Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Kevin_Keegans_Perm has not entered a profile.
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Kid Rock 2
YO! I made a lot of records in this 10 year career. And every record i ever made was blood, sweat, and motherfucking tears.
Course, it was someone else blood, sweat, and motherfucking tears.
But fuck it, wheres the ho's at.
Kevin_Keegans_Perm's Comics
06/23/15 - WW104 - Worst Reason to Sign Up
06/13/15 - CC613 - Poetry in Motion
06/12/15 - CC613 - Life's a Beach
06/10/15 - CC613 - Genocide is Painless
06/09/15 - CC613 - Office Warfare
06/06/15 - Comic Cup XV - Its a Stretch (if you're 9 years old)
05/26/15 - WW 102 - Topical NFL Jokes
05/08/15 - WW102 - Under the Influence
05/08/15 - CC611 - Indivisible
05/04/15 - Coach/Class
04/28/15 - CC610 - A Fag, a Pint, and casually racist politics.
04/23/15 - CC610 : Exposure to the public
04/23/15 - CC610 : Because you're getting shafted anyway
04/21/15 - So I won a Comic Contest ... or did I?
04/18/15 - World War T
04/16/15 - Sauce
04/16/15 - Dating Failures
04/12/15 - Wirthling Sucks
04/02/15 - Stab Trek
04/02/15 - Electioneering 2015
03/19/15 - CC607 - St Puntricks Day
03/10/15 - Flint, Michigan
03/10/15 - CC606 - Recycling
03/08/15 - Modern Voting System
03/07/15 - CC606 - College Days
03/06/15 - CC606 - New Planet, Same Species
02/22/15 - Jael-bait
02/21/15 - Richard Fucking Gere
02/21/15 - Encyclopedic Knowledge
02/21/15 - Racism on in the Internet
02/21/15 - Graduation
02/19/15 - CC 604 - Blame Canada
02/05/15 - 2015 - Is this still funny?
02/05/15 - CC602 : Belee Dat
02/04/15 - CC602 : Loaves and Fishes
09/21/12 - 225 million views. And yeh, Its catchy.
07/31/12 - CC561 - Yes, its 59 years you Pedant!
07/31/12 - CC561 - This site has history.
07/23/12 - CC560 : I will neither confirm nor deny this really happened
07/15/12 - Banker Bob
07/14/12 - OPC 65 : Dowwwwwwwnsizing
07/14/12 - RDC 45
07/14/12 - 2001 - A Euthanasia Odyssey
02/24/11 - Who was the original "Magnificant Bastard" ?
03/01/09 - Low Production Values
03/01/09 - Oh Canadaaaaaaaaa
03/01/09 - I dont do Politics - 2
03/01/09 - I dont do politics 1
05/14/06 - CC321 : Its lotsa fun for fi dolla!
12/15/05 - CC307 - Always Coca Cola
12/15/05 - After they were Famous - Yazz
12/15/05 - After they Were Famous - Diana Ross
12/15/05 - After They Were Famous - Whitney Houston
12/15/05 - After They Were Famous - Tina Turner
12/07/05 - After They Were Famous - Lionel Richie
05/02/05 - James Brown - AOOWWWW!
05/02/05 - No , No , NO. Thou Shalt NOT Pun.
02/07/05 - I love my KKK Bitch
10/06/04 - CC ... that one about the election and shit.
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 4
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 3
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 2
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy 1
09/30/04 - Little Jimmy - Intro
09/20/04 - CC 258 : Oops , shes did it again.
08/27/04 - Wayne Fucking Rooney
08/17/04 - CC 254 : No Publicity is Brad Publicity
08/17/04 - CC 254 : Wow, have i been away so long ....
07/01/04 - C.O.N. - Episode 2
07/01/04 - C.O.N. - Episode 1
05/28/04 - BTC 6 : Assplosion
05/28/04 - FTC 36 : Like A Rolling Stone
05/14/04 - CC244 : Mobyle , Alabama
05/14/04 - WW16 : What Would Gert Verhaeyen Do?
05/13/04 - FTC 34 : Reliving That First Endorsement Busting Date
05/10/04 - BTC 4 : Atkins Kills. ITS KILLS I TELL YOU!
04/24/04 - FTC 32 : KOBOR Will Kornhole You Now , Beeeeeatch
04/20/04 - Begin this Comic Contest #1
04/10/04 - Etienne De Crecy - Am I Wrong - (From the XBox Ads)
04/09/04 - CC 239 : Her-Pants-Are-Full-Of-Shit-ney Spears
04/09/04 - Worst Thing to Say on Vacation
04/09/04 - FTC 30 : Mount Olsenympus
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Part 5
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Part 4
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Pt3
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Pt2
04/06/04 - Richard Marx - Hazard - Pt1
04/05/04 - Comic Cup XII - Trying to Take Over the Comic Cup
04/03/04 - CC238 : Boinky, you really are shit.
04/01/04 - Kid Glock
04/01/04 - Kid Shock
04/01/04 - Kid Cock
04/01/04 - Kid Rock 2
04/01/04 - Kid Rock!
03/27/04 - FTC 28 : The Artist Formerly Known As Talented
03/21/04 - CC237 : The Mikey G guide to Internet Popularity
03/20/04 - Worst Thing to Say After a Little League match.
03/12/04 - Worst Thing to say When Selling a House
02/14/04 - Worst Thing to Say After Sex
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : This is not The greatest Injoke in the World.
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : Dwarf Tossing Contest
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : Irrelevance is Resistant.You will be Ass-humiliated
02/09/04 - FTC 22 : Where Can You See Lions? ... Only in Kenya!
02/06/04 - Worst Thing to Say to a Guy in A Kilt.
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : Stop Badgering me About that Report
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : Blatant Play for the Python Award
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : I Dean This Comic Over!
02/04/04 - CC 231 : The Kajun Years
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : *Womaaking Out*
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : The Krame-trix Reloaded
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : I found the Report, Justin time.
02/04/04 - FTC 21 : One Report to Rule them All
01/26/04 - Snickerdoodles 3
01/26/04 - Snickerdoodles 2
01/26/04 - Snickerdoodles 1
01/19/04 - FTC 19 : Dhrugg Dup 2 D I Bawls
01/19/04 - FTC:19 - Macys Gray Hair
01/19/04 - Wellington-Bor(ing)
01/18/04 - Serial Comic - Back on Track!
01/11/04 - The Return of the Precious
01/09/04 - Cult Status Beckons ....
01/03/04 - FTC 17 : Journey to the Centre of the Dearth (of comedy)
01/03/04 - FTC 17 : We Control the Horizontal, but our remote is busted
01/03/04 - FTC 17 : It Wasnt Me, It was the Unarmed Man.
01/03/04 - Hes reaching into my psyche now.
01/03/04 - Danger : High Donuts
01/03/04 - Can we call him "Tag Line Boy" ?
01/03/04 - This character really needs a name.
01/03/04 - No , Really , i do know someone who does this.
01/02/04 - The Rock Says "Know your Role and Shut Your Mouth"
01/02/04 - Christmas at Neverland.
01/02/04 - The future of Non Union Labor.
01/02/04 - And Now, Live from the Iraqi city of Bam
12/30/03 - FTC 16: All Around me Are Familiar Feces
12/25/03 - SCHTOP! - What are you Doingk!
12/25/03 - CC 226 : As the Crowe Flies
12/24/03 - Yet another 3AM Comic
12/24/03 - FTC 15 - Fruit of the Loon
12/18/03 - FTC #14 - In the Name of the Father Dowling Investigates.
12/18/03 - FTC #14 - Goodwill to all aMen
12/18/03 - FTC #14 - The Antibody of Christ
12/12/03 - The Boinking of Kaufman 26
12/11/03 - Congrats on Winning the Comic Contest Kajun
12/10/03 - FTC #13
12/10/03 - CC224 : O Brother Where Art Thy Moustache
12/09/03 - Peter Kay - The Search for a Catchphrase
12/05/03 - Some Comic Contest or Other.
12/05/03 - FTC #12 - Suck my Snowcone.
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 4
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 3
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 2
12/05/03 - Automan - Episode 1
12/05/03 - The Return of AUTOMAN!
07/24/03 - CC199 : Perm , you can go to hell
05/26/03 - Kramers Krazy Komik Kontest - 2
05/26/03 - Kramers Krazy Komic Kontest
04/05/03 - Perm Dating #6
04/05/03 - Serial Comic 8 - And in Closing .....
04/03/03 - Perm Dating #5
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #4
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #3
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #2
04/02/03 - Perm Dating #1
03/07/03 - CC ..... i forget the number, its the one about conundrums.
03/03/03 - CC ... ah who gives a shit
02/19/03 - Based on a True Story (Or one of Eponines Comics)
02/19/03 - Ill have a Beer and a Semen Chaser please
02/19/03 - Bryan Adams - Career?
01/26/03 - When Punimals Attack
01/15/03 - Stars In Their Eyes
01/15/03 - More Socio-Political Commentary .....
01/15/03 - Bars in their Eyes
01/11/03 - CC Thing thats ... ah FUCK IT! - Part 3
01/09/03 - CC Something or Other - That One Fuck is Running.
01/09/03 - The CC Fuck is Running. - Pt1
12/31/02 - Iced-T
12/31/02 - Miami Viceroy
12/31/02 - Did Kaufman Make Puns in the 80's?
12/31/02 - Luka Round , Watt Do You C?
12/31/02 - Kissing With Confidence
12/28/02 - Kick the Baby
12/28/02 - Did you ever know that youre my Ego?
12/28/02 - Where Egos Dare - Perm & Crabby Team Up
11/26/02 - Kajun's Bloody Comic Contest - PT1
11/18/02 - Yablonskis Midnight Run
11/11/02 - CC Something or Other - That One Decomposed is Running.
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 4
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 3
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 2
11/09/02 - Loony Tunes - Part 1
10/11/02 - The Washington Sniper
09/24/02 - Tag Team Comic Contest - Death Takes A Permanent Vacation.
09/19/02 - CC 142 - Party On!
09/11/02 - Obijo - HURRY THE FUCK UP
08/24/02 - The Ballad of JBOY - Part 2
08/24/02 - The Ballad of JBOY - Part 1
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 7
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 6
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 5
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 4
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 3
08/19/02 - Gone Fishin' 2
08/19/02 - CC 136 : Gone Fishin'
08/18/02 - Right Here , Right Now (Props to Earthworm Jim)
08/18/02 - Comic Cup : Faster than a Speeding Bullet
08/17/02 - Serial Comic
08/14/02 - Comic Cup : The Path to Godhood Leads Through Uranus
08/10/02 - Javier Vs Kramer - Pt 2
08/10/02 - Javier Vs Kramer
08/10/02 - The Dragonslayer - Part 7
08/09/02 - I blame Kaufman. Always. Its Safer that way.
08/02/02 - Cc 135 - It Sucks to Be Dexx
07/27/02 - CCIX #15 - Wirthling Fucking Sucks
07/15/02 - Cheers Up Sleepy Dexx
07/14/02 - CC 131 : Remember folks , its just a comic.
07/13/02 - I blame society , and Rage Against the Machine
07/11/02 - Zero Entropy - The Birth
07/10/02 - The Adventures of Spinner and JammyJim - pt 12
07/04/02 - CC 128 - Birthday Dance Time
07/04/02 - CC 128 : Dino-Rod's Birthday Party
07/04/02 - THIS IS NOT AN ENTRY!
07/03/02 - Dinosaur Talks
07/03/02 - Worst Thing to Say At a Bachelor Party
07/03/02 - Comic Cup : Alien Love Triangle Minus One
06/30/02 - What if Tobor played American Football.
06/27/02 - The Adventures of Spinner and JammyJim - pt 6
06/18/02 - Captain Obvious Meets Cyril The Exploding Squirrel.
06/17/02 - CC 126 - Sins of the Father
06/13/02 - Fuck Doctor Who - Part 3
06/13/02 - Fuck Doctor Who - Part 2
06/13/02 - Fuck Doctor Who
06/13/02 - Unemployment Line ....
06/10/02 - Darius And Davros - The Odd Couple (again)
06/10/02 - CC 123 : Summer Fun
06/09/02 - Zeus' Big Day Out - Pt 14
06/08/02 - CC123 - Bad Taste In Boxing
06/02/02 - Manx Physics.
05/28/02 - SC.Com - Blatant Mockery 1
05/18/02 - Archibald - The Return
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 4
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 3
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 2
05/01/02 - Kajun Keegans Perm - Pt 1
04/30/02 - New Characters
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 4
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 3
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 2
04/29/02 - Blood Brothers - Part 1
04/24/02 - CC 116 - Bryan Fucking Adams
04/24/02 - CC 115 - Its Late , but who cares.
04/18/02 - Alanis Morrisette. Natalie Imbruglia does it better.
04/18/02 - Billy Connolly - Lets Hope He Gets Better Soon.
04/18/02 - Celine Dion. Overpaid. Overrated. Over here.
04/18/02 - Sting - Newcastles Golden Boy.
04/18/02 - Parkinson (s Disease is more entertaining).
04/16/02 - Tag Team Comic Cup - Andys Maw.
04/16/02 - Tag Team Comic Cup - Andys Maw.
04/06/02 - CC 112 - Summertime Superhero's convention.
04/06/02 - CC 112 - It Guarantees my Agonising Death.
04/06/02 - CC 112 - Supermans Greatest Challenge
04/03/02 - 1:33 am - And i have a bad headcold.
04/03/02 - CC 111 , or 112. I think i stopped caring.
03/24/02 - Gabe Billings , Evil Hamster Eater
03/23/02 - Tag Team Comic Cup - Part 1
03/21/02 - CC 108 - Billy Crystal > *
03/19/02 - CC 107 - Says it All Really
03/19/02 - Late Night Adult Entertainment
03/14/02 - Owner of a Lonely Fart.
03/09/02 - Name that Spleen
03/08/02 - CC 104 - Maura Povich
03/06/02 - CC104 - I think this is the end.
03/06/02 - cc104 - GW Bush Disappears up own ass. Pretzels not involved
03/06/02 - cc 104 - Socio-Political commentary - for five dollah.
02/28/02 - another 4am comic
02/27/02 - CC 102 - What if ..
02/23/02 - Can we still be friends?
02/23/02 - 4Am comic.
02/19/02 - Comic Contest VIII - $1.2 Million an Episode?
02/15/02 - CC 100 - The President Of The United States Of America
02/15/02 - Inappropriate Greeting Man Strikes Again!
02/15/02 - CC 100 - 2022. The End of Stripcreator.
02/15/02 - CC 100 - 25 years To the Day.
02/14/02 - CC 100 - Gabe Billings : Minister for Donkey Sodomy
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts 4
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts 3
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts 2
02/13/02 - This Comic Is Nuts!
02/10/02 - CC 99 - Chanukah
02/09/02 - Surly Dragon Meets Tobor
02/09/02 - Fried Penis
02/05/02 - Baby Love!
02/05/02 - Timmeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/04/02 - CC 98 - Lord of the WHAT?
02/04/02 - CC 98 - It Just Cant Be!
02/04/02 - The Most Memorable Characters EVER Seen in a Comic.
02/02/02 - CC 97 - Magnum Force
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 9
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 8
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 7
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 6
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 5
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 4
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 3
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination 2
02/02/02 - Javier and Mikes plan for World Domination
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us - Cain and Abel
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us - Pet Semetary.
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us - Saving Ryans Privates.
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us. Plane Sailing.
01/31/02 - Just the Two of Us. We can make it if we try.
01/28/02 - CC 96 - Siskel And Ebert Have Nothing on Andy.
01/28/02 - CC96 : Spankling Tech Support
01/28/02 - CC 96 - Tech Support? Yeh Right!
01/25/02 - CC95 - Its fun to stay at the Y-O-D-A
01/25/02 - 19:29 GMT 25/01/02
01/25/02 - CC 95 - George Lucas Can Suck My Nads!
01/23/02 - CC 94 - Damn you for not letting me use Redfish!
01/23/02 - CC 94 - Hooray for Harold Lloyd.
01/23/02 - How Deep is Your Love (And your Accent)
01/22/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 8
01/17/02 - Serial Comic - The New and Improved President of the USA.
01/16/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 7
01/15/02 - Why Hugo Weaving is Typecast.
01/15/02 - Pun-Tastic
01/15/02 - A Crappier Comic
01/15/02 - A Crappy Comic
01/12/02 - CC 92 - All that money. Wow!
01/12/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 6
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt Pt 4
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt Pt 3
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt Pt 2
01/11/02 - Mike the Microphone - Hes a Cunt
01/11/02 - CC 91 - Because i had to make an Entry
01/09/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 5
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam Part 4
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam Part 3
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam Pt 2
01/05/02 - Fireman Sam
01/05/02 - CC 90 - C is for Comic.
01/01/02 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 4
01/01/02 - India And Pakistan - Why Cant We All Just Get Along
01/01/02 - Toy Story 3
12/31/01 - PISS OFF ALL OF YOU!
12/31/01 - Doctor Who Comics (2)
12/31/01 - Doctor Who Comics
12/30/01 - POong Donkey Physics
12/30/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro Pt 4
12/30/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro Pt 3
12/30/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro Pt 2
12/29/01 - Bobby Fucking Davro
12/29/01 - Kajun Keegans Perm Vs Dougan.
12/28/01 - Snow White and The Seven Dwarves
12/28/01 - CC 88 - Its Not Christmas on Cybertron.
12/15/01 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 3
12/14/01 - Decepticon Physics.
12/14/01 - Decepti-phones.
12/12/01 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 2
12/09/01 - The Weakest Strip - Rnd 1
12/07/01 - The Donkey's Last Hope
12/07/01 - Surly Dragon Meets Captain Apathy
12/06/01 - Whats the Worst Thing to Say to A cop.-
12/04/01 - Killjoy Physics
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters - 4
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters - 3
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters - 2
12/03/01 - CC 83 - Dating Disasters
12/03/01 - Serial Comic - ITS CHRISTMAS
11/29/01 - Cowboy Clappy Physics Thing
11/29/01 - Jingle Bells - Eastaugh Style.
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 4
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 3 (Lo Dogma)
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 2
11/29/01 - CC82 - The Serial Pt 1
11/28/01 - cc 82 : its 6am. Buggered if ill make this funny.
11/28/01 - Bill and Clippy.
11/27/01 - The Weakest Dragon.
11/26/01 - Serial Comic 4
11/26/01 - Serial Comic 3
11/26/01 - Serial Comic 2
11/26/01 - Serial Comic Contest Pt1
11/26/01 - CC 81 - Serial Comic (Follow This Crabby)
11/24/01 - Serial Comic Contest. Surly Dragon Gets It.
11/21/01 - The Rock Says
11/19/01 - Fucks Maternal Clock
11/18/01 - Aqua Tobor Strikes Again.
11/16/01 - CC80 : Goldisucks.
11/16/01 - CC80 - Little Fuck Horner
11/15/01 - People Unclear on the Concept.
11/12/01 - CC79 - Lara007 , License to Egotrip
11/08/01 - Serial Comic
11/08/01 - Serial Comic 1
11/01/01 - CC76 - Who Loves Ya Baby
10/31/01 - Russell and Kylie
10/27/01 - Skeet Shooting takes an Unusual Twist
10/25/01 - Yay though i walk through the Valley of Death
10/24/01 - CC 75 : The Further Adventures of Inappropriate Greeting Man
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 8)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 7)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 6)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 5)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 4)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 3)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 2)
10/23/01 - Tobor - The Drive By (Part 1)
10/23/01 - The ACLU
10/20/01 - CC74 : Osama Bin Dilbert
10/20/01 - CC74 : I honestly have no idea.
10/18/01 - Aleph , Son of Null
10/16/01 - When Drug Deals Go Wrong.
10/16/01 - KKP Realizes his Mistake.
10/09/01 - A day in the Life of ....Mark McGwire
10/09/01 - Schools Out
10/09/01 - Operation : Infinite Cornhole
10/09/01 - Pulp Python.
10/08/01 - Contrived Comic Contest. I Blame Andy.
10/07/01 - Osama Bin Hiding.
10/07/01 - The Root of All Evil
10/07/01 - Andy Dougan - Its a Wonderful Life.
10/07/01 - US Military Action nears.
10/06/01 - CC 70: Say no more.
10/06/01 - CC 70: Say no more.
10/06/01 - Dead Meat Does Some Light Reading
10/06/01 - Dead Meat Arrives at
10/05/01 - CC70 : to Boldly Go
10/05/01 - Bands in 3 Frames - Rage Against The Machine
10/05/01 - Deep Throat
10/03/01 - Bands in 3 Frames - White Zombie
10/03/01 - Attitude Chicka - Fine Upstanding Walmart Employee
10/03/01 - CC69 : Bank of WTC
10/02/01 - Amazed i got this one in First
10/02/01 - Another Fishy Situation
10/02/01 - CC69 : IN Kauf We Trust
10/02/01 - A Fishy Situation
10/02/01 - Movies that never quite Made it.
10/02/01 - Bands in 3 Frames - Right Said Fred
10/01/01 - Skagg funds his habit.
10/01/01 - Russell Crowe Gets His Revenge
10/01/01 - CC68 : Tobors Secret Sideline.
10/01/01 - A Movie in 3 Panels - The Doors
09/30/01 - Andy Dougan - Film Critic.
09/30/01 - CC68 - Tobors Anal Reaming College Days
09/30/01 - Cthulu and Jesus
09/28/01 - CC Contest Entry
09/28/01 - Mer and Pavil
09/28/01 - Legion Recruitment.
09/28/01 - Messiah Resigns as Head Mod of the Boards.
09/26/01 - Messiah Considers a Career Change
09/26/01 - Planetarion Beta Test - The Truth!
09/24/01 - Nod and Jenny Discuss University Life
09/24/01 - PLanetarion says "Fuck you"
09/24/01 - Messiah and Pavil
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