
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 3
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 2
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us - Cain and Abel
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us - Pet Semetary.
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us - Saving Ryans Privates.
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us. Plane Sailing.
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us. We can make it if we try.
01/28/02 - CC 96 - Siskel And Ebert Have Nothing on Andy.
01/28/02 - CC96 : Spankling Tech Support
01/28/02 - CC 96 - Tech Support? Yeh Right!
01/25/02 - CC95 - Its fun to stay at the Y-O-D-A
01/25/02 - 19:29 GMT 25/01/02
01/25/02 - CC 95 - George Lucas Can Suck My Nads!
01/23/02 - CC 94 - Damn you for not letting me use Redfish!
01/23/02 - CC 94 - Hooray for Harold Lloyd.
01/23/02 - How Deep is Your Love (And your Accent)
01/22/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 8
01/17/02 - Serial Comic - The New and Improved President of the USA.
01/16/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 7
01/15/02 - Why Hugo Weaving is Typecast.
01/15/02 - Pun-Tastic
01/15/02 - A Crappier Comic
01/15/02 - A Crappy Comic
01/12/02 - CC 92 - All that money. Wow!
01/12/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 6
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt Pt 4
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt Pt 3
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt Pt 2
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt
01/11/02 - CC 91 - Because i had to make an Entry
01/09/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 5
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam Part 4
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam Part 3
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam Pt 2
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam
01/05/02 - CC 90 - C is for Comic.
01/01/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 4
01/01/02 - India And Pakistan - Why Cant We All Just Get Along
01/01/02 - Toy Story 3
12/31/01 - PISS OFF ALL OF YOU!
12/31/01 - Doctor Who Comics (2)
12/31/01 - Doctor Who Comics
12/30/01 - POong Donkey Physics
12/30/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro Pt 4
12/30/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro Pt 3
12/30/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro Pt 2
12/29/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro
12/29/01 - Kajun Keegans Perm Vs Dougan.
12/28/01 - Snow White and The Seven Dwarves
12/28/01 - CC 88 - Its Not Christmas on Cybertron.
12/15/01 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 3
12/14/01 - Decepticon Physics.
12/14/01 - Decepti-phones.
12/12/01 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 2
12/09/01 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 1
12/07/01 - The Donkey's Last Hope
12/07/01 - Surly Dragon Meets Captain Apathy
12/06/01 - Whats the Worst Thing to Say to A cop.-
12/04/01 - Killjoy Physics
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters - 4
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters - 3
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters - 2
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters
12/03/01 - Serial Comic - ITS CHRISTMAS
11/29/01 - Cowboy Clappy Physics Thing
11/29/01 - Jingle Bells - Eastaugh Style.
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 4
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 3 (Lo Dogma)
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 2
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 1
11/28/01 - cc 82 : its 6am. Buggered if ill make this funny.
11/28/01 - Bill and Clippy.
11/27/01 - The Weakest Dragon.
11/26/01 - Serial Comic 4
11/26/01 - Serial Comic 3
11/26/01 - Serial Comic 2
11/26/01 - Serial Comic Contest Pt1
11/26/01 - CC 81 - Serial Comic (Follow This Crabby)
11/24/01 - Serial Comic Contest. Surly Dragon Gets It.
11/21/01 - The Rock Says
11/19/01 - Fucks Maternal Clock
11/18/01 - Aqua Tobor Strikes Again.
11/16/01 - CC80 : Goldisucks.
11/16/01 - CC80 - Little Fuck Horner
11/15/01 - People Unclear on the Concept.
11/12/01 - CC79 - Lara007 , License to Egotrip
11/08/01 - Serial Comic
11/08/01 - Serial Comic 1
11/01/01 - CC76 - Who Loves Ya Baby
10/31/01 - Russell and Kylie
10/27/01 - Skeet Shooting takes an Unusual Twist
10/25/01 - Yay though i walk through the Valley of Death
10/24/01 - CC 75 : The Further Adventures of Inappropriate Greeting Man
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 8)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 7)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 6)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 5)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 4)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 3)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 2)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 1)
10/23/01 - The ACLU
10/20/01 - CC74 : Osama Bin Dilbert
10/20/01 - CC74 : I honestly have no idea.
10/18/01 - Aleph , Son of Null
10/16/01 - When Drug Deals Go Wrong.
10/16/01 - KKP Realizes his Mistake.
10/09/01 - A day in the Life of ....Mark McGwire
10/09/01 - Schools Out
10/09/01 - Operation : Infinite Cornhole
10/09/01 - Pulp Python.
10/08/01 - Contrived Comic Contest. I Blame Andy.
10/07/01 - Osama Bin Hiding.
10/07/01 - The Root of All Evil
10/07/01 - Andy Dougan - Its a Wonderful Life.
10/07/01 - US Military Action nears.
10/06/01 - CC 70: Say no more.
10/06/01 - CC 70: Say no more.
10/06/01 - Dead Meat Does Some Light Reading
10/06/01 - Dead Meat Arrives at
10/05/01 - CC70 : to Boldly Go
10/05/01 - Bands in 3 Frames - Rage Against The Machine
10/05/01 - Deep Throat
10/03/01 - Bands in 3 Frames - White Zombie
10/03/01 - Attitude Chicka - Fine Upstanding Walmart Employee
10/03/01 - CC69 : Bank of WTC
10/02/01 - Amazed i got this one in First
10/02/01 - Another Fishy Situation
10/02/01 - CC69 : IN Kauf We Trust
10/02/01 - A Fishy Situation
10/02/01 - Movies that never quite Made it.
10/02/01 - Bands in 3 Frames - Right Said Fred
10/01/01 - Skagg funds his habit.
10/01/01 - Russell Crowe Gets His Revenge
10/01/01 - CC68 : Tobors Secret Sideline.
10/01/01 - A Movie in 3 Panels - The Doors
09/30/01 - Andy Dougan - Film Critic.
09/30/01 - CC68 - Tobors Anal Reaming College Days
09/30/01 - Cthulu and Jesus
09/28/01 - CC Contest Entry
09/28/01 - Mer and Pavil
09/28/01 - Legion Recruitment.
09/28/01 - Messiah Resigns as Head Mod of the Boards.
09/26/01 - Messiah Considers a Career Change
09/26/01 - Planetarion Beta Test - The Truth!
09/24/01 - Nod and Jenny Discuss University Life
09/24/01 - PLanetarion says "Fuck you"
09/24/01 - Messiah and Pavil
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