Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by KingSC10
Mason gets home from school and you could tell that he's been smoking. So when he gets home he wants another pack.
Yoo run your pockets bruh where the smokes at cuh
What are you talking' bout you I don't mess wit that c'mon cuh you must be addicted to it noow
I was listenin' to J.Cole today he said to cop another bag to smoke today on that new album K.O.D
THAT doesn't mean you take it serious my G think of all the effects nicotine makes you feel awarded for somethin' that's wrong to do soon you won't know what's right
Find ways to quit on this website it'll show you ways to quit
Maybe your right bruh I need some help let's go to the hospital maybe I can get prescribed something cope with my withdrawl symptoms
Bro I'm glad you see the were gone but now your found but we can always plan a quit day it'll be easier
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