Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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This story used to be compelling, and alot of other things...that's of course, before there were characters. Now join Psyche and Obi in their daily activites. Another hairbrained scheme gone wrong, brought to you by the mysterious entity known only as the "Komik Kreator".
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by KomikKreator
Since I've interrupted the storyline already, I might as well tell you a bit more about the characters. And basically, I'd have done it soon anyway...I AM The Kreator! Don't make me get the eraser...
Fine, let's get back to the storyline already!
I refuse to do this, for the sake of keeping the plot!!
Introducing, Obi Wonkennoby!
*sigh* As it's been said, I'm Obi Wonkennoby. I am a geek, a big one. And I love this girl, Psyche. I know everything there is to know about her.
And I have this Mindsay blog that I update in all of the time. Oh...and then there's my friend Umberto...
Yes, you've been a good boy. Now, get on with it.
I guess that's really all there is to me, right boss?
And um...I'm pretty unlucky. I mean, who names their kid Obi Wonkennoby and expects no one to get the joke?
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