Killborg's Comics 07/08/05 - Burgery
07/08/05 - again, slogan
02/14/05 - Barry Freen, loser of love- III
02/14/05 - Barry Freen- the formula
12/30/04 - slogan explained!
10/23/04 - Maybe it's a personal problem
10/14/04 - garfield my way 9
10/14/04 - garfield my way 8
10/13/04 - Revenge, my way.
10/02/04 - marking strategy magic?
10/02/04 - Ronald McDinald's latest scheme
07/31/04 - Barry Freen, loser of love -II
07/31/04 - Barry Freen, loser of love -I
07/23/04 - now with biting political satire!
05/27/04 - garfield my way 7
05/17/04 - killborg truth #1
05/07/04 - Garfiled my way 6
05/07/04 - Garfield my way 5
05/07/04 - garfield my way! 4
04/03/04 - garfield my way 3
04/02/04 - Garfield my way 2
04/02/04 - Garfield my way!
04/02/04 - Tag-along fat guy...If I ruled garfield...
04/02/04 - Tag-along fat guy goes to the movies.
02/07/04 - Sticklove- Viva las Canada!
02/04/04 - StickLove- Brenda the Canadian
02/04/04 - StickLove- Brenda the Canadian
01/28/04 - Sticklove- Brenda.
01/28/04 - Sticklove- Canadians ROCK! I wish I knew one...
01/27/04 - Sticklove-people hate telemarketers until they save lives
01/05/04 - Sticklove-still trapped.
12/17/03 - Timedudes- No-one really likes Monkey, anyway, right?
12/13/03 - Timedudes- beacause gay monkey rape can be fun!
12/06/03 - TIMEDUDES! - Bad thing happen!
12/06/03 - TIMEDUDES!- Mo' timetravel, Mo' problems...
12/05/03 - Timedudes! -TO RESCUE THE LOTTA YAH!
12/05/03 - TIMEDUDES! -kickin' it!
12/05/03 - TIMEDUDES! - baaaaad ninja!
11/20/03 - Timedudes-dinosaurus chronos!
11/08/03 - TIMEDUDES! - Smoking with dinosaurs.
11/08/03 - TIMEDUDES! - Once more, with evil!
10/29/03 - TIMEDUDES! -get to know us. EXTREME!!
10/28/03 - Sticklove- THE TRAP ROOM!
10/28/03 - Sticklove- More IDIOTS INVADE!!
10/28/03 - Sticklove- INVASION OF THE IDIOTS!!
10/27/03 - TIMEDUDES!!- Doin' nothing about disaster!
10/27/03 - TIMEDUDES!!- tentacle butt troubles!!
10/27/03 - Sticklove- THE INVASION!!! (part 6) featuring TIME DUDES!
10/27/03 - Sticklove-THE INVASION!!! (part 5)
10/27/03 - Sticklove- THE INVASION!! (part 4)
10/27/03 - Sticklove- THE INVASION!!! (part 3)
10/25/03 - Sticklove- THE INVASION!!! (part 2)
10/25/03 - Sticklove- THE INVASION!!!! (part 1)
10/25/03 - Sticklove- invadin' with tagalong-fat-guy.
10/24/03 - Sticklove-Prepare for the invasion!!
10/24/03 - Sticklove-Bargaining.
10/18/03 - Sticklove- Mistah Prezzidunt!!
10/18/03 - Sticklove- and your chicks for free...
10/16/03 - Sticklove- EVIL PLANS BY AN EVIL MAN
10/16/03 - Sticklove- MagiCat Mystery tour.
10/15/03 - Sticklove- Superstickerosity
10/13/03 - Sticklove-Evil comes fitted with a silver tongue as standard
10/13/03 - Sticklove- OK, this has gone on long enough...
10/13/03 - Sticklove- Judge me, judge anime-and that's God's job!
10/13/03 - Sticklove- Anime, not just a look, it's a state of mind.
10/10/03 - Sticklove- Now With 50% less stickmen!!
10/10/03 - Sticklove- Yeah, I found the new files...SUPER!!
10/10/03 - Sticklove- A change will do you good.
10/10/03 - Sticklove- surgery?
10/09/03 - Sticklove- It's all going on...
10/09/03 - Sticklove- have you met YOUR quota?
10/09/03 - Sticklove - Evil is as evil does
10/09/03 - Sticklove-Gentlemen, to evil.
09/30/03 - Sticklove- evil genius?
09/29/03 - Sticklove- convergence
09/29/03 - Sticklove- between hope and sorrow
09/29/03 - Sticklove-El Presidentesaurus
09/26/03 - Sticklove- Tyrant king president
09/26/03 - Sticklove- Hammers, boredom and scientific theorems
09/24/03 - Sticklove- has this ever happened to you?
09/24/03 - Sticklove- Washington, still.
09/12/03 - Sticklove- Washington your hands and face..?
09/12/03 - Sticklove- Washington, Y'all!!!!!!
09/12/03 - Sticklove-Mr tryrannosaurus goes to washington
09/11/03 - Sticklove- In the game of hammers, nobody wins.
09/11/03 - Sticklove- what in the noog? chicken? what's that?
09/11/03 - Sticklove- normal service will be resumed...
09/11/03 - Sitcklove- a strange superpower indeed...
09/11/03 - Sticklove- a move we all wish we could do...
09/11/03 - Sticklove-Go, Super-Mecha-Angst.E.Teen, GO!!
09/11/03 - sticklove- ...see whats on the slab.
09/11/03 - Sticklove- come into the lab...
09/11/03 - Sticklove- ROCKET ROLL!!!
09/11/03 - Sticklove-those who are about to Rocket, salute you!
09/11/03 - Sticklove-Stepping out!
09/10/03 - Sticklove- leave him to it...
09/10/03 - Sticklove- don't mess with my chair.
09/09/03 - Sticklove- an E-mail we ALL get...
09/09/03 - Sticklove- Introducing ANGST E. TEEN!!!
09/09/03 - Sticklove- Kirsten likes cock! ...roach.
09/09/03 - sticklove- the pizza situation, resolved?
09/09/03 - Sticklove- getting to know you...
09/09/03 - Sticklove-to err is human.
09/08/03 - Sticklove- the pizza situation.
09/08/03 - Sticklove- the Burt show
09/08/03 - sticklove-significant burnt otherings
09/08/03 - sticklove-Dinnertime temptations
09/08/03 - Sticklove- Dinner complications
09/06/03 - Sticklove- an extra place for dinner.
09/06/03 - Sticklove-the beggining.