Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Kraze
At Mario's Italian Ranch
Hi America, I'm John Johnson here with video game legend Mario. Mr. Mario agreed to answer a couple of questions on the suit that Luigi filed against Mario.
Itsa great to be here, John. I canta believe that that sonofabitcha is suing me fora million dollarsa! He spent all his money on mushroomsa!
So you admit that you and Luigi were hooked on mushshrooms? What about the princess, or any of the other characters?
Yeah, me anda Luigi hada addiction toa the 'shrooms, but can you blame usa, it was the 80's and evrybody was doing it! You shudda seena da princessa. She was tripping on E everya second.
Wow, so do you have any regrets?
Well it does geta lonely and alla yoshi does is play with my eggs. I guessa I shudda settled downa with the princerssa but her mama was a real, how do you say, bitch. Oh, anda watch your backa Luigi!!
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