Since I've interrupted the storyline already, I might as well tell you a bit more about the characters. And basically, I'd have done it soon anyway...I AM The Kreator! Don't make me get the eraser...
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| Fine, let's get back to the storyline already! | |
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| I refuse to do this, for the sake of keeping the plot!! | |
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Introducing, Obi Wonkennoby!
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| *sigh* As it's been said, I'm Obi Wonkennoby. I am a geek, a big one. And I love this girl, Psyche. I know everything there is to know about her. | |
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| And I have this Mindsay blog that I update in all of the time. Oh...and then there's my friend Umberto... | |
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Yes, you've been a good boy. Now, get on with it.
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| I guess that's really all there is to me, right boss? | |
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| And um...I'm pretty unlucky. I mean, who names their kid Obi Wonkennoby and expects no one to get the joke? | |
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